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New job

Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Chuggers? I can't imagine a worse job. Have some sympathy you heartless bastard!

I meant in general. But re: chuggers, it's a shit job but you have to be a certain sort of wanker to do it imo. Like most sales, I think having a soul is an obstacles to success. Buy cheap, buy twice ;)

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When I started University in 1983 (last game before I started we beat Palace 3-1 at home), the full grant (which I got because my parents earned under the threshold) was £1,680 per annum. There were no fees & I could sign on in the Summer, which I did until I found work in both summer 84 (Joe Corals in Felling Square) & summer 85 (Gateshead Library Prince Consort Road). In addition, any travel costs (3 return trips home & all daily travel as part of study) over £50 was repayable. Prescriptions & dental work were both free.


A different world......


During term time, my rent was £10 per week in 1st year, £11.50 in 2nd year & £13.50 in 3rd; we paid 50% of this for mid June to mid Sept as a retainer.

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I'm so old I was PAID to go to University for my degree. Then I was paid A LOT to do my PhD.


Feel sorry for students today. Say you rack up 30 grand debt, and so does your partner (most graduates will end up with another graduate). You're starting off 60k in debt. But most banks now want silly money deposits before they will give you a mortgage, so basically you are financially crippled from the off. Moral is, if you're going to do a degree make sure it's vocational.


My son wants to do History; the degree with highest graduate unemployment.


Then again, as an only child who is set to inherit 2 houses, he can afford to pursue an academic interest that is the furthest away from vocational....

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