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Salvador Dali

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Reading through a collection of Orwell's essays. There was one called 'Benefit of Clergy: Some notes on Salvador Dali', concerning Dali's autobiography. This was in the footnotes:


Written June 1944. 'Benefit of Clergy' made a sort of phantom appearance in the Saturday Book for 1944. The book was in print when its publishers, Messrs Hutchinson, decided that this essay must be suppressed on grounds of obscenity. It was accordingly cut out of each copy, though for technical reasons it was impossible to remove its title from the table of contents.


The reason it was deemed obscene was because of the excerpts from the biography and the descriptions of Dali's works. The bloke was an utter jaffa cake. I had seen his picture of the melting clocks and had seen a film where an eye is sliced open with a razorblade. I didn't realise the extent of his depravity, or his talent. He makes Paul Wyn look small time.

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When his wife's pet rabbit died, he cooked it for her and made her eat it because he had overheard her say when it was alive 'you are so cute I could just eat you up!'

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