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Moon Landings

Christmas Tree

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True story- my daughter became very interested in the planets, so we went through them and she learnt them all.

She asked why you can sometimes see the Moon during the day, so I explained to her how the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits the Earth.

We did this by me being the Earth, her being the Moon, and the tree in our garden being the ( static) Sun.

As well as having a good giggle spinning round the garden until we were dizzy, she grasped the concept of planetary and satellite moon orbits pretty quickly.


She turned 5 in July.

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A little concerned wolfy has a child.






No offence but you are fucking mental.


I was typing up something very similar an hour but refrained. But I agree with this post 100%. Unfortunately I have had to deal with mental illness through friends and family. Either wolfy is a wum (a vert nasty one), or he is ill, seriously. Paranoid schizophrenia would be my guess.


Or maybe I'm making too much of it. He might just be a sound dad who just personally believe in ANYTHING scientific, but this won't stop him affecting his kids lives at all, will it?

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It's a strange one.

My parents weren't religious in the least. I can count the number of times I went to church as a child on one hand.

But they weren't anti-religion, they just felt it was my choice, not theirs, as to what I believed.

My wife was brought up in a very "Churchy" family.

Summer Church Camp, Sunday School, Church Club, the full Christian works.

When I first met her, she was going throug the process of rejecting her belief and becoming an atheist.

Interesting times at the Mother-in-Law's , let me tell you :lol:


We are trying to bring our children up to let them decide for themselves, they experience both people with faith ,and people without.

She loves staying at her Granny's , but knows that if she stays on a Saturday night, she has to go to Church with Granny on Sunday morning.

Sometimes she doesn't mind, other times she finds it dull.

I'm quite happy for her to experience both , as it means when she does come to decide, hopefully it'll be based on , at least partly, her experience of both sides.

Obviously, I'd like her to eventually be an atheist, but if she finds faith, so be it, it'll be her choice.

What I'm trying to say is that I see my job as a father as that of giving them as much information and guidance as I can, even when some of it isn't necessarily what I believe myself, but then when they are able to choose their own path, at the very least I'll have given them informed choices.

Mind, even though he's only 2, I've already told my son " Nee Munters wor Kid, nee munters".

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True story- my daughter became very interested in the planets, so we went through them and she learnt them all.

She asked why you can sometimes see the Moon during the day, so I explained to her how the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits the Earth.

We did this by me being the Earth, her being the Moon, and the tree in our garden being the ( static) Sun.

As well as having a good giggle spinning round the garden until we were dizzy, she grasped the concept of planetary and satellite moon orbits pretty quickly.


She turned 5 in July.


Reported for brainwashing.

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Mind, even though he's only 2, I've already told my son " Nee Munters wor Kid, nee munters".



fwiw wolfy's anger towards "the establishment" is a little culty if you ask me.

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I have no anger towards any establishment. I simply question things that I don't accept as being the whole truth.

Yet you accuse them of huge conspiracies?


Oh and don't forget you can't (or won't answer direct questions).

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How does

You decide.


follow from

Yet you accuse them of huge conspiracies?


Oh and don't forget you can't (or won't answer direct questions).



Seriously, there isn't a logical path from A-B.


Explain yourself

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How does



follow from




Seriously, there isn't a logical path from A-B.


Explain yourself

You said, " I CAN'T or WON'T answer direct questions. I'm asking you to decide which one it is. CAN'T or WON'T.
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You said, " I CAN'T or WON'T answer direct questions. I'm asking you to decide which one it is. CAN'T or WON'T.

There are questions you have answered, but in general I would say it's a little of column A and a little of column B. I think there are some questions you can answer but refuse to, there are some questions you can't answer and mask that inability by using vagueness and by aiming for mystery again.

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There are questions you have answered, but in general I would say it's a little of column A and a little of column B. I think there are some questions you can answer but refuse to, there are some questions you can't answer and mask that inability by using vagueness and by aiming for mystery again.

There is no mystery.

This topic was put up by CT and I gave my opinion on it and was challenged with a FEW questions but mainly, most of the questions were about my mental state and the fact that people can't believe I'm a father and I appear unfit to basically be a part of society lol


Now if these are the questions I won't answer, then it's because I like to let those who are psychiatrists on here, (which there appear to be a few) make their own diagnosis of me, which doesn't appear to need my help or require me to lay on a couch.


Any questions you say I can't answer, put up, or, if you can't find them, then if you have questions....ask them and if you don't, then it's pointless trying to point anything out.


In a nutshell...find the questions I can't answer and find the questions (apart from the psychiatric evaluation one's) I won;t answer and let's see where we go from there.

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There was a lad that lived round ours as teenagers who went to see Billy Graham when he came to Sunln in '84 .


EIGHT nights he gigged at Roker Park !


Couldn't imagine a shitter night out .


Billy Graham's visit


One piece of brightness amid the 12 months of gloom during the miners' strike was the visit of American evangelist Billy Graham to Sunderland.


Billy urged Wearsiders to "get up out of your seats" and find God while preaching at Roker Park for eight nights in late May and early June.


Tens of thousands made the pilgrimage to the football ground to see Billy and a spokesman said: "I can't recall seeing a response like that".



Edited by LoveTheBobby
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There is no mystery.

This topic was put up by CT and I gave my opinion on it and was challenged with a FEW questions but mainly, most of the questions were about my mental state and the fact that people can't believe I'm a father and I appear unfit to basically be a part of society lol


Now if these are the questions I won't answer, then it's because I like to let those who are psychiatrists on here, (which there appear to be a few) make their own diagnosis of me, which doesn't appear to need my help or require me to lay on a couch.


Any questions you say I can't answer, put up, or, if you can't find them, then if you have questions....ask them and if you don't, then it's pointless trying to point anything out.


In a nutshell...find the questions I can't answer and find the questions (apart from the psychiatric evaluation one's) I won;t answer and let's see where we go from there.


Ok, how about these:

  1. explain why the entire universe revolves around this planet. This explanation may not simply be a belief but will require further theory; why this planet, what massive force does this planet produce to affect an expanse so vast as to baffle the dull-witted
  2. explain why this planet does not spin yet all others do
  3. If, as you state, it is Magnetism and Not Gravity that keeps objects upon this planet, explain why not metallic objects don't simply float off?
  4. One of your core explanations for the impossibility of satellites is their inability to disperse the heat their components would build up, this has been explained away by this heat dissipating through space in much the same way as the Sun's heat is dispersed. Do you understand this?
  5. Another is that you believe the satellites too flimsy to withstand the effect that the vacuum of space would have upon them, again this shows a lack of understanding of the nature of things, as quite flimsy creatures have been found to exist in the crushing depths of the oceans. Hell, there've been examples of animals that exist half in sub-zero water and half in boiling thermal vents down there. Can you understand this?
  6. You've given the reasons for the conspiracies as "to make money" and yet can't rebut Chez's assertions that this conspiracy would have to have been ongoing since the 16th century and, therefore, cannot reasonably be true
  7. Again and again you fall back to "it's just what I believe" while also stating that you "know 100%" that the moon landings or satellites are falsified. Can you see why there isn't a sound mind on the planet that would accept that as sufficient reasoning.

There are more, but I won't ask them now until you've replied to each of these questions in full.

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Ok, how about these:

  1. explain why the entire universe revolves around this planet. This explanation may not simply be a belief but will require further theory; why this planet, what massive force does this planet produce to affect an expanse so vast as to baffle the dull-witted
  2. explain why this planet does not spin yet all others do
  3. If, as you state, it is Magnetism and Not Gravity that keeps objects upon this planet, explain why not metallic objects don't simply float off?
  4. One of your core explanations for the impossibility of satellites is their inability to disperse the heat their components would build up, this has been explained away by this heat dissipating through space in much the same way as the Sun's heat is dispersed. Do you understand this?
  5. Another is that you believe the satellites too flimsy to withstand the effect that the vacuum of space would have upon them, again this shows a lack of understanding of the nature of things, as quite flimsy creatures have been found to exist in the crushing depths of the oceans. Hell, there've been examples of animals that exist half in sub-zero water and half in boiling thermal vents down there. Can you understand this?
  6. You've given the reasons for the conspiracies as "to make money" and yet can't rebut Chez's assertions that this conspiracy would have to have been ongoing since the 16th century and, therefore, cannot reasonably be true
  7. Again and again you fall back to "it's just what I believe" while also stating that you "know 100%" that the moon landings or satellites are falsified. Can you see why there isn't a sound mind on the planet that would accept that as sufficient reasoning.

There are more, but I won't ask them now until you've replied to each of these questions in full.

My answers to your questions.


1.explain why the entire universe revolves around this planet. This explanation may not simply be a belief but will require further theory; why this planet, what massive force does this planet produce to affect an expanse so vast as to baffle the dull-witted.




Simple human observation firstly. I.E..this Earth supposedly spins at 1040mph along the equator yet we feel no effects of this, not even any force acting upon us however small, yet get on a slow carousel and your body can feel the motion. Naturally we get told that the Earth is so vast that it's nullified, which is clap trap....then we are told that the reason we don't feel movement is because the .............wait for it...wait for it.... the ATMOSPHERE, is travelling at exactly the same speed as the Earth.

So basically, this solid Earth has an atmosphere that clings to it from floor to the edge of the atmosphere and it all spins in unison, yet somehow we have another atmosphere within this that we can feel as a breeze on our faces going in all directions and clouds moving here , there and everywhere.

We are not schooled to use our own common sense, we are schooled to believe what they tell us because it fits into their bullshit.

As to why this planet appears to have everything in place to sustain it, is open to all theories, none of which can be correct 100% as we are far too primitive to actually prove it one way or the other which includes you Fish as well as myself.

What we can do, is use our own thoughts (not schooled thoughts) to make our own assumptions and my theory is....this Earth exists with life and plants, oceans and rivers because everything is in place around it for it to sustain life so in a way, we are unique in our own part of the universe.

We are told that stars are many light years away and we accept it because that's what we are told and although they are far away, I think they are a hell of a lot closer than we are told, it all takes much more explaining of course which I could do in bits over time.


Question 2: explain why this planet does not spin yet all others do...



Which planets SPIN? The moon doesn't appear to spin as we see the same face of the moon constantly and the other planets, I do not see spinning unless you want to go by N.A.S.A pics, which defeats the object as they can tell you anything, which they regularly do make up.


Question3: If, as you state, it is Magnetism and Not Gravity that keeps objects upon this planet, explain why not metallic objects don't simply float off?


Answer: I didn't state it was just magnetism, I said "electromagnetism" and basically, think of it like this. Get a balloon, blow it up and imagine that's the Earth..create your static by rubbing it through your hair or jumper and put a piece of paper against it and what happens?

We can't comprehend this because to us mere mortals we are schooled to accept it because to us, our head will explode or we will die of electric shock or whatever but the force is weak and that's why you can jump up a little bit and the higher you go up, the more the force wants to push you back down because it's geared to keeping your feet on the deck so you don't float off and is why you get more tired, the higher the stairs you climb.


QUESTION 4: One of your core explanations for the impossibility of satellites is their inability to disperse the heat their components would build up, this has been explained away by this heat dissipating through space in much the same way as the Sun's heat is dispersed. Do you understand this?


ANSWER: My core explanation is not the heat it is rockets not working in a vacuum as we are told space is and if so, it also applies to dissipation of heat because fans cannot cool components but equally it can be argued, so look at cold welding in a vacuum which I mentioned which nobody answered. Look it up, see what you find.


QUESTION 5: Another is that you believe the satellites too flimsy to withstand the effect that the vacuum of space would have upon them, again this shows a lack of understanding of the nature of things, as quite flimsy creatures have been found to exist in the crushing depths of the oceans. Hell, there've been examples of animals that exist half in sub-zero water and half in boiling thermal vents down there. Can you understand this?


ANSWER: Oh I understand what you are saying here. In all fairness though satellites aren't deep ocean creatures, they are man made contraptions that they tell us are in space and somehow manage to power themselves for decades making course changes to stop them falling out of orbit..If there were so called fuel tanks on them to make these changes then the vacuum of space would crush them by the speed in which fuel was pulled out. We aren't in space so I understand that this argument could go tit for tat forever.


QUESTION 6: You've given the reasons for the conspiracies as "to make money" and yet can't rebut Chez's assertions that this conspiracy would have to have been ongoing since the 16th century and, therefore, cannot reasonably be true


ANSWER: I think the bullshit goes even further than that. The problem is, was it the 16th century or earlier people creating bullshit or is it modern day man's manipulation of it all? There's a question in itself.

Unless we have a time machine, we will never know the true answer to what the distant past was with any certainty, we simply have to go on what we are told which may be correct or may be altered to fit a criteria, who knows?


QUESTION 7: Again and again you fall back to "it's just what I believe" while also stating that you "know 100%" that the moon landings or satellites are falsified. Can you see why there isn't a sound mind on the planet that would accept that as sufficient reasoning.


ANSWER: I gave plenty of answer as to why I believe the moon landings were faked...why don't you go back and take a look. And I do know for a fact they were faked by studying everything to do with it and the equipment supposedly used.

Many people know it's faked and I mean millions but most won't go into it because they know that anyone questioning anything like this is labelled a nut case and most can't handle being called names.

Fortunately for me, I don't give a rats arse what people call me because I know it's fake, so I just smile.



There you go...and don;t say I don't give you nowt. :smoke-1:

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For anyone that wants to know why a rocket cannot work in a vacuum, here is a simple little experiment you can do at home that costs pennies.


Now as well all know..a vacuum is basically nothing. So here is the experiment.


Get one large balloon and one small balloon plus two pegs and a hollow plastic tube that will fit tightly into both balloon tops. This is all you need.


Ok your first experiment is to blow one balloon up and hold the neck with your fingers, then release your grip and you will find that your balloon goes whizzing about the house until all the air is gone. This is your simple rocket fuel.



Ok, now blow up your small balloon and clamp it...we will call this your rocket balloon... now we need it to be in the vacuum of space, so put your tube into the neck of your large balloon that is laying flat on the table, meaning there is no air in it....we will call this balloon "SPACE VACUUM"


Now attach your small balloon neck to the other end of the tube so that you now have both balloon necks attached with the small balloon filled with air ( your rocket fuel) and the larger balloon that is empty, ( the vacuum of space)


Now release the peg on your small balloon so that the air rushes into the larger one and you will see that your smaller balloon does not want to fly away as it did before because the larger balloon has swallowed all it's air, leaving both balloons on the table doing nothing.


A rocket in space would not work because any fuel burned would be swallowed up by the vacuum of space immediately, creating the same effect as the balloon.


Of course, I know it sounds simple but that's the problem...it is simple but it's too simple for many people to understand because their heads have been filled with bullshit physics of how things supposedly push against THEMSELVES.


Common sense is all you need. In-fact, stand up and try and push yourself over with your own hands against your own chest and see what happens.

Edited by wolfy
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