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Max Payne 3


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When the first one came out I recall it caused quite a stir, bullet time, drug influenced sequences and the gritty storyline made it compelling and great fun.


Things have moved on since 2001 though, is Max still relevant? Will Rockstar just rehash the same old sandbox?


It looks canny, possibly just GTA V with slow motion shooting, but nout wrong with that.



Edited by trophyshy
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Think the first two are excellent and still hold up today. I played through the first game a month back and that scene where you're running along the corridor filled with blood with babies screaming in the background. Well, it's not creepy anymore but it is well done so I hope for more painkiller-induced hallucinations to go along with my jumping down flights of stairs in slo-mo shooting enemies in the nutsack with a sawn-off shotgun.


Also, I haven't seen one instance of the Max Payne face which I demand be rectified.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is anyone getting/got this? Looks like its had pretty good reviews, and the trailers look quite cool.


Loved the first one, but never played the second, so be interesting to see what people think (if anyone gets it).

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Think it'll be one i borrow later on this year tbh


Have Diablo 3, witcher 2 and minecraft taking up my time at the moment

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There's already a thread for this.


If only we had a mod to keep this place right ffs.


I'm picking it up tomorrow, reviews are generally excellent.

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so there is, merged


anyway Im not gaming forum mod now


Ive outgrown you :razz:


It's still in your baileywick isn't it?


Don't neglect your roots man. ;)

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It's one of the most frustrating games in living memory on the hardest default difficulty. Which itself unlocks 2 higher difficulties upon completion (eventually leading on to the New York Minute Hardcore mode where you have to beat every level on the hardest difficulty, with a time constraint... which is just insane and only worth 10G/bronze trophy!)


It's not difficult as such on Hard, it just suffers from woeful checkpointing and some bullet sponge enemies. Expect to die a lot, often fighting through numerous enemies only to be killed by one guy right before the next checkpoint.


7/10 on Hard, at least 8/10 on lower difficulties (which begs the question of why I don't just change difficulty myself...).

Edited by Monroe Transfer
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ah christ the checkpoints at certain points of that annoyed the fuck outta me when playing on the harder difficulties, it wasn't so much a save and start, just a restart from here missing any items you used before you died,

the boss battle with the floating ships especially with a total nightmare


(bayonetta 2 got cancelled by sega at the start of may btw)


Ah no way! Yeah, I hated those fecking boat things. Just a ridiculous number of ways to wipe out all your health. Ah well, got enough to be getting on with so prob won't even notice it not coming out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Man, the first few levels of this are pretty awful but it blasts MW2's Favela levels apart so there's always a plus. Grows a bit tired by the end, needs the humour of the first two back and Rockstar's writers are growing increasingly more full of themselves but hey, the shooting works better than any of their games so far and the shitty one-liners are good for comedy value. Be warned that Max is basically made of toilet paper though so you will die a lot if you don't get into cover or bullet time within 4 seconds.

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