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Anyone see Louis Theroux last night?


When he asked an autistic teenage lad who was clearly gay if he wanted a hug and the lad pulled a face and gave it "ew! I'm not gay!". Louis was just being nice cos the lad seemed nervous, pretty sad he had such a complex about it jumped straight onto the defense.


The forum bully now giving it large to the autistic. :(

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Anyone see Louis Theroux last night?


When he asked an autistic teenage lad who was clearly gay if he wanted a hug and the lad pulled a face and gave it "ew! I'm not gay!". Louis was just being nice cos the lad seemed nervous, pretty sad he had such a complex about it jumped straight onto the defense.


I've got it recorded. I'm already worried about watching next week on Dementia.


One of the saddest things I've ever seen was a documentary about a woman looking after her husband with dementia. He was completely gone nearly all the time, but he would have an odd 30 seconds where he was lucid and they could connect, then he would just be gone again. Sometimes he would realise he had hurt her or what a burden he was to her and would be in tears. Absolutely horrendous.

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The persecution thing makes CT's question interesting. Would be nice to just be able to say you'd let nature take its course, but I've no idea how much more difficult life would be - I'm sure school must be pretty shit at times. Be interesting to see what Meenzer and The Fish reckon.

:lol: sneaky.

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Anyone see Louis Theroux last night?


When he asked an autistic teenage lad who was clearly gay if he wanted a hug and the lad pulled a face and gave it "ew! I'm not gay!". Louis was just being nice cos the lad seemed nervous, pretty sad he had such a complex about it jumped straight onto the defense.


I've got it recorded. I'm already worried about watching next week on Dementia.


One of the saddest things I've ever seen was a documentary about a woman looking after her husband with dementia. He was completely gone nearly all the time, but he would have an odd 30 seconds where he was lucid and they could connect, then he would just be gone again. Sometimes he would realise he had hurt her or what a burden he was to her and would be in tears. Absolutely horrendous.


It's a bit of a slog like. Theroux seems totally lost with the kids and ends up saying stuff like the above, asking for high fives, doing a little dance for them or chasing them around the house trying to convince them to sit down and play dominoes with him.


All the complete wacko's he's interviewed and I've never seen him look so uncomfortable. He's more at ease with the parents, but there's no great surprises from them. It's very hard and very sad, what more can you say?

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Anyone see Louis Theroux last night?


When he asked an autistic teenage lad who was clearly gay if he wanted a hug and the lad pulled a face and gave it "ew! I'm not gay!". Louis was just being nice cos the lad seemed nervous, pretty sad he had such a complex about it jumped straight onto the defense.


The forum bully now giving it large to the autistic. :(


You're dead after the bell.

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You're right in that Louis has never looked so uncomfortable. But that's the nature of the condition - I can't even begin to imagine how the parents managed if the sort of things in that programme were the norm.


I think the most hard-hitting part was one they didn't really dwell on; that kid sister who was terrified by her brother to the point she comes across as autistic herself.


The big lad, Brian is exactly like the chap with learning difficulties I mentioned a few days ago. Although having seen that documentary I'm starting to think he must've been autistic himself. I think Louis was very good with him as his condition didn't manifest so easily into violent outbursts.


The 'gay' guy was pretty funny, especially when he was reading out Louis' wikipedia page. :D

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You're right in that Louis has never looked so uncomfortable. But that's the nature of the condition - I can't even begin to imagine how the parents managed if the sort of things in that programme were the norm.


I think the most hard-hitting part was one they didn't really dwell on; that kid sister who was terrified by her brother to the point she comes across as autistic herself.


The big lad, Brian is exactly like the chap with learning difficulties I mentioned a few days ago. Although having seen that documentary I'm starting to think he must've been autistic himself. I think Louis was very good with him as his condition didn't manifest so easily into violent outbursts.


The 'gay' guy was pretty funny, especially when he was reading out Louis' wikipedia page. :D


All them "not normals" should be put down tbh.


Especially the Ginger/Whispering Peach/Strawberry blonde fuckers

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Also, what exactly always starts somewhere?


Gayness, I think. Which, as far as I understand it, tends to start with being gay.


:lol: Meenzer bobbing and weaving around this thread, giving some excellent right hooks when it opens up.


Aye Meenzer dishes out a mean fisting

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