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Your thoughts on love and marriage


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Aye I get that one too. Spent half an hour in Clinton Cards with her last weekend. I've picked cars quicker than it takes her to pick birthday cards.


My missues goes mad if I dont take my time looking at cards. I pick a card up think "thats nice" then living true to my Yorkshire roots, look at the price and then got "HOW FUCKING MUCH" and then get a cheaper one. That really winds her up.


They get fucking binned women, whats the point!!

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I'd love to think that the latest nonsense from the church on gay marriage will be the last straw for a lot of people with this cuntish organisation. And that they alienate themselves completely with younger types.

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We have always had separate accounts with a joint 'bills' account which we both pay in to.


Now the missus is trying to suggest we have one joint back account, which she believes will help to curb her excessive clothes buying habit. Seems unlikely when there is 3x the disposable available to her.


Road to ruin?

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I take it you're married? It just depends on your personal preference. I've always found it strange that married couples wouldn't just have one joint account but that's probably because I was used to my parents having a joint account.


I know plenty of married couples who have their own accounts and it does seem odd to hear them talking about their own money.


You're probably going to have to bite the bullet eventually if kids come along.

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That's the approach taken in my house. Works fine. As long as the money's there to pay the bills and do whatever I want to do, I don't care what she spends.


However as a cure for a chronic shopping habit, this sounds flawed.

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In my experience, the couples that don't just have one joint account are the ones who swap money and are giving each other exact change when it comes time to pay the bill in a restaurant. Now that is weird.


There's a couple at work who have ridiculed me for my one joint account approach, but then when we do a lottery syndicate, he won't just pay for her ticket - she has to get her purse out, walk over and give him her pound.

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I don't bother with a joint account, I know all her banking codes anyway.


Wedding was canny, street party in south London and no rain which was remarkable.


Groom involved in a punch up at the end of the night, and 'fahkin' luhved it' too. :lol:

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We've got separate accounts and it works well for us, but then the church won't let us get married so we're not a proper couple anyway. Curse you, Invisible Cloud Being! *shakes fist*


In my experience, the couples that don't just have one joint account are the ones who swap money and are giving each other exact change when it comes time to pay the bill in a restaurant. Now that is weird.


That is weird. I just get him to pay whenever we're out and make up for it later in favours. Like doing the washing-up.

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We have separate accounts but I pay for meals out/cinema tickets etc. if we are out. I wouldn't dream of asking for a tenner back off her etc.


Aye, I don't get that. Just take it in turns if you're that bothered, it all evens out in the end.

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One kid I know who has a very well paid job as a finance manager requests his good lady wife produces all receipts for the month - and I mean ALL - so he can check them off against a bank statement . Goes through them last Sunday of the month .

It is undetermined if this is a suspicion of banks, his wife or that he 'cant switch off' ? .


Another minge I know kept up to date spread sheets -physical printouts no less - of where they were at . Unsurprisingly, the latter is now divorced . Turned out he was a jaffa too . Related points imo .

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I take it you're married?


You're probably going to have to bite the bullet eventually if kids come along.


Married with child. Perhaps I have been putting off the inevitable too long.


However as a cure for a chronic shopping habit, this sounds flawed.


The idea being that me having increased visibility will make her think twice before filling her virtual shopping basket!!

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We have a jopint bank account but I always do the supermarket shop for a variety of reasons;


1) It's quicker. Much quicker.

2) I pass it on the way home.

3) We save what I call the 'Mrs SLP £20 bonus.' This is the amazing unexplained phenomenon that occurs when Mrs SLP goes supermarket shopping and it costs at least £20 more than my average trip there and shite we don't need/never eat appears in the house.

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We have a jopint bank account but I always do the supermarket shop for a variety of reasons;


1) It's quicker. Much quicker.

2) I pass it on the way home.

3) We save what I call the 'Mrs SLP 20 bonus.' This is the amazing unexplained phenomenon that occurs when Mrs SLP goes supermarket shopping and it costs at least 20 more than my average trip there and shite we don't need/never eat appears in the house.


Ditto. She comes back with cakes and all sorts, and usually you can't make a week's worth of meals from what she brings home.

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We have a jopint bank account but I always do the supermarket shop for a variety of reasons;


1) It's quicker. Much quicker.

2) I pass it on the way home.

3) We save what I call the 'Mrs SLP £20 bonus.' This is the amazing unexplained phenomenon that occurs when Mrs SLP goes supermarket shopping and it costs at least £20 more than my average trip there and shite we don't need/never eat appears in the house.

I have NEVER understood this. They're the one with the lists and a plan, yet we're able to whip through the Supermarket in half the time. I buy sufficient meat and veg for the next few days plus owt I need for work lunches. Oh I might do a quick sweep of the house to see if we need the communal stuff like bog roll or washing up liquid... that can add a minute or so.


Mind, do you actually compare prices or just get what you need? One of the lads I live with buys the majority of his shit from the reduced aisle. It does kind of make sense for him as he's a far better cook than I am (more imaginative anyway). Pisses me off when the girls plow through the nice bogroll (or bin-liners that doesn't tear on contact with cotton wool) and replace them with the Smart-Price shit and then, when challenged, they insist it makes more sense to buy the cheaper stuff.


They go shopping, we go to buy stuff.


women are shit.

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One of the lads I live with buys the majority of his shit from the reduced aisle.


It's the first place I go in the supermarket. Most of the rest of what I buy is based on what's on special offer. It makes it easier than deciding which brand I prefer.

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Watching my mrs. shop is a lesson in OCD.

They changed all the aisles recently and I thought she was going to erupt! :lol:



And aye, if she goes on her own it's a cake/biscuit/chocolate extravaganza, which means I have to go in a day it two and do it properly.

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