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CT you been to The Bridge Hotel before?


What about the Town Wall? The bait in there is lush as well if you and your lass are looking for a bite to eat as well.


Never been in either, however now that we are hooked on Tapas I think Gemmils posh tapas place will be next on the list.


I'll give some of these a match day visit with the youngun to check them out. (If I can tear myself away from the Strawberry Burger).



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Never been in either, however now that we are hooked on Tapas I think Gemmils posh tapas place will be next on the list.


I'll give some of these a match day visit with the youngun to check them out. (If I can tear myself away from the Strawberry Burger).



For the sake of you and your family; never try drugs.


You develop a new obsession every bloody month. Do that with something actually addictive and you may never see the light of day again.

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I'd prefer If CT took up making meth Walter White style. Showing his kit on a 'meth' thread with tips he picked up from a meth forum. As soon as he nearly becomes the north easts drug overlord he gets bored, chucks the stuff out and buys a hat making kit

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  • 1 month later...

Went for a couple in Brewdog on Wedsnesday early evening.....wasn't best impressed with any of it, including the beer tbh. The manager stood behind the bar was wearing what I call a "Lester Piggott" cap, the sort youngsters of a certain type seem to think makes them look....well, I dunno, a fuckin fashion victim perhaps?


Anyway, thinking of others as per usual, I asked "what cider do you do mate?"...."errr....we don't, err, I mean we havent had a delivery this week..." NO FUCKIN CIDER???!! is what I wanted to say when seeing the effect this news had on Mrs PLs facial expression, but I refrained....she doesnt drink wine either, and definetly not beer of any description. So she was a bit stuck really, which is piss poor on their part iyam. "Try this" he said, pouring a thimble full of whisky with bubbles in it into a glass. Not wanting to cause a scene, she said "yeah, its ok" and I ordered the weakest beer they had on that day, a pint of 5 am saint which is, at 5.4% abv, is stronger than Stela Artois. So a session in there was seemingly out of the question, due to them thinking its ok to serve industrial strength superbrews instead of something you can happily guzzle a half dozen or so of in pint form.


The place itself stank of damp. Fair enough its near the river but ffs, it was awful. The clientele was a mix.....the ultra trendy, folk in from work for a jar, and a couple with "professional real ale connisseurs" written all over their earnest expressions, no doubt in to see what the new kid in town had to offer. They looked puzzled by the whole thing from the word go, eyeing their pints shiftily, looking around self conciously as if theyd just arrived naked on earth from the future.They drank up sharpish a did one, can't blame them tbh. Decor was trendy, sort of "minimalist-industrial"; in other words trying too hard to appear "edgy". J69 might enjoy it though, theyve got a fuckin pinball machine too :glare:


So we strolled out, the missus not impressed as, surpise surprise, she couldnt finsish her "dram". So to placate her we went to Revolution for a cocktail. It was still light and it has to be said inside its an amazing bar, very good conversion job.She was well happy afer that, we then went to the Forth, where she saw what a proper bar offering a good selection of ales and ciders is like. They had SEVEN ciders on offer, take that Brewdog! She loved the place, its a great boozer it has to be said. Went to Bodega too, and some scran down Stowell Street too. Good night all in all, but although I'd gove Brewdog a go elsewhere, cant see me calling into the Dean Street gaff again.


So, as antidote to all that is new and trendy, this is a bar called The Cambridge Blue we were in on Thursday night, in err..Cambridge ;) Utterly,utterly fabulous place. Hope CT doesnt see this in the taxi on his phone, he's likely to make a mess of the upholstery :D


hows this for a beer fridge CT? :lol:




The bar....a fair choice on draft, as you can see...fuckin 25 draft beers! Its an amazing place. In a terraced street, off Mill Road in Cambridge for anyone in the area.



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Drooling tbh mate :lol:


I must admit I went back to Brew Dog with the daughter prior to Spurs and the novelty had worn off. The punk IPA reminded me of arm pit sweat.


The forth is a proper pub and I love the outside upstairs even though I dont smoke.


Been to morrisons today and got a selection of 6 different bottles to try. The first was called Innis and Gunn original 6.6%. Loverleeeeee :lol:

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By the way Paddock lad (if you come back in here), whats the likelihood of being able to get tickets for Brugge. Checked various transport prices out however some on here were saying last night that it may be like the mackems away and tickets only going to high point earners.

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By the way Paddock lad (if you come back in here), whats the likelihood of being able to get tickets for Brugge. Checked various transport prices out however some on here were saying last night that it may be like the mackems away and tickets only going to high point earners.


Depends on allocation I'd imagine mate, and obviously being easy to get to will have a bearing. PM me nearer the time...got a few irons in the fire if the need arises.

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The Cumberland at Ouseburn ?


Probably a bit off road of your matchday Eddy Eats tour like .


Similarly The Cumberland in Tynemouth often have local / guest ales


Aye, its a match day venue Im after. Apparently you can buy bottles, but only in Fenwicks.

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