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My lunchtime.


Just got the baby to bed so now its time to prime and bottle 40 pints of real ale. (The big tub).





So first I get a second FV (fermenting vessel) fill it with sterilising fluid and water and pop evberything I need to sterilise in there.





Can only get 20 bottles in at a time so have to do in two batches.





And then once thats done it will be a Coopers Stout straight into the now empty, cleaned and sterilised FV





Happy Days!

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  • 1 month later...

lol does this mean your brews have matured you've opened one and the result isn't quite as expected?


Aye, they all have the same home brew "twang" to them even though I have tried tap water v bottled water, different kits, different sterilising fluids etc.


Basically Ive done everything spot on (its not rocket science) and none of the beers / lagers are what I would class as drinkable.


Shame because I really enjoyed the process of it.


Going to move onto cooking instead :)

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my ex's dad's homebrews are great, really drinkable but he's been doing it for years, mate did the same as you bought a few kits and his stuff had the similar results to yourself, practice makes perfect i guess.


I think if you are doing it with the raw grains and hops and boiling it yourself you can get really good results but its just a lot longer process (4 or 5 hours) and involves 40 litres of boiling water. Not good when looking after a toddler all day long.

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  • 2 months later...

Made a few home-made infusions myself lately. Recent ones include Vanilla vodka (using pods rather than extract) Strawberry vodka (using real fruit) a home-made coffee liqueur (with a brandy base) and a blackberry liqueur (vodka-based and made with some blackberries I picked myself). I've also made some home-made chutneys of late. I Gemmill would say it's probably about time to hand my balls in.

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I made jam recently man. :lol: I'm in no position to say that to anyone while I'm giving it the full Mary Berry.


The jam was class though. Didn't want to make one with loads of sugar, so found a recipe for one that was 4 cups of fruit (I used blueberries, blackberries and raspberries) and 3/4 of a cup of honey. Absolutely class.

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I thought about making some fruit jam but we rarely eat it so it seemed a bit pointless. I have however just recently made some homemade bbq sauce, Tex-Mex salsa, sweet chilli jam, onion marmalade and autumn tomato chutney. Probably going to give some as Xmas presents as well. They all turned out to be really nice, even if I do say so myself, and I like cooking and shit anyway.

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Actually wait a minute, you picked the blackberries yourself? :lol: Skipped all the way home with a basket under your arm, did you?

:lol: Seemed daft not to when they were growing nearby though. You've got to be careful where you pick them though, as you don't want ones where they can be splashed by rainwater hitting the ground, spray off road traffic or pissed on by dogs etc. The liqueur's spot on like. Goes nice with sparkling wine, a bit like a Kir Royale.

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I made jam recently man. :lol: I'm in no position to say that to anyone while I'm giving it the full Mary Berry.


The jam was class though. Didn't want to make one with loads of sugar, so found a recipe for one that was 4 cups of fruit (I used blueberries, blackberries and raspberries) and 3/4 of a cup of honey. Absolutely class.


i bet it was to die for

Edited by Dr Gloom
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I thought about making some fruit jam but we rarely eat it so it seemed a bit pointless. I have however just recently made some homemade bbq sauce, Tex-Mex salsa, sweet chilli jam, onion marmalade and autumn tomato chutney. Probably going to give some as Xmas presents as well. They all turned out to be really nice, even if I do say so myself, and I like cooking and shit anyway.


What's your BBQ sauce recipe? Mind sharing? :) Have to admit I'm trying to sauce a decent one to use rather than use shop bought stuff.


I make a damn fine strawberry and chilli jam, really easy to make and goes terrific with things like omelettes, cheese boards etc. I say cheese board, but in my case it's more a late night CT shame snack attack.

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  • 6 months later...

Just out of interest did any of the lads who have brewing a go have any luck or have we any lurkers who brew.


Naturally you will have to un-lurk to answer :)


are you still at it or has it gone the way of the budgie?

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are you still at it or has it gone the way of the budgie?


I couldn't get anything to taste drinkable. They all had this twang to them and I tried everything from using bottled water instead of tap, different cleaning products etc etc but to no avail.


I ended up pouring about 120 litres down the sink and sold all the kit.


But. It was a hobby that I really enjoyed the process and naturally should have been enjoying the end results and I find myself being tempted to have another go.


Have recently started reading a few forums again and continually you have poster after poster knocking up Belgian beers, wheat beers from all sorts of wonderful recipes so they must be doing it right.


Considering buying a boiler and giving "all grain" a go which is basically the top chef way of brewing.


Would still like to try and understand what went wrong before I start again. Might try and find someone / group local and find a wing to be taken under. (Yes a large wing) :)

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