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Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

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Attorney Steve Dowds, who tracks cases like the Newburgh Four, argues the US government is systematically employing preemptive prosecution:

"They are taking some down and out vulnerable individuals and not only planting the ideology of jihad on them, giving them all the things they need, all of the material. They are setting up the plan, giving them all the research and then grabbing them and claiming these were homegrown terrorists. It is just a fiction."

Edited by Park Life
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Asked about the use of waterboarding upon detainees, and whether or not this constituted the use of torture as a means to extract information from key targets, John Yoo was quick to offer a stern rebuttal, stating, "If we take the case of an apple, the apple falls from the tree. It falls from the tree to the ground, whereupon it may wobble and roll around until it comes to a stop. If we leave that apple unattended it will eventually rot. I think I make myself clear." Pressed further as to the relevance of this outburst, Yoo continued, "I see terrorists as if they were bananas in amongst a bowl of other fruits, fruits which make up the population of the USA. If you leave bananas in a bowl of fruit, they release a gas which makes the other fruits go off quicker. My job is to extend the President's executive powers so he can take the bananas out of the bowl, obliterate them in a blender and then sup on the resulting smoothie."


Glenn Greenwald, Salon

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Bad week for the US "war on terror"....


America's top military officer has condemned a course taught about Islam at one of America's top military schools as "totally objectionable".


It is not surprising. The story, first broken by Wired, is fairly astonishing, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, must be furious.


The course taught officers there was no such thing as moderate Islam and that they should consider the religion their enemy.


It advocated "total war" against all the world's Muslims, including possible nuclear attacks on the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the wiping out civilian populations.


The Pentagon has confirmed the course material found on their website is authentic.


As far as I can see this is not intended in any sense as a rather sick academic exercise in stretching the bounds of what could be thought. It is actually what the officer teaching it believes.


In other words: completely nutty stuff that would disgrace the wilder fringes of the blogosphere.


So, not surprisingly, Gen Dempsey has ordered a full investigation into what other US military schools might be teaching about the religion.


The voluntary course aimed at senior officers was taught at the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia, for a year.


Gen Dempsey described the course as "counter to our values of appreciation for religious freedom and cultural awareness" and "just objectionable, academically irresponsible".


It came to light when one of the officers on the course complained last month. There is now an investigation into how the course was approved and why it was part of the curriculum.


A lieutenant colonel has been suspended from teaching, but for the moment keeps his job. The Pentagon hopes a full report will be out by the end of the month.


What does seem rather surprising is that all those commanders, captains and colonels must have sat through the course and not felt the need to tell someone that something rather weird was going on.



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Historically no country has ever beaten a religion. The irony here of course is that the bill of rights was cooked up by quasi-religious nutcases. :lol:

Edited by Park Life
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