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Park Life

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Security guards provided for the Olympics by the firm G4S may not be able to speak English, the company's chief executive has admitted.

Nick Buckles, who admitted he had not realised that the company would not be able to provide sufficient staff to fulfil its contract until a few days ago, told the BBC's Radio 4 Today programme he could not confirm that all G4S guards were fluent in English.

"That is a difficult question to answer. They all have a right to work in the UK and have been vetted to very high standards. I cannot say categorically as I sit here today [that all the guards speak English]," he said.



This whole bodged security roll out is ridiculous.




Edited by Park Life
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Security guards provided for the Olympics by the firm G4S may not be able to speak English, the company's chief executive has admitted.

Nick Buckles, who admitted he had not realised that the company would not be able to provide sufficient staff to fulfil its contract until a few days ago, told the BBC's Radio 4 Today programme he could not confirm that all G4S guards were fluent in English.

"That is a difficult question to answer. They all have a right to work in the UK and have been vetted to very high standards. I cannot say categorically as I sit here today [that all the guards speak English]," he said.



This whole bodged security roll out is ridiculous.





I don't buy that for a second, terrified of admitting he'd ballsed it all up and of losing the contract if he admitted it with enough time left.


what a fucking shambles

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Haven't seen this much of a cock up since that defunct Group 4 Security company a few years back.





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