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New job

Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Got me a new job at the student loans company I love this being qualified for stuff shit should have done it years ago.


Never mind the toss-pot students all them have got rich dads, sort me out with a couple of grand loan, I'm skint and my car's gone tits-up !

Thanks in advance.

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Never mind the toss-pot students all them have got rich dads, sort me out with a couple of grand loan, I'm skint and my car's gone tits-up !

Thanks in advance.


I think you're missing his point altogether.


Congrats, KCG.

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Same, 30k staggers me. I think I was in some of the first years of loans, felt hard done by at the time, feel lucky now. Man that's ridiculous money.

Really feel for the Americans, their debt dwarfs ours.

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Aye it does, still that 30k will start dribbling away next week with my first pay slip.


and it'll probably still be dribbling away in 20 years.

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Aye it does, still that 30k will start dribbling away next week with my first pay slip.


and it'll probably still be dribbling away in 20 years.

If you're going to have debt, it's not the worst form.

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I was fortunate enough that my folks paid my rent and fees (£1000 pa back then) when I was at uno


I worked part time for my living expenses. Was a bit of a shitter when everyone else got there student loans through and I had £7.30 in the bank but was well worth it in the long run.

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I was fortunate enough that my folks paid my rent and fees (£1000 pa back then) when I was at uno


I worked part time for my living expenses. Was a bit of a shitter when everyone else got there student loans through and I had £7.30 in the bank but was well worth it in the long run.




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If you're going to have debt, it's not the worst form.


Aye, it doesn't look that bad as you see your pay slip going past. Until you see your annual statement and start to dream about what else you could've done with the money.

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Aye, it doesn't look that bad as you see your pay slip going past. Until you see your annual statement and start to dream about what else you could've done with the money.

I'd have only spent it on boozing.



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If you're going to have debt, it's not the worst form.


Aye I know. It actually doesn't bother me, I see it as a necessary expense to be able to do what I want to, I've luckily got a degree with an industry attached to it unlike a lot of people.

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I'm so old I was PAID to go to University for my degree. Then I was paid A LOT to do my PhD.


Feel sorry for students today. Say you rack up 30 grand debt, and so does your partner (most graduates will end up with another graduate). You're starting off 60k in debt. But most banks now want silly money deposits before they will give you a mortgage, so basically you are financially crippled from the off. Moral is, if you're going to do a degree make sure it's vocational.

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