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Work trying to screw me over


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I had a summer job as a teenager that involved ratifying expenses in an exam board. We used to allow a 10 per cent margin of error.


One women tried to claim a hotel stay for a journey from Doncaster to Newcastle. As an officious little pr1ck I knocked it back.

Turned out that she had narcolepcy, and even a three hour journey was too much before she had to have a snooze.


You sound perfect for the company I work for... should I pass across your CV? ;)

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Btw, the 45p per mile is to cover fuel, tyres, servicing the lot. Its for the overall use of your car. They will pay t you the shortest route, its then your choice the route you take. I imagine you can also chose to pay for what kind of car you want. I usually tell my people that its very good if you do a lot of business miles. Not so good if you dont when a company car might be better (we also give a car allowance). Not all places have the option of course.


Just stick an extra journey in now and again ;)

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Btw, the 45p per mile is to cover fuel, tyres, servicing the lot. Its for the overall use of your car. They will pay t you the shortest route, its then your choice the route you take. I imagine you can also chose to pay for what kind of car you want. I usually tell my people that its very good if you do a lot of business miles. Not so good if you dont when a company car might be better (we also give a car allowance). Not all places have the option of course.


Just stick an extra journey in now and again ;)


Haha well whilst it is up to me what route I take, I just follow the sat nav which is set to 'quickest route' so really I don't have much of an option as to what route I take... not unless I spend ages planning each route and do away with the sat nav which in turn means I'll get even less work done during the day, or would have to sacrific my Toontastic hours during the day which I'm not prepared to do ;)


Anyway it's been sorted and I'm getting the full amount and it's been agreed that there will be no arguments about it from now on... viva la resistance!

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Your finance department could stand to make some redundancies if they've got time to be googling and adjusting everyone's travel claims.


Sounds like our place, spend a fortune on a team of people to help us save us a hundred quid a month.

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