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Watch the Space Station Fly Past

Christmas Tree

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I know Ive mentioned this before but I thought I would post it again so everyone gets the message.


At certain times of the year you can watch the International Space Station fly over your house with the naked eye.


Tonight is the brightest fly past of the month and the timings are exact so there is no hanging about.


Its passes from the west to the East and is very bright.


Give or take a second it will start its flypast at 9.35 and 30 seconds pm and takes around 3 or 4 minutes to fly past.


Its quite something to stand there and know you are watching a "space ship" with real people on board, fly through space.


Grab the wife, grab the kids, borrow kids and get outside and look up.


All flypast times are listed here.



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Looking out for this myself, hoping to get a longish exposure pic (stationary stars with "trail" of the ISS.


Being waiting for you to come up with something like that.


Have seen a few nice shots of it caught over various local landmarks.

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Maybe it's just me, but whenever there's been something to look at like CT says, and you go out to have a look I've always seen the sum total of FUCK ALL.




You do still have to look in the right place. The sky is a big place.

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Have rented a cottage in the highlands (waaaay out in the sticks) for last week of May, intent to sit outside drinking till stupid o'clock every night just watching the proper night sky. Cannit wait, that said it'll likely be cloudy and piss down all week !!!

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  • 3 months later...

They usually repeat every night for a week or so. I'll check. Did you see it?


Yep. I was surprised at how cool it was actually. Mind you, seeing anything in the skies with London light pollution is a minor miracle, so it might have just been that. :D

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