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What with the age of the universe and the recently charted visible spectrum and star mass, the no of poss inhabited planets grows by the day...It must be in its hundreds of thousands already. The chance of the earth being visited is relatively high imo.

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They would have been at a similar stage to us at some point.


That assumes that their evolutionary track was the same as ours but I'd agree that it's likely.


With that said.. if their evolutionary track was anything like ours, they would see that they were far more advanced and colonise us.


Unless by that point their main focus was more about resources, in which case they'd annihilate us and take our planet.


We should really hope that they're fuck all like us to be honest.

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That assumes that their evolutionary track was the same as ours but I'd agree that it's likely.


With that said.. if their evolutionary track was anything like ours, they would see that they were far more advanced and colonise us.


Unless by that point their main focus was more about resources, in which case they'd annihilate us and take our planet.


We should really hope that they're fuck all like us to be honest.

It's argued that civilizations that have mastered beyond light speed travel have to be old enough and wise enough to have survived their own evolution. If they haven't blown themselves up then after the time it takes to master space travel (to get here) then the chances are that they are unlikely to harm us. It is my view that they will/have helped us. Massless travel at kilo-light speeds is some trick and these kinds of civs would have the technology to supply themselves/make anything they might ever need and wouldn't need to wreck us for a bit of coal etc..:lol:

Edited by Park Life
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It's argued that civilizations that have mastered beyond light speed travel have to be old enough and wise enough to have survived their own evolution. If they haven't blown themselves up then after the time it takes to master space travel (to get here) then the chances are that they are unlikely to harm us. It is my view that they will/have helped us. Massless travel at kilo-light speeds is some trick and these kinds of civs would have the technology to supply themselves/make anything they might ever need and wouldn't need to wreck us for a bit of coal etc.. :lol:


Yeah but think of the real estate potential of earth! Cos obviously these aliens will be capitalists.


And I dunno. I understand what you're getting at, but I wouldn't put it past human kind to reach light speed travel, begin colonising the galaxy and then kicking off wars with ourselves and others. I think it's more an issue of relative maturity with regards to cultural differences between us and alien races - i.e. increased exposure would make both sides more understanding, but initially all defences would be up.


On Capitalism - the only way we're likely to achieve FTL travel is by making it commercially viable for something, IMO. Colonising alien world would also be commercially viable. I don't see how one could reliably argue that FTL competent races are somehow morally superior by virtue of being older civilisations. It sort of stacks up, when you look at the relative maturity of European powers vis-a-vis the US, but I'm not sure that's compelling enough evidence.


EDIT - Moreover, say there are two FTL competent species. Who decides who gets which worlds? Or controls which space? How would we establish trust? We'd have to assume that the other was arming and then prepare ourselves.


See World War I :lol:

Edited by Rayvin
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Civs/cultures even here on earth that have relied on colonization or aggression don't tend to survive very long...America will go the same way as the Roman empire.

Think you need to rethink the timescales with regard to FTL travel...


It will take hundreds of years for us to even get to a decent sub-light drive say 50,000/80,000 miles per second and then it will be an anti-matter drive (we'll have to make antimatter - we can make tiny bits now) because it's hard to find/collect in the universe.


A proper FTL drive will involve bending space time (like a black hole does)..That is thousands of years away. If we get there it is my belief we will have/have to overcome our aggressive and territorial tendencies cause if we haven't we won't exist. This the same for them.


This is also why I believe that the visitors haven't taken over or have had any inclination to destroy us. Their civs have had to be around so long to develop the tech to get here they absolutely have to be 'top lads'. ;)

Edited by Park Life
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Civs/cultures even here on earth that have relied on colonization or aggression don't tend to survive very long...America will go the same way as the Roman empire.

Think you need to rethink the timescales with regard to FTL travel...


It will take hundreds of years for us to even get to a decent sub-light drive say 50,000/80,000 miles per second and then it will be an anti-matter drive (we'll have to make antimatter - we can make tiny bits now) because it's hard to find/collect in the universe.


A proper FTL drive will involve bending space time (like a black hole does)..That is thousands of years away. If we get there it is my belief we will have/have to overcome our aggressive and territorial tendencies cause if we haven't we won't exist. This the same for them.


This is also why I believe that the visitors haven't taken over or have had any inclination to destroy us. Their civs have had to be around so long to develop the tech to get here they absolutely have to be 'top lads'. ;)



I was under the impression that the only achievable means of FTL travel was through converting mass into waves. What you're saying sounds like wormholes which would also work I guess.


I assumed it was just one breakthrough for us to pull off mass/wave conversion really.


It's going to be really interesting when someone pulls it off/destroys the universe trying, it's a shame we won't be there for it.


And fair enough on your points, I guess I'm just more sceptical about human nature.

Edited by Rayvin
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Some people have been watching too much star trek. FTL travel is impossible, the existence if wormholes is pure speculation not based on any empirical knowledge, so talk about utilising them is pointless. More to the point, FTL travel would mean you could go back in time, which obviously isn't possible or the Universe would undergo paradoxical self destruction.


Parky simultaneously believes Apollo was faked and yet 'they' have a network of interplanetary bases set up. Based on nothing, iirc.

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Some people have been watching too much star trek. FTL travel is impossible, the existence if wormholes is pure speculation not based on any empirical knowledge, so talk about utilising them is pointless. More to the point, FTL travel would mean you could go back in time, which obviously isn't possible or the Universe would undergo paradoxical self destruction.


Parky simultaneously believes Apollo was faked and yet 'they' have a network of interplanetary bases set up. Based on nothing, iirc.

We know next to nothing about the universe and physics. We've been properly at it about a 100 years. :lol: I think even in your ivory tower you might concede a civ a few hundred thousand years old might know a thing or two more than us. ;)


None of what you say detracts from the logic that very advanced civs by thier very nature are unlikely to be war mongering luddites which is my main point.

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We know next to nothing about the universe and physics. We've been properly at it about a 100 years. :lol: I think even in your ivory tower you might concede a civ a few hundred thousand years old might know a thing or two more than us. ;)


None of what you say detracts from the logic that very advanced civs by thier very nature are unlikely to be war mongering luddites which is my main point.

I agree with the last point, so did Carl Sagan.


I think we know more about the Universe than you give physicists credit for, I just don't believe it's possible to change the fundamental laws of physics, particularly regarding time travel. Kill your granny and what happens etc.

Edited by Renton
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"The fact that we can't see aliens is precisely what proves they exist." That's such a watertight argument it's practically... religious. :D

Isn't it dafter to think that hundreds of thousands of habitable planets are NOT inhabited? ;)

Edited by Park Life
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