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Bands you didn't like at the time but now sort of appreciate


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If Cobain had never martyred himself, Nirvana would never have reached legendary status. People like them because it is cool to do so. Their music is actually fairly average, notwithstanding a couple of exceptions.


In the same way that it's cool not to like them because he was a heroin addict, or just because they were sucessful etc.


Nirvana were a great band, their pop hooks and odd plus sometimes haunting lyrics are an amazing mix. It might not be to everyone's tastes but Kurt Cobain was a great song writer. Yes there's a lot of what can be described as just 'noise' in some albums, but there's a huge amount of brilliance in a large portion of their songs.


People rave about the likes of Noel Gallagher etc, but Kurt Cobain was in a different league to people like this.

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Guest CabayeAye



About a girl - Bleach


Every song pretty much on Nevermind


Heart Shaped Box - In Utero

Rape Me - In Utero

Dumb - In Utero

Pennyroyal Tea - In Utero

All Apologies - In Utero


You Know You're Right - Unreleased

Old Age - Unreleased

Sappy - Unreleased


All the above songs are better than anything Foo Fighters have produced. You quite clearly know absolutely nothing about music.


I don't mind Foo's btw, it's just they don't even come close to most things Nirvana did.


Sorry mate, but that is total and utter bollocks. You're just wrong. Nirvana are generally slow, boring one dimensional grunge (which died on it's arse BTW). The Foo Fighters have plenty of belting songs that are musically brilliant. And they are cracking live too.

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While I realise NME is not the be all and end all, it comes is no surprise to see that in their last "top 100 albums of all time" they showed:


#15 - Nirvana - In Utero

#19 - Nirvana - Nevermind


Not liking them is fair enough as its personal taste, but millions of people would disagree.

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Guest CabayeAye

People also like X Factor, McDonalds, voted for Tony Blair and Gareth Gates. Just because the proleteriat like something, doesn't make it good.


And you summed it up with what you said about NME.

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Like two bald men fighting over a comb tbh.

I have used every pretty much every comb. If we do it by types


Good Combs;

Faux Tortoiseshell plastic

Metal with pointy handle

The Imitation Flick-knife


Brilliant Brushes.


Military - metal spines in rubber base

Half Radial - with removal head for cleaning.

Vented Ceramic Radial - too die for.


Oh , nearly forgot, you're all cunts.

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Sorry mate, but that is total and utter bollocks. You're just wrong. Nirvana are generally slow, boring one dimensional grunge (which died on it's arse BTW). The Foo Fighters have plenty of belting songs that are musically brilliant. And they are cracking live too.


Thanks for just confirming that you indeed know nothing about music.


Foo Fighters better than Nirvana? Fuck me I've read some mad comments on forums before but this is right up there! Next you'll be telling me Beady Eye are better than Oasis!


One dimensional grunge? Just shows that you've never really listened to them, gone through the albums, listen to and read the lyrics or really done anything than listen to a few singles on VH1 whilst walking around the house singing at the top of your voice about not wanting to be someone's 'Monkey Wrench' :doh:

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I'm not saying Nirvana are shit, they're just hugely over-rated.


Show me a band that aren't. There's a reason why all highly rated bands are rated as such... because so many people absolutely love their music. Doesn't mean everyone will, and those that don't will always say they are over rated and that x band are better.


Nevermind and In Utero are always featured very highly in polls carried out by industry types / journo's etc... Nevermind even coming in the top 3 in many... no Foo's album ever has or will.


The foo's aren't shit, I quite like them... but Nirvana are a different class, and without them the Foo's wouldn't even have existed. Even Dave Grohl says that the pop melodies combined with the rock sound are learnt driectly from Kurt Cobain. In this sense the apprentice certainly hasn't surpassed the master.


Each to their own though, some people like ABBA and would probably argue that they are better than either Nirvana or the Foo Fighters... whereas personally i'd rather felate a goat than listen to their music

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I'm a big fan of the Foo Fighters, but Nirvana territorially piss all over them.


And fellating a goat with Abba playing is a bad idea. How can anyone keep an erection while you can hear Abba playing? It's equivalent to trying to knock one out whilst having a staring out competition with Harry Redknapp.

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Each to their own.


I prefer to be right and you prefer to be wrong.


I prefer to back up my arguments with concise information that shows the thinking behind my statements. You prefer one line answers that fail to back up anything you say... yet you still want us to believe that your statements are fact and not just your own opinion that is and will always be in the minority on this issue.


Case closed I think

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I'm a big fan of the Foo Fighters, but Nirvana territorially piss all over them.


And fellating a goat with Abba playing is a bad idea. How can anyone keep an erection while you can hear Abba playing? It's equivalent to trying to knock one out whilst having a staring out competition with Harry Redknapp.


But surely if you are felating a goat it's not you that needs to maintain the erection... it's the goat. I'm afraid your ability to keep a goat hard whilst Abba is playing is more down to your own poor technique rather than the music, as personally I've always been able to bring a Goat to climax before the 2nd chorus of Waterloo

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But surely if you are felating a goat it's not you that needs to maintain the erection... it's the goat. I'm afraid your ability to keep a goat hard whilst Abba is playing is more down to your own poor technique rather than the music, as personally I've always been able to bring a Goat to climax before the 2nd chorus of Waterloo


Not at all about my erection - it's the goat. Despite me having no evidence at all, it's my opinion that a goat would go floppy by the first chorus of Knowing Me, Knowing You.


To be caught performing fellatio on a limp-dicked goat is possibly the ultimate embarrassment. At least if he had a stonking big stiffy, passers-by would at least acknowledge the impressive bloodflow obtained.


Basically, I think we'd be better off with George Michael's cover of Roxanne - goats love that.

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Not at all about my erection - it's the goat. Despite me having no evidence at all, it's my opinion that a goat would go floppy by the first chorus of Knowing Me, Knowing You.


To be caught performing fellatio on a limp-dicked goat is possibly the ultimate embarrassment. At least if he had a stonking big stiffy, passers-by would at least acknowledge the impressive bloodflow obtained.


Basically, I think we'd be better off with George Michael's cover of Roxanne - goats love that.


This is true... however please note that should you wish for the Goat to return the favour I've always found power ballads from the 80's work wonders

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With such a high risk activity as goat fellatio, if you want the favour returned, I'd recommend a standing up 69 position. You might need to arch your back a bit, but you'd be able to hold the goat by the back legs and dictate the play.

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