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Doesn't the God particle pretty much disprove God by the way? Is it an ironic name given by the media? Highly unlikely I would think


Well it gives mass to all the other particles


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Guest CabayeAye

Well it gives mass to all the other particles


The Higgs Boson doesn't disprove God per se, but the more mysteries we uncover, the sillier the God theory is made to look.


Personally I think the God theory started to look a bit far fetched after Copernicus turned up, but we could invent a machine that allowed us to look at what is outside of the universe, and some thick cunts would still cling to the notion that there is a man in the sky who lets you live on after you die because you go to a room full of paedophiles and say how great their imaginary friend is, and this somehow makes it OK to be a total evil tosser in real life.

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They didn't do anything though. Britain and Russia won World War 2. America's contribution was a distant fourth to other commonwealth countries like Canada and Australia who didn't shirk their responsibilities from the start. Lets face it Germany, Britain and the Commonwealth could've taken over the world, but we stood up for what was right avoided capitulation, bombed their cities, and bravely lasted 6 years in a war that only Russia's contribution can be compared to.



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I hate craic like that. Apart from anything else it's totally disrespectful to all the American lads killed during the war. All 420k of them.


Totally agree, doing craic a dis-service tbh, it's just beyond crass.

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Guest CabayeAye

Second World War in summary:

  • Japan invades North East China. Pisses off USSR.
  • Germany takes the world by surprise, takes Poland, Austria, Czecoslovakia, Belgium and France easily.
  • Britain retreats via Dunkirk narrowly avoiding destruction of it's Army.
  • Germany fails to take Britain due to Britain's Air Force and Navy.
  • War Rumbles on in Italy, North Africa and a few other places.
  • Rommel driven back in North Africa by Montgomery's superior numbers.
  • Hitler commits the biggest mistake in military history by invading Russia. Germany would have strolled the war by not provoking Stalin.
  • US enters the war due to Japanese attack over oil prices.
  • Operation Overlord (D Day landings) is a massive success due to surprise, strong leadership and good planning.
  • Germany falls due to Britain, the US and Russia attacking on two fronts.
  • Stalin turns out to be worse than Hitler, but no-one mentions that because he was on our side.

I suggest you remember this McFaul. There was a bit more to the Second World War than what is shown on the films you see at Christmas.

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Second World War in summary:

  • Japan invades North East China. Pisses off USSR.
  • Germany takes the world by surprise, takes Poland, Austria, Czecoslovakia, Belgium and France easily.
  • Britain retreats via Dunkirk narrowly avoiding destruction of it's Army.
  • Germany fails to take Britain due to Britain's Air Force and Navy.
  • War Rumbles on in Italy, North Africa and a few other places.
  • Rommel driven back in North Africa by Montgomery's superior numbers.
  • Hitler commits the biggest mistake in military history by invading Russia. Germany would have strolled the war by not provoking Stalin.
  • US enters the war due to Japanese attack over oil prices.
  • Operation Overlord (D Day landings) is a massive success due to surprise, strong leadership and good planning.
  • Germany falls due to Britain, the US and Russia attacking on two fronts.
  • Stalin turns out to be worse than Hitler, but no-one mentions that because he was on our side.

I suggest you remember this McFaul. There was a bit more to the Second World War than what is shown on the films you see at Christmas.


Oil prices ?????


Oh and you never mentioned the connvoys that supplied us when we were up against it, those supplies came from............... where was it again ?????

Edited by Toonpack
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Stalin while mental was playing hitler at his own game. When they signed a "pact" hitler signed areas of natural minerals over without thinking while Stalin knew what he was doing.


On overlord, Canada had a huge part as well. Bit I know about the most is Gold Beach, which was the 50th Northumbrian division including the DLI and Northumbrian Hussars.


Normandy had been split into something like 5 beaches. From memory the US took 3 and the Allies took 2. I'd need to check that though.



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Stalin while mental was playing hitler at his own game. When they signed a "pact" hitler signed areas of natural minerals over without thinking while Stalin knew what he was doing.


On overlord, Canada had a huge part as well. Bit I know about the most is Gold Beach, which was the 50th Northumbrian division including the DLI and Northumbrian Hussars.


Normandy had been split into something like 5 beaches. From memory the US took 3 and the Allies took 2. I'd need to check that though.


Gold and Sword beaches British, Juno Canada, Omaha and Utah beaches US.


Casualties on the British beaches were roughly 1000 on Gold Beach and the same number on Sword Beach. The remainder of the British losses were amongst the airborne troops: some 600 were killed or wounded, and 600 more were missing; 100 glider pilots also became casualties. The losses of 3rd Canadian Division at Juno Beach have been given as 340 killed, 574 wounded and 47 taken prisoner.

The breakdown of US casualties was 1465 dead, 3184 wounded, 1928 missing and 26 captured. Of the total US figure, 2499 casualties were from the US airborne troops (238 of them being deaths). The casualties at Utah Beach were relatively light: 197, including 60 missing. However, the US 1st and 29th Divisions together suffered around 2000 casualties at Omaha Beach.

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Ah ok, 2:4 not 2:3, I was close ;)


I don't think anyone can play down the role played by any force when you look at the casualties over the whole war. Compared to numbers in today's conflicts which while still awful, pale in comparison.


Yanks claiming they won the war for us or anyone playing down the role of the US smacks of ignorance.

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Ah ok, 2:4 not 2:3, I was close ;)


I don't think anyone can play down the role played by any force when you look at the casualties over the whole war. Compared to numbers in today's conflicts which while still awful, pale in comparison.


Yanks claiming they won the war for us or anyone playing down the role of the US smacks of ignorance.


True, without us holding out in Europe they couldn't have done fuck all, without their help we couldn't have held out.

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Guest CabayeAye

Oil prices ?????


Oh and you never mentioned the connvoys that supplied us when we were up against it, those supplies came from............... where was it again ?????


Yep, the US put an oil embargo on Japan because of their behaviour in Asia. This pretty much crippled Japan, so they attacked the US.


If you go to the cliffs where the US Rangers did that assault, it blows your mind. To climb those ropes, under fire, after having done a beach assault, knowing that your rope could be cut any second or the rope give way and that when you get to the top you will be eye to eye with the enemy... Humbling stuff. Also, the Brits made pretty light work of their beaches, the Yanks had a pretty torrid time getting ashore.

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They did, but iirc the Yanks had shocking luck with the choppy sea meaning they had to beach from further out. They, as we did, used DD Tanks but they used theirs from too far out so they didnt even reach the beach. Cant recall what beach it was but one of them anyway had issues with waves and mines and launched too far out at sea.

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They did, but iirc the Yanks had shocking luck with the choppy sea meaning they had to beach from further out. They, as we did, used DD Tanks but they used theirs from too far out so they didnt even reach the beach. Cant recall what beach it was but one of them anyway had issues with waves and mines and launched too far out at sea.


You should read this, a great read:



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'On 27 June, 1942 in the Western Desert, South of Mersa Matruh, Egypt, Private Wakenshaw was a crew member of a two pounder anti-tank gun, during an attack by the enemy who silenced the gun and killed or seriously wounded all crew. In the action Private Wakenshaw lost his left arm but he managed to crawl back to his gun. With one arm he loaded the gun, firing five more rounds with some considerable effect. An enemy shell blew him away from the gun and he was again seriously wounded. He managed to crawl back once more, and was preparing to fire again, when a direct hit on the ammunition killed him and destroyed the gun.'

He was buried in El Alamein War Cemetery in Egypt and was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross. His medal is engraved on his headstone there, as is the four-line Personal Inscription: "HE DIED A HERO/ HE ANSWERED HIS CALL/BROKE ALL OUR HEARTS/WHEN HE LEFT US ALL RIP." His wife Dorothy, 3 year-old daughter Lillian and her brother Thomas received his medal from King George VI at an investiture in March 1943, the only VC awarded to a Tynesider during the Second World War.


Fuckin hell. Did the job of two men,with one arm, under enemy fire. Conscription nowadays would be a laugh.I like to think I'd do the right thing but am not sure. If my arm was blown off I think I might be feeling a bit sorry for myself.

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Oil prices ?????


Oh and you never mentioned the connvoys that supplied us when we were up against it, those supplies came from............... where was it again ?????

We were still paying for it in 2001 you absolute arsehole. The war crippled Britain, and those war loans the Americans should've waved anyway.

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We were still paying for it in 2001 you absolute arsehole. The war crippled Britain, and those war loans the Americans should've waved anyway.


Why ??


They also donated a fair amount of spilled blood you imbecile.

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Why ??


They also donated a fair amount of spilled blood you imbecile.

Why?? Are you for real. We fought alone largely for 2 years, if we'd have been taken the British Empire in German hands, would've quite easily dominated in the whole world, including America. In fact if they'd have joined in, in the first place and done what was right, then millions of the 70m who died wouldn't have. What makes it even worse was the massive boom America experienced after the war, while it took Britain years to thrive once again.


Also we gave the Americans technology 30 years advanced of their own, for fucking nothing. We just gave it away, technology which everybody agrees you can't even put a price on. We gave the technology away for America to produce for us, and they still had the cheek to charge us for it. Educate yourself, you googling old cunt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tizard_Mission

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Stevie, about 3 years ago you said you would produce evidence that the Japanese could easily taken the West coast of America and invaded inland as far as Chicago. Have you got this yet?

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