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Gremill/Bill Burr controversy: A warning

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I have noticed in certain threads on General Chat that Gremmill has been listening to a lot of marginally funny comedians such as Patrice O'Neal, Jim Jeffries (who apprently lifts material from Doug Stanhope), and, crucially, Bill Burr.


These comedians are not at the height of their profession. The first one is so fat he died, and the second two belong in the mid-lower leagues of stand up comics currently working. Despite this, Gremmill has recommended a podcast involving the so-called comedian Bill Burr, and, judging by the responses to his recommendation, several people are planning to listen to this podcast to see if it's any good.


I have a word of advice for those people: DON'T. You will save time and aggravation if you avoid this podcast; I have never heard it, but if Bill Burr is involved in it it cannot be more than marginally funny, and is likely to be much worse. Gremmill notes with shock that upon hearing the podcast, people have told him it's shit--this includes a poster on this website and a work colleague--well let me tell you something, if you had seen a segment of stand up by Bill Burr, this would not have come as a shock.


If people do actually listen to this podcast on the recommendation of Gremmill I fear it could lead to the eventual destruction of this forum; the anger felt upon realising that you have just wasted 30 minutes listening to a shit podcast because of a well-regarded poster on this website will lead to an outpouring of vitriol and abuse never before seen in these quarters. I therefore felt it necessary to start this thread in an attempt to educate people as to how shit a recommendation the Bill Burr podcast is.


As for Gremmill himself, YOU should be ashamed. I don't know whether to put this episode down to a moral lapse or something more serious--whatever it is, you need to STOP. If you want to listen to mediocre comedians that is fine, but to then recommend them to other people is unseemly and plainly wrong.


Feel free to sticky this.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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This would NEVER have happened when CRAIG was the BOSS.


That's because Craig would have dredged up some thread from three years ago where someone said the same thing already.


Actually I'm not sure how this would have changed matters.

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Ah fuck you comedy snob. I know funny and I know what I like, so swivel. :razz:


The latest episode isn't the best btw. The ones from June were much better, for those giving it a blast. The lad at work who didn't like it is a posh southern kid whose chief complaint was that he swore too much. :o

Edited by Gemmill
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For instance, in the latest one he fields a question from a listener about whether he should shag the third of 3 sisters, having already dealt with the first two.


I'm just not sure that's how you picture your trip to work.

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For instance, in the latest one he fields a question from a listener about whether he should shag the third of 3 sisters, having already dealt with the first two.


I'm just not sure that's how you picture your trip to work.


Ah, I've heard worse. I knew a lass years ago who shagged 3 brothers. We joked that she should get a set of steak knives or a carriage clock for completing the set ;)


Have downloaded one so will let you know tomorrow morning :lol:

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:lol: When you're all grown up you'll look back on this thread and think "Ah fuck, what was I doing? Trying to tell people what they should find funny. None of this shit matters, people like what they like. It's not like he was telling everyone to go and watch Michael McIntyre."


This is gonna feel like a dark episode in your life. Mark my words.

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Am I telling people what they should find funny? NO


What I am telling people--which happens to be the TRUTH--is that Bill Burr is, at best, a mediocre comedian. They have been led to believe, by a trusted poster on these boards, that he is an EXCELLENT comedian. I am merely introducing these people back into REALITY, before they waste 30 minutes - 1 hour listening to an unamusing podcast on your recommendation.

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Look. I liked the podcast and I know there are people on here who laugh at similar stuff to me, and who listen to podcasts. So I recommended it. They'll listen to it and they'll make their minds up about it. End of story.


I'm not wrong about anything that I've said. The bloke makes me laugh. He clearly makes other people laugh. He might make people on here laugh.


I can recommend that you don't listen to it if that helps. Like I say one day this behaviour is gonna make you blush. :razz:

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Well I gave it a whirl on the way to work. I wasn't offended, it just wasn't funny :lol: I kept waiting for laugh out loud moments and it failed to even raise a smile. He's really annoying aswell.


Sorry Mr R, but KSA was right!

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