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A nebulous, putrid reek constantly orbits his gargantuan sphincter and oscillates wildly when new bursts of black matter shoot from within his arsehole, extirpating all carbon-based lifeforms within a 15 yard radius.


You don't half talk some shit KSA.

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Page 1 doesn't exist. It's only because so called scientists have told you there is a page 1 that you swallow it.

The earth doesn't spin around page 1, page1 spins around the earth, which is flat and rests on the backs of 4 stellar elephants, who stand on the back of the Great Turtle.

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Page 1 doesn't exist. It's only because so called scientists have told you there is a page 1 that you swallow it.

The earth doesn't spin around page 1, page1 spins around the earth, which is flat and rests on the backs of 4 stellar elephants, who stand on the back of the Great Turtle.

good books those.....although i think it was a bit overdone, read two or three of them and lost interest

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Has anyone ever took the time to have a look how the massive tank and solid booster rockets are attached to the space shuttle?


Get a decent picture up and have a look at the supports supposedly holding the shuttle to the massive tanks, then picture that shuttle shooting up into space at 25,000 mph, held on by those little supports.


The funniest bit is the fact that the top section is held on with one bolt.....yes I did say ONE bolt.

These bolts are either made of diamond or some seriously strong metal when you think it's allegedly attached to the underside of the shuttle and should in reality tear apart.


Whatever they launch from the space centres isn't a real shuttle.

They say that shuttle glides to Earth on re-entry but you can plainly see that the shuttle is not shaped to be anything like a glider and would drop like a stone under no power.


All the shuttle is, is a jet under power and if you watch some landing, you can clearly hear it is under power.


Hard to take in ,I know but before you all start going into a frenzy, I suggest to analyse what I'm saying and see what you think.



you have just surpassed KSA as the resident comedian on the board........possibly the funniest thing i've read in a while.....thanks

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I see where you're coming from Wolfy.

That there NASA, capable of maintaining a massive con involving tens of thousands of co-conspirators, but incapable of designing a strong bolt.

There's no flies on you, is there ?

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