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Yeah, same with me. I wasn't insinuating you (or anyone else on here) wouldn't support their kids if they were gay btw. At the end of the day though you just want them to be happy.

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Yeah, same with me. I wasn't insinuating you (or anyone else on here) wouldn't support their kids if they were gay btw. At the end of the day though you just want them to be happy.


I could cope with a gay son but would struggle with a mincer.


edit: now starting to worry and think I should be careful what music Im playing when he's around :lol:

Edited by Christmas Tree
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Yeah, same with me. I wasn't insinuating you (or anyone else on here) wouldn't support their kids if they were gay btw. At the end of the day though you just want them to be happy.


I could cope with a gay son but would struggle with a mincer.


edit: now starting to worry and think I should be careful what music Im playing when he's around :lol:


YOu'll turn him with the Donna Summer. :lol:

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CT's got a touch of the Somerville about him actually.


If it wasn't for the bum gymnastics and having to do my own ironing, I could quite happily be gay.


Christ, even when you're gay, you still won't do any exercise.


He could be a Wide Receiver.

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I like gay people who are normal. Who gives a fuck if they take it up the shuftie. The ones I border on prejudiced against are these ones that sound more female than most women. It's an act with most of them, the normal gays need to go "look wu naa ye bent, just fuckin pipe down a bit yeah?!".

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I like gay people who are normal. Who gives a fuck if they take it up the shuftie. The ones I border on prejudiced against are these ones that sound more female than most women. It's an act with most of them, the normal gays need to go "look wu naa ye bent, just fuckin pipe down a bit yeah?!".


Yup mincers.

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Couldn't give a fuck who people want and don't want to nosh off. *edit* Also, sexual orientation is a spectrum rather than a black and white gay/straight categorisation.

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Aye but I've heard the words "I hate gay people". Why would you hate someone because of their sexual orientation. I've been approached by a few gays in the past as well didn't bother me in the slightest (one night I even got a couple of free lines off this kid in Rockshots), in fact I tell you what right some of the best nights out I've had in town have been in bars and clubs which are 50/50 heterosexual/gay.

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I like gay people who are normal. Who gives a fuck if they take it up the shuftie. The ones I border on prejudiced against are these ones that sound more female than most women. It's an act with most of them, the normal gays need to go "look wu naa ye bent, just fuckin pipe down a bit yeah?!".


Aye, Ive lived with two gay lads while I was at uni (one in halls and the other second year house) and they were at the complete opposite end of that spectrum, the over camp one was the most irritating person Ive ever had to share a home with by a long long way. blasting out beyonce songs all the fucking time, always ending up crying and screaming when he was drunk etc etc. proper twat.


Other lad was, well, normal. good crack on a night out, good football player, good taste in music decent guy all round.

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The gay guy I lived with was having a fling with this French bloke (who we all called Evian because we're dicks), who was a right wet flannel.


One time our mate was eating toast on the sofa in Evian's house only for the guy to rush over going "Ohmigodseriouslee, you cannot eat on the sofa because you'll make crunchies!"


Lovely bloke though, we were all sad when they decided they would just be friends. He came round to say goodbye to us all. :crying:

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Aye I didn't really mean it was a cunt's trick. ;h


It's a funny one. I'm pretty sure my parents have some funnyish views on homosexuality - nowt hateful or anything mind. Was talking about it recently with a lad at work and his dad is insistent that it's a lifestyle choice - this lad had a friend growing up, and he reckons even from like age 6 it was obvious that this lad was gay, but his dad won't shift even though he shares the opinion about this other kid. :lol:


You've got me thinking it could be a tactic going forward though.


When Leazes is being partuicularly destructive in football, start a General Chat topic on evil muslim gays protesting good, honest, British invasions. Dangle it like a carrot under his nose and lead him away from the football. When he gets a bit beyond the pale in there, start another football thread about Ashley outshining Shepherd in every way.


The lifestyle choice view is a funny one like. As if people would choose a life of persecution and discrimination. If anything, a lot of gays choose a straight life to make it easier on themselves publicly. There's no-one straight thinking "why should those gays enjoy all the bashings, I want some of that!"


it would appear that some people who wish to ignore me, and start threads encouraging others to do the same, just can't do it themselves :lol:


I don't start anything "destructive about football" HF, the club is doing everything I said it would years ago. And it will continue doing what it is doing now - when the league position goes downwards and the best players aren't replaced adequately, people will ask where the money has gone and why didn't they speculate at this stage. The same people who are supporting the "non spending" too.


This is just a reply to what has been said about me, not an attempt to sidetrack the thread which has been half attempted already by the usual culprits.


I was just thinking about Gemmil and tellytubbies when he mentioned them actually. Strange. We have gone a few days without his tellytubby type childishness and ramblings. But as tellytubbies and handbags have been mentioned....


As per the thread, maybe we should give tellytubby type handbags to 6 year old schoolboys as part of their school uniforms so they don't develop these homophobic tendencies and grow up becoming more tolerant of gender bender sexuality, including their female side, so become more balanced human beings ?


What do people think ?

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Aye but I've heard the words "I hate gay people". Why would you hate someone because of their sexual orientation. I've been approached by a few gays in the past as well didn't bother me in the slightest (one night I even got a couple of free lines off this kid in Rockshots), in fact I tell you what right some of the best nights out I've had in town have been in bars and clubs which are 50/50 heterosexual/gay.


I've nowt against them, but I don't think it should be flaunted so openly. Each to their own, but I don't really want to know and I don't want some fucker approaching me and making it obvious, which has happened as it has with you.

Edited by LeazesMag
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KCG - are you adopted Scottish now then ??????? And what do you think will happen if they get full independence ?


Not Really I am proud to be English (well from the north east cockneys can fuck right off :-)) but I love living in Scotland. I think if Independence comes now (big if) nothing much will change to be honest. Except Scotland which is a nation in it's own right will have full democracy and self determinationism. At the last national election Scotland returned 1 Tory MP. And yet it is governed by the Tories. That can't be right.


I suppose not. Do you think they will financially survive ?

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