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This is so far beyond even a sad level of geekiness but I still remember a BBS reader we used at work 20 years ago called QModem Pro which just worked with absolutely no hassle whatsoever - something which set it apart from so much software around at the time (including fuck off expemsive stuff) by a huge margin.


Now I'd say VLC is pretty good.

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  • 2 years later...

Get The Great Suspender chrome extension if you usually end up with a bunch of tabs open. This thing suspends tabs that you haven't looked at for an hour (you can alter the time in the settings), making Chrome much less resource-hungry in the process. And if you want to re-awaken the tab you just click into it.


It's quality.

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Get The Great Suspender chrome extension if you usually end up with a bunch of tabs open. This thing suspends tabs that you haven't looked at for an hour (you can alter the time in the settings), making Chrome much less resource-hungry in the process. And if you want to re-awaken the tab you just click into it.


It's quality.



"Oh-oh, yes! I'm the great suspender

Suspending and I'm doing well
My need is such I suspend too much
I'm lonely but no one can tell."
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  • 7 months later...

Can anyone recommend a good tool for ripping/burning cds and dvds?....got a new laptop and cant remember what I used on the old one...it had a graphic that strangely reminded me of a sort of yellow and red chicken?...cheers..

Edited by PaddockLad
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Probably Itunes for me. Used it daily for a decade or so and paid for 1 song.


Switched to Music Bee and switched my ipod for my Oneplus. Thanks for everything Apple, it was fun while it lasted.


I don't burn CDs/DVDs because it isn't the 90s PL ;)

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I got rid of all of mine a few years back. Totally gypped myself by selling them to that music magpie thing who then probably made decent money on them, but I couldn't be arsed selling them on eBay. In hindsight, I should have taken them to a charity shop.


Every now and again I think I shouldn't have done it, but it's just sentimentality.

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I've got nowt rare or imported and without those you get so little for them now I'd resent letting them go so cheap. More valuable as something the kids can dig out of the loft and look through when they're older or I pop my clogs.

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I mainly keep mine because they look good as decorations. Same with books really. What else are you going to have on your walls, IKEA prints? Far rather a backdrop of outdated but gorgeous-looking Old Media. :)

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