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Lady luck shining on you.


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I thought I was going to die - thought i was dead at one point actually - after one too many microdots when I was 16


I had a similar experience at that age after smoking something that was apparently called 'nazi dust'.

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Reminds me of a story a lad I know tells. Went to stay with this lass he knew, and anyway he disgraced himself during the course of a night out and she went home in a huff, leaving him with nowhere to stay.


Cut to the next morning when he wakes up in the beams of her dad's garage - one of those decisions that only the drunken mind could produce. If I climb up into the beams, I can sleep and noone will find me. He has no explanation for how he didn't fall out during the night.


Anyway, he turns over to drop down and get on his way, and directly below him is a still-fresh human turd that he'd deposited from the rafters onto the garage floor. :lol:

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Once offered some Germans on at a French service station and lived to tell the tale. I walked round the corner and watched them get on their bus with the words 'Deutschland Tai-kwando Barcelona '92' on it. I decided to let them off luckily for them. :D

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is it lucky to almost die?


to me that sounds like bad luck compared to not almost dying at all

Andrew once nicked his finger whilst sharpening his pencil after a long homework session. He thought he was going to lose his thumb to infection but luckily his Mam managed to clean it with some dettol which she kept under the sink. It was a close run thing for 5 mins.


There but for the grace of God etc.

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Andrew once nicked his finger whilst sharpening his pencil after a long homework session. He thought he was going to lose his thumb to infection but luckily his Mam managed to clean it with some dettol which she kept under the sink. It was a close run thing for 5 mins.


There but for the grace of God etc.


just not believable Im afraid

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We used to take the caravan to France as a family years and years ago. Were driving along to motorway when the wheel came off so we pulled over and my parents left me and my sister with some friends who were in front of us. They found a garage and saw a hotel opposite it which would be ideal to stay in whilst they waited to fly in the right wheel. So they set off back to pick up me and my sister, but then we got lost on the way back to the hotel and eventually gave up and stayed in the next hotel we found.


The next day was the day of that big Concorde crash just outside of Paris, and the hotel that it crashed into was the one that we were going to be staying in....

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I recall someone having a piss in the corner of someone's building and being outed on here.


Now that's taking things beyond the realms of the plausible.

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I pissed in a mates fridge one night thinking it was the toilet. Needless to say I wasn't invited to crash on his sofa after a night on the drink again

Edited by Dr Gloom
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was working as a relief lift operator at Fernie Alpine Resort in 99-00, just getting ready to make my way to the furthest lift and close it up for the night.

myself and another lifty put our skis on, goggles on....just about ready to shusse away and buddy says hold on i forgot something, he goes back inside i'm listening to my cd walkman.

finally get our shit together, and head out into cedar bowl make our way to the bottom and find 3 tourists the same color as the snow, just shitting themselves. we say whats up boys?.....before any of them can answer the lifty comes barreling out of the lift hut "holy shit! the whole bowl just slid, patrol is reporting a class four slide!!"

me and the other fella in unison "where?"

scared tourist "right up there" pointing behind us


hard to say exactly how close we had come to being caught up in that but a shit ton of beer was drank that night in honor of forgetting something in the lift hut

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Guest CabayeAye

Had a rocket land just the other side of the wall I was near. Had the fucker aimed left a bit, he'd have caused some damage. Aside from a few fairly close IEDs/suicide bombers, I've been fairly lucky though.


Biggest brush with death was probably sliding down an icy slope and managing to stop myself just before the massive cliff drop onto jagged rocks. Or the time I ate a Lamb Phal and nearly shat my ring off.

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That story reminds me of the time I got chased by an group of Asian youths through SpringWell in Leeds on bonfire night. One of them had a flare gun of some description and fired it at me. I kid you not, it missed my head by centimetres and exploded against the wall behind me. They then ran at me shouting 'get out of our town you white cunt' :lol: can't believe I forgot about that. I was only 19 and nearly shat my pants as I didn't have any fucking clue where I was running trying to get away. Fucking Linford Christie wouldn't have kept up with me that night

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Briefly..(as my head is thumping and I need sleep)........


I have fallen off our friend's yacht into Torquay marina late at night, I hate going under the water and panic if I am out of my depth...so it was a nightmare for me. I nearly drowned.


I have come off the back of a motorbike on 3 seperate occasions.


I once went to a beach party and followed others down a cliff path in the dark to get to the little cove. When I woke up in the early hours of the morning I was completely alone. I was only about 14, I couldn't find the little path to get me out of that damn cove so I climbed the cliff...disturbing rocks and mud all over me as I climbed. I was terrified! (No mobile phones back then) But I made it to the top. And got a right bollocking off my Dad for being out most of the night :blush2:

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