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He's got a flat in Bournemouth but attends his rehab centre every day apparently. Does a lot of fishing. The father and brother in law saw him one day on the Avon near Christchurch and said he was very chatty but they couldnt understand a word he said :lol: He had someone with him and they reckoned he was sober but just sort of frazzled, poor fucker. Still the best player I've ever seen...maybe...

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Remember all that shit with Raul Moat and he turned up with a NUFC shirt and fishing rod etc and the police reckoned after that he was lying that he was a mate etc? I wouldn't be surprised if his mind was frazzled a bit with all the alcohol and coke etc.

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What must you have to drink to get like that? It must have something to do with money as well, most people would surely go broke?


Why do you think most alcoholics drink cheap cider? 20quid a week out of your benefits will keep you mortal 12hours a day. A lot of them get DLA too which gives them even more cash to spend

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He might have the encephalopathy but he hasn't got a mackem accent which is the main thing.


He looks bad but he looks like he's been doing some gym work at the same time. Bless him.

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Give me a mackem accent over his current standard of life anyday

Give me a mackem accent over his current standard of life anyday

Fair comment, at least if you've got one there's always elocution.
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I saw Gazza being interviewed a couple of years ago and he said he was having a bottle of whiskey before playing a charity event where he scored, then after the match went out and had another session.

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Ultimately it comes down to willingness to beat the addiction. He's had plenty opportunity, is better placed than most, and the rewards for beating it were higher for him than for most. Sadly, the will doesn't seem to be there and he'll likely die a relatively young man.

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I would have thought - regardless of what he does now - the damage has already been done & chances are he'll be pretty poor at fighting off ilness and will die young anyway?


If your liver has taken that much of a kicking surely it wont take much - drink or otherwise - to properly knack you.

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I would have thought - regardless of what he does now - the damage has already been done & chances are he'll be pretty poor at fighting off ilness and will die young anyway?


If your liver has taken that much of a kicking surely it wont take much - drink or otherwise - to properly knack you.


Herbal licoqurice powder is mega for the stomach and liver btw. :)

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I was about to start my reply with 'what marketing idiot would do that'.


But look at the conversation it has generated here and no doubt across numerous other sites/the pub. 12,000 hits.


Probably answers my question.

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There's a great deal of people getting their photo taken next to the billboards and tweeting them - so yes a great marketing move - so far.

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Umbro/England - Watch this man who used to be a cracking footballer but is now an alcohol induced husk of a man gibber his way through a monologue and burst into tears at the end.


There's a reason every one is talking about it, and it's not because we are all proud of gazza and can't wait to run out and by an England shirt.

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Total cynical miserable bollocks as usual. He doesn't look his best, granted. He represents the common man in the street, the kid who couldn't spell his own name, who became a world star, who largely played for his love of the game rather than anything else (he could've signed for more money for clubs when he signed for Rangers). Italia 90, he became an all time legend in English football, he was mint in Euro 96, forget his problems he represents working class people like me, keeping the dream alive and epitomised the attitude people should have towards the pride in England shirt. Not like these wanks since Sven's reign started.

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Total cynical miserable bollocks as usual. He doesn't look his best, granted. He represents the common man in the street, the kid who couldn't spell his own name, who became a world star, who largely played for his love of the game rather than anything else (he could've signed for more money for clubs when he signed for Rangers). Italia 90, he became an all time legend in English football, he was mint in Euro 96, forget his problems he represents working class people like me, keeping the dream alive and epitomised the attitude people should have towards the pride in England shirt. Not like these wanks since Sven's reign started.


Whilst I do largely agree with everything you've said, he also stands for more than that. He involuntarily represents for a lot of people the price of fame and money and how it can impact detrimentally on an illness like alcoholism. He will always be a legend of the game, but it's his career afterwards on shows like Piers Morgan and This Morning that adds fuel to the tabloid voyeurism which sadly overshadows the fact his is, as you say, a true working class boy done good in the game he loved since he was 3 years old.

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Total cynical miserable bollocks as usual. He doesn't look his best, granted. He represents the common man in the street, the kid who couldn't spell his own name, who became a world star, who largely played for his love of the game rather than anything else (he could've signed for more money for clubs when he signed for Rangers). Italia 90, he became an all time legend in English football, he was mint in Euro 96, forget his problems he represents working class people like me, keeping the dream alive and epitomised the attitude people should have towards the pride in England shirt. Not like these wanks since Sven's reign started.


How does he represent working class people? Just about every pro footballer in this country is/was working class man. 99% of them haven't fucked up their lives.

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How does he represent working class people? Just about every pro footballer in this country is/was working class man. 99% of them haven't fucked up their lives.

He epitomises the difference between footballers 20 years ago and footballers today. In his prime he was funny (tell me a funny footballer now), endearing (again there's not that many who are in this era epitomised by the likes of Danny Simpson), honest, transparent, down to earth, and remembered his pals. How many footballers would take a 24 year old to live in Italy with him who'd been on the dole since leaving school, and pay him £1000 a week?! More importantly above his riches, far above, was the pride in wearing all of his club shirts (he hardly had a bad game for the toon) and in particular his England caps. He was living the dream and it was about the honour. He sums up the difference between old and new, and I guarantee now, people of our age in 20 years time won't look at any of the current crop as endearingly as we look at Gazza.


ADP fair points, but I'd rather focus on what he represented and continues to represent in terms of English football heritage and him being a clear and present contradiction of far less talented footballers attitudes in this day and age.

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That's because our modern culture/the media won't allow us to have players like that anymore. Look at Balotelli, on the back pages of the papers, dragged in front of the FA and dropped on numerous occasions by his club for being a 'character'. There are still plenty about, they are just more careful about what they say and do in public because they know the press are constantly looking for a story.

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There's lots to like about Gazza, but fucking hell, that's a rosey picture of his career and what he represents that you've painted there, Stevie.


Aye, the whole cracking his wife in the face with an iron and leaving his kids, numerous drink driving offences, fucking his leg with a ridiculous challenge etc. Obviously weren't worthy of a mention

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cracking his wife in the face with an iron and leaving his kids, numerous drink driving offences, fucking his leg with a ridiculous challenge etc. Obviously weren't worthy of a mention


That's just an average night oot down tha bigg market, nee bother

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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