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The Olympic Torch


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I think it was mentioned on here but that young kid (hurdler iirc) who was meant to carry the flame but allegedly failed a last minute security check (despite not having a criminal record) in order to make way for some corporate bloke (some bigwig from Next or something) summed the whole thing up. I like the Olympics as well, especially the athletics but I'm actually glad we're largely out of it in the North East. Nee doubt I'll have something to vent me spleen about after I've been to the footy at SJP though.


Yeah I think I mentioned it. The whole thing fucking stinks. How can the government blab on about the revenue it creates when in reality its sucked up by the sponsors. Its like a bad joke.


dont even get me started on the shambles that is G4S :lol:

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Someone mentioned that they found "Team GB" annoying. Well you'll love "Team Geeb" which is what one of the senior British Olympic officials was calling it on the news this morning. :lol:

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That dickhead Coe, when quizzed on whether someone would be allowed into an Olympic events wearing, for example, a Pepsi t-shirt (more realistic would be a Nike t shirt) said that no you wouldn't be allowed as Coke was the sponsor and their rights need to be protected.


As it turns out, he was wrong, but the fact that he thought that firstly that was the case and secondly that that was fine is a disgrace. LOCOG have had to make a statement since saying that it is large groups doing ambush marketing that would be stopped.

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