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Moon Landings

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not when it's blocked as in a flask on Earth is coated in silver between both inner and outer thermos that is a vacuum. A satellite cannot dissipate the heat from it's workings inside a cover with a vacuum outside and would simply over heat.


Even if it was in the vacuum of space without the components being covered, the heat would only dissipate around it and the components would burn out or render all the solder into a dry contact.


If you had a glass thermos and created the vacuum, you would lose heat as it would slowly travel to the outer part because there is no silver to deflect the heat back.

How does the heat of the Sun get to Earth, d'you think , hmm?

It arrives by radiation, as in " the Sun radiates heat".

The minuscule amount of heat generated by a satellite's components are dissipated into space the very same way.


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How does the heat of the Sun get to Earth, d'you think , hmm?

It arrives by radiation, as in " the Sun radiates heat".

The minuscule amount of heat generated by a satellite's components are dissipated into space the very same way.

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How does the heat of the Sun get here Wolfy?


Thicko !!


Easy that one, there's bazzillions of tiny invisible fairies that flap their wings when the sun is bright which creates friction and thus heat, if it's really bright, their wings are going so fast they sweat profusely which obviously accounts for humidity along with the heat.

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Wolfy, the creater of this thread has seen the ISS with the naked eye. With binoculars you can see its details clearly. Use the Internet to find out when the next fly by is and check for yourself.


If the ISS isn't a man made satellite, what is it? It doesn't look aerodynamic enough to fly if your insane theory suggests its some kind of plane which 'they' fly by accurate to the nearest millisecond. You're falling apart here.

Edited by Renton
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It is quite bizzare with all the technological breakthroughs that we havent returned in over 40 years.


In this world of fame, celebrity and X factor it would be a world wide television event creating billions.


Getting a rocket into space is the expensive bit. Going to the moon is (allegedly) fuel free and just requires the odd spurt to keep everything on track.


It would be a PR coup and my generation would lap it up.



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It is quite bizzare with all the technological breakthroughs that we havent returned in over 40 years.


In this world of fame, celebrity and X factor it would be a world wide television event creating billions.


Getting a rocket into space is the expensive bit. Going to the moon is (allegedly) fuel free and just requires the odd spurt to keep everything on track.


It would be a PR coup and my generation would lap it up.




There's literally no reason at all to go back to the moon. The things you mentioned would be dwarfed in cost compared to the cost of doing it again from scratch. I don't know why people don't get this. As for Mars, it's do difficult it won't happen in our life times, despite Parky's unfounded claims to the contrary. Also, again without an enemy to 'beat', where's the motive?

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I tried that and guess what. I saw what I can only describe as tiny blobs of light whizzing by. Are they satellites?


Can you absolutely and undeniably state that they are satellites, or are you basing it on being told they are man made satellites?

So your counter argument is that these are "blobs of light." You can't explain what they are, you can't further the debate with reasoned hypothesis, they're just "blobs of light"? Do you realise how ridiculous this sounds? You're denying your own eyes, and instead creating a fantasy which amounts to nothing more than unexplained "Blobs of light"?


the ISS can be viewed through binoculars and is definitely not just a boob of light, but a very obvious structure. How do you explain that? Blobs of light working together to fool the population? Or the ISS?


Is this guy a government lackey?


Is that a "blob of light" that this amateur photographer fashioned into an International Space Station? Or is it the International Space Station?

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Chez hasn't been on this thread for a while. He mentioned there's been a canny few conspiracies by committed by the US government (using a loose definition mind), I'd like to know what these are. Watergate? Pfft.

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So your counter argument is that these are "blobs of light." You can't explain what they are, you can't further the debate with reasoned hypothesis, they're just "blobs of light"? Do you realise how ridiculous this sounds? You're denying your own eyes, and instead creating a fantasy which amounts to nothing more than unexplained "Blobs of light"?


the ISS can be viewed through binoculars and is definitely not just a boob of light, but a very obvious structure. How do you explain that? Blobs of light working together to fool the population? Or the ISS?


Is this guy a government lackey?


Is that a "blob of light" that this amateur photographer fashioned into an International Space Station? Or is it the International Space Station?

So that's the ISS is it. It looks like a family bag of toffees to me.
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So that's the ISS is it. It looks like a family bag of toffees to me.

No, no it doesn't. It looks like a construct. It looks like a man made object. The reason you're saying it looks like a family bag of toffees is because that photo, that simple amateur photograph, disproves, debunks and disavows every assertion you've made. That's why it look like a family bag of toffees, because the alternative is to admit you're wrong.


And despite your claims to the contrary, you're not open minded, you don't think outside the box, you haven't challenged the party line, you're not a maverick. You're just wrong. Satellites are multiple, they're frequent, they're positively mundane and common place. They provide intelligence, information, entertainment and education. They're launched from the backs of planes or (when comprising of a higher payload) from rockets which meticulously calculate the precise angle to launch the vehicle into orbit so that it's inertia counteracts exactly the gravitational pull upon it from the Earth so that it remains in orbit. This is basic basic stuff and that you choose to ignore it speaks volumes about the actual investigations you've done into this subject. Claim the existence of God, declare the interference of alien species, reject the notion of the Lone Gunman. Do these things with considered position and reasoned argument and people will contest and argue with you, but concede points. You state "you don't feel the world spin" as evidence that it isn't spinning. How do you explain travelling at 60mph down the motorway and not feeling the effects of that forward motion? I state specifically how my job entails the endless struggle with maintaining the radio network which the Met Police use and you fabricate a network of relays which I can categorically state does not exist.


The situation you find yourself in now is one where many are stating the reasonable, the rational and the outright provable and your entire argument in opposition is so vague as not merit a description in the here and now.


You're wrong, I'm right and this is a shock to not a single man, woman or child upon this oblate spheroid which rotates at about 1000mph (another fact which is demonstrable) despite your unsubstantiated claims to the contrary...

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p.s. any of the amateur photographers fancy taking a shot if any satellite and uploading it so Wolfy can further suck on the bitter taste of crushed opinion, why that'd be strawberries and cream

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No, no it doesn't. It looks like a construct. It looks like a man made object. The reason you're saying it looks like a family bag of toffees is because that photo, that simple amateur photograph, disproves, debunks and disavows every assertion you've made. That's why it look like a family bag of toffees, because the alternative is to admit you're wrong.


And despite your claims to the contrary, you're not open minded, you don't think outside the box, you haven't challenged the party line, you're not a maverick. You're just wrong. Satellites are multiple, they're frequent, they're positively mundane and common place. They provide intelligence, information, entertainment and education. They're launched from the backs of planes or (when comprising of a higher payload) from rockets which meticulously calculate the precise angle to launch the vehicle into orbit so that it's inertia counteracts exactly the gravitational pull upon it from the Earth so that it remains in orbit. This is basic basic stuff and that you choose to ignore it speaks volumes about the actual investigations you've done into this subject. Claim the existence of God, declare the interference of alien species, reject the notion of the Lone Gunman. Do these things with considered position and reasoned argument and people will contest and argue with you, but concede points. You state "you don't feel the world spin" as evidence that it isn't spinning. How do you explain travelling at 60mph down the motorway and not feeling the effects of that forward motion? I state specifically how my job entails the endless struggle with maintaining the radio network which the Met Police use and you fabricate a network of relays which I can categorically state does not exist.


The situation you find yourself in now is one where many are stating the reasonable, the rational and the outright provable and your entire argument in opposition is so vague as not merit a description in the here and now.


You're wrong, I'm right and this is a shock to not a single man, woman or child upon this oblate spheroid which rotates at about 1000mph (another fact which is demonstrable) despite your unsubstantiated claims to the contrary...

Nice speech but all you're doing is telling me you are right and that some amateur astronomer took that sweet bag pic.


17, 000mph ISS whizzing by and an amateur manages to get a picture of it with just a slight blur... Like I said, nice speech.

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You know your argument's fucked when you've been so comprehensively Fished. Wolfy's world is about to comprehensively topple.

So my argument is phucked based on what?


Is it based on a nice little worded piece from Fish?

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