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Do you understand orbits? that which keeps us circling the Sun? That's how satellites stay up there.

They don't need to be cooled because space is fucking cold most of the time.



Consider your criteria for proof. It can't be empirical, and it can't be anecdotal. What proof can we possibly provide that you'll accept? It's no different to trying to argue against the existence of a god. Those that believe construct parameters for the argument against it that renders it impossible.


in other words, of course they're up there you loon, because the alternative is ludicrous. :lol:

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We see a few silly Earth like pictures but even these are rare, oh and we see a few space walks that are supposed to be legit yet you can tell they are as fake as hell and done in a pool.


Toolbag still at the bottom of the pool is it?



I know why Wolfy here has his doubts. In all the "fake" footage , the earths curvature is easy to spot.

Wolfy is clearly a Flat Earther.

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You cannot see satellites with the naked eye or binoculars or telescopes unless you accept glowing blobs to be satellites.


You say Virgin cable is superior and yet it's supposed to come from satellites lol.


Why don't you go and look where your dish is pointed because it isn't pointed up at the sky.


Oh and no I don't expect satellites to provide me with 24 hour cam because they do not exist and what we see of our homes are simple videos of mapping planes going over the areas and snap shots are taken when you google Earth it.


Why don't you put google Earth up and show the ball of the Earth and then type in your co-ordinates and see when the picture changes from animation to actual real life and you will find that it changes when it's about the height of whatever plane took the footage..


Try it..all of you, try it and you will see what I mean.


mine is you nutter.

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You cannot see satellites with the naked eye or binoculars or telescopes unless you accept glowing blobs to be satellites.


You say Virgin cable is superior and yet it's supposed to come from satellites lol.


Why don't you go and look where your dish is pointed because it isn't pointed up at the sky.


Oh and no I don't expect satellites to provide me with 24 hour cam because they do not exist and what we see of our homes are simple videos of mapping planes going over the areas and snap shots are taken when you google Earth it.


Why don't you put google Earth up and show the ball of the Earth and then type in your co-ordinates and see when the picture changes from animation to actual real life and you will find that it changes when it's about the height of whatever plane took the footage..


Try it..all of you, try it and you will see what I mean.

Mine is.

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Scientists and Astro physicists will have us believe that satellites orbit this Earth at 3 different distances.


Low Earth orbit.




High Earth orbit is where these alleged TV satellites are...allegedly close to 24,000 miles out and, wait for it, ORBITING the Earth?????????


Orbiting the Earth at nearly 24,000 miles out into space at yet there's still an orbit path around the Earth lol.


Now these 24,000 miles out Geo stationary satellites, are UNREPAIRABLE...yes that's right..they supposedly put these things into a near 24,000 so called ORBIT and once there and set to the correct speed to keep it EXACTLY in the same place on Earth and once this is done, they cannot repair them if they have any malfunction at all.



Now these super so called satellites are so clever that their components can resist the vacuum of space ....

What does this mean I hear you ask?


Well, components heat up no matter what they are, yet there is no way heat can be dissipated in these things and space is neither hot nor cold, it is nothing and you cannot radiate heat away.

It's not like you can stick a cooling fan in as there is no air, so these things would simply just burn up, except they can't burn up because they are not in space.


Do you believe the moon orbits the Earth? If so, that thing is a little under 250,000 miles from Earth


re: the 2nd bold bit... you don't understand science at all, do you?

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I know the ISS and communications satellites exist Wolfy, I have seen them with my own eyes. Not through a telescope, or camera, with my own eyes. Up close, in detail, in situ.


They are there.

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The worlds flat. Anyone who proves me wrong can go pray to their governments who just lie saying its round in order to get more tax from airlines by making them believe it's further. Have YOU ever seen how spherical it is? Point proved. Also you can't disprove God so I'm on my way to church. See ya there Wolfy. Byeee

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It depends on what you mean by understanding science.

If you mean do I understand the bullshyte that has been spewed to me by scientists, then the answer is nope.


And yes I believe the moon orbits the Earth as does the sun and all other planets and stars but man made objects cannot orbit the Earth, it's impossible and people only believe they do because they have been conditioned to believe it .


Basically they have been dazzled by science and baffled to death by the maths behind it, which is exactly how most people will never question it because it's head busting for even the boffins never mind the ordinary person.


So, let me get this right, the Moon can orbit the Earth, as does the Sun and all the other Stars? So Earth is the centre of the universe and everything orbits us? However, (without explaining why) manmade object cannot orbit this planet?


Also, that which you suggest to be fact, based on nothing more than wild supposition, outstrips (in terms of credibility) scientists with all their pesky facts?



Finally, what would be the merit in disparate nations all concocting the same elaborate and expensive ruse? There are easier ways to subtly tax the populace; the lottery chief amongst them.

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All I can say mate, is....Man has never been outside of Earth;s atmosphere and that alone should tell you what I think of the so called moon landings lol


Too much radiation?

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If your dish is pointing more upwards you must be extremely close to a transmitter then , are there any hills near you with these on?


no, the transmitter is in my head, i live in the hills.... well on the side of the hills anyway

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I believe all planets and stars in our part of the universe orbit the Earth and not the other way round like we have been told..although the maths and science are made to fit that way.


Tell me how this works.

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