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You can do it yourself ffs!


Btw, it's clear you don't even understand the concepts of relative speeds and distance. What do you think the ISS is?

I believe the ISS is a space fake but a very real mock up model placed inside a large pool where all the so called space walks and what not stem from.

The pictures of the Earth that are supposedly took from the ISS are as fake as can be.


Some of the pictures that are shown of the Earth are real, the high altitude balloon and maybe U2 spy plane pictures, that get credited to a fake ISS.


If there are any so called satellites up there doing anything, they are at best high altitude balloons relaying pictures and anything whizzing through the night sky are simply small meteoroids.


We don't have any craft capable of going 17,000 mph and they can tell us anything.


This crazy notion of launching satellites into space from planes is even more laughable. It's as if they are making space into such simplicity one minute and the next they tell you how difficult it is to go to the moon again TODAY, yet they seemed to have pissed it in the 60's.


If people want to buy into all that none-sense then that's absolutely fine as you all have your own mind. I prefer to use my own logic and common sense to see through lies and bullshit and others prefer to hang onto the notion that everything they are shown and told, as long as it's from an official source...is real.

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I believe the ISS is a space fake but a very real mock up model placed inside a large pool where all the so called space walks and what not stem from.

The pictures of the Earth that are supposedly took from the ISS are as fake as can be.


Some of the pictures that are shown of the Earth are real, the high altitude balloon and maybe U2 spy plane pictures, that get credited to a fake ISS.


If there are any so called satellites up there doing anything, they are at best high altitude balloons relaying pictures and anything whizzing through the night sky are simply small meteoroids.


We don't have any craft capable of going 17,000 mph and they can tell us anything.


This crazy notion of launching satellites into space from planes is even more laughable. It's as if they are making space into such simplicity one minute and the next they tell you how difficult it is to go to the moon again TODAY, yet they seemed to have pissed it in the 60's.


If people want to buy into all that none-sense then that's absolutely fine as you all have your own mind. I prefer to use my own logic and common sense to see through lies and bullshit and others prefer to hang onto the notion that everything they are shown and told, as long as it's from an official source...is real.


This other side to your stance is ridiculous as well by the way. That people who believe in the existence in satellites are somehow misguided or gullible. We're not. We're right.


One side of this argument has stacks of photos, tomes of theory and volumes of evidence to support their argument.

The other side has nothing but supposition and conjecture.


Which followers are the more gullible?


Hint: it's your side.

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So the ISS is a satellite, just not a manned one? Also, who the fuck other than you thinks Apollo was a piece of piss? Most expensive human endeavour ever, and cost the lives of the first crew, you ignorant fuck.

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This other side to your stance is ridiculous as well by the way. That people who believe in the existence in satellites are somehow misguided or gullible. We're not. We're right.


One side of this argument has stacks of photos, tomes of theory and volumes of evidence to support their argument.

The other side has nothing but supposition and conjecture.


Which followers are the more gullible?


Hint: it's your side.

Of course you are going to go by that though, it's only natural you will take that stance and I wouldn't expect anything else. My stance is simply that I've seen enough fakery and heard enough bullshit from so called actor noughts to absolutely convince me that space exploration is all faked.


Anybody who doesn't take an interest in space or hasn't looked at the possibilities of it being real or not, aren't gullible, they simply don't find it interesting enough to bother with.


Those that sift through any evidence and absolutely see nothing untoward with anything official, that's when I think that those people simply deny anything can be faked simply because they like to believe in anything official as far as space goes.


I'm in the minority of people who think it's faked but not because I'm wrong, it's because many people have hung onto what they hear and see on television and simply go with it without ever thinking of questioning anything.


TV fakery is a massive tool in the mind phuck games and so are the actors behind it.


It shows the mentality of people when a soap actor/actress can get abuse in the street over a fictional storyline they have been the main character of.

To many people, that soap is real and they tend to forget that it's all acted, so it doesn't surprise me when anybody believes what they see and hangs onto it all as 100% gospel.

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So the ISS is a satellite, just not a manned one? Also, who the fuck other than you thinks Apollo was a piece of piss? Most expensive human endeavour ever, and cost the lives of the first crew, you ignorant fuck.

Who said the ISS is a satellite?


Apollo was a piece of piss for the film makers as they could go to the moon as many times as they wanted and even use the same spacesuit actors as no one knows who was inside those suits when the filming started.

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Who said the ISS is a satellite?


Apollo was a piece of piss for the film makers as they could go to the moon as many times as they wanted and even use the same spacesuit actors as no one knows who was inside those suits when the filming started.



I've asked before but I'll ask again. What is the ISS, visible with naked eye, if its not a satellite? Answer this or fuck off tbh.

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I've asked before but I'll ask again. What is the ISS, visible with naked eye, if its not a satellite? Answer this or fuck off tbh.

Ask the question again and be a bit more civil and I'll answer it.
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Ask the question again and be a bit more civil and I'll answer it.


I've asked this and several other questions many times. And you've not answered. Hence my lack of patience now. You won't accept evidence you can see with your own eyes. Have you thought you might be ill?

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I've asked this and several other questions many times. And you've not answered. Hence my lack of patience now. You won't accept evidence you can see with your own eyes. Have you thought you might be ill?

If you are losing patience, then do not take any part in a conversation with me, I'm fine with that.

If on the other hand, you feel that you must, then it works better when asking questions if you try simply asking instead of getting irate, which is clearly counter productive.


Now what evidence can I see with my own eyes that tells me this is not fake? Personally I see many things that look ok but mostly I see things that are clearly fake and look fake because they are sloppily done and insult the intelligence of people.


As for being ill, I've been I'll a few times in my life as I suppose many people have with one ailment or another. If you mean MENTALLY ill, then I'll leave that up to any individual to ponder over as it really has no bearing on my thoughts.

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If you are losing patience, then do not take any part in a conversation with me, I'm fine with that.

If on the other hand, you feel that you must, then it works better when asking questions if you try simply asking instead of getting irate, which is clearly counter productive.


Now what evidence can I see with my own eyes that tells me this is not fake? Personally I see many things that look ok but mostly I see things that are clearly fake and look fake because they are sloppily done and insult the intelligence of people.


As for being ill, I've been I'll a few times in my life as I suppose many people have with one ailment or another. If you mean MENTALLY ill, then I'll leave that up to any individual to ponder over as it really has no bearing on my thoughts.

If you are losing patience, then do not take any part in a conversation with me, I'm fine with that.

If on the other hand, you feel that you must, then it works better when asking questions if you try simply asking instead of getting irate, which is clearly counter productive.


Now what evidence can I see with my own eyes that tells me this is not fake? Personally I see many things that look ok but mostly I see things that are clearly fake and look fake because they are sloppily done and insult the intelligence of people.


As for being ill, I've been I'll a few times in my life as I suppose many people have with one ailment or another. If you mean MENTALLY ill, then I'll leave that up to any individual to ponder over as it really has no bearing on my thoughts.


Will you find when the ISS is next going to pass over a location of your choice, stand there and look through a pair of binoculars or a telescope and look for the ISS in the part of the sky that whichever resource you used said it would be?


If you won't do this simple and incontrovertible test you shouldn't continue this debate as it makes you look stupid.

We've tried to prove the existence of satellites, and if your mind wasn't closed we would have succeeded, it's now up to you to disprove their existence.


The components of a satellite would cool in the partial vacuum of space.

The orbit of a satellite is maintained by precisely matching the inertia of the vehicle with the gravitational force that affects it.

Amateur photographers have snapped satellites and the ISS.

Amateur rocketeers have launched vehicles into space.

A network of radio relays could not pin point the location of sailors lost in the pacific, GPS did.

Satellites are launched either from rockets or from high altitude flights.



Not one of the statements above is far fetched, or fabricated, nor makes me gullible.

I do not believe the above statements because I simply believe whatever I'm told as, if that were true, I'd believe in God, the afterlife and so on.

I believe the above statements are true because they are reasonable, rational and feasible statements.



You've not read the literature that backs up satellites, you've simply taken a position and stuck your fingers in your ears, despite challenging members of this board to convince you otherwise, promising that your mind is open.

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Fish: Literature to back up satellites means nothing. There's literature that backs up the moon landings, 9/11 and every other thing we know of today...it doesn't mean it's correct.


Anyone can write literature on any given subject and in their own mind, believe it to be correct because that's how they have been taught.

Do you know what cold welding in a vacuum mean? If not, look it up.


The orbit of a satellite is maintaining inertia with gravity you say...to me, this is simple hokus pocus magical bullshit told to us to fit it into their criteria.



Here's something for you and see what calculations you come up with.


A so called low Earth orbit satellite apparently travels around the Earth at 17,000 mph. Which as they tell us, is no good for GPS or sky television as it's moving many times faster than the so called Earth's spin, so they use what's known as a geo stationary satellite that's supposedly 24,000 miles into space that orbits the Earth at exactly the same rate as the Earth is allegedly spinning, meaning that this satellite stays at exactly the same point over the Earth at any given time and this is why you can get GPS and sky television by pointing your dish at it.


Now here's the 64,000 dollar question.


How fast would that geo stationary satellite have to be travelling to keep pace with the Earth at a distance of 24,000 miles out into space?

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You see, when bullshit is spewed out by so called astro physicists, everything has to be shoehorned in to fit, even if it sounds ridiculous to many people.

They rely on amazing us with that science and totally frying our brains with the mathematics behind it so that most people won't even attempt to make any sense of it all, they will just accept it as amazing and be done with it.


People just accept that satellites are out there in space, orbiting us at 24,000 miles out and following the so called Earth's rotation yet don;t question how that satellite got there and how it manages to travel at unbelievable speeds just to keep track of a supposed rotating Earth.


What craft puts these satellites into orbit at that distance?

Is it the shuttle, that can only supposedly go 320 miles up.....well that seems to rule that out...


So what rockets have we been sending up to not only get these 24,000 mile out satellites up there but that can also catapult them to the required obvious astronomical speed to PERFECTLY orbit the Earth with such pin point accuracy that we never, EVER have to alter our sky dishes.


Apparently, you can fly a plane high enough and just hoy one of these little bastards out into space and the clever little satellite will do the rest...you know, it will spawn some kind of super vacuum rocket motor and immediately set itself to hyper drive until it is pin point accurate because this is how clever our scientists are.


I don't believe in God but if my choice were to believe in God or that scientists have put man in space, on the moon, and satellites at 24,000 miles out, I'll take my chance on God being real.

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:lol: How Renton was going to flounce off until Leazes was banished but he's just getting infuriated in exactly the same way by somebody else...*



...or is he? Maybe Wolfy is just another incarnation of the old bugger (or another piece of software/bot for those who believed he was) sent to infuriate us in other ways. They got on reasonably well during the overlap period I recall. You do wonder....


*I know that it wasn't just the perpetual debates with Leazes, he'd started hunting down Renton in other threads and was getting a bit personal.



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