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I watched the first ten minutes and couldn't find a reason to continue watching. Especially when Celebrity Juice was on at the same time.


Is the right answer...


I thought it was dreadful. Did I fail to see the irony in him sitting on the bowl of custard?

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I think the problem Gervais faces is that the Office was labelled as a work of 'genius' and 'groundbreaking television', when the reality is that it was just a good sitcom. Ever since then people are expecting this incredibly nuanced and insightful comedy from him, which perhaps he isn't capable of. He certainly isn't a patch on Larry David.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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I think the problem Gervais faces is that the Office was labelled as a work of 'genius' and 'groundbreaking television', when the reality is that it was just a good sitcom. Ever since then people are expecting this incredibly nuanced and insightful comedy from him, which perhaps he isn't capable of. He certainly isn't a patch on Larry David.


The Office had brilliant dialogue and well-written, well-paced compelling relationships between good, likeable characters. Nothing he's done since then has had that. How much say did Merchant have in LTS?

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I enjoyed this. The only bits where I thought "Why?!" were the two slapstick moments. Why have him sitting on that pudding or falling in the pond? I'm not sure what it was meant to be though.

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I think the problem Gervais faces is that the Office was labelled as a work of 'genius' and 'groundbreaking television', when the reality is that it was just a good sitcom. Ever since then people are expecting this incredibly nuanced and insightful comedy from him, which perhaps he isn't capable of. He certainly isn't a patch on Larry David.


The Office had brilliant dialogue and well-written, well-paced compelling relationships between good, likeable characters. Nothing he's done since then has had that. How much say did Merchant have in LTS?


Karl Pilkington wrote 98% of the Office, Gervais and Merchant mainly formatted it and corrected typos.

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Fucking hopeless. The office was genuinely funny, well observed comedy. Derek was on a par with that shite made updated sitcom in extras.


Meanwhile Tim Krul isn't ever going to be nearly as prolific as Chilavert...

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It was a pilot and he is writing the rest now.


Yep, hence why I said I'd give a series a go .. if/when it's made.


Was responding to J69 :)


I know you dafty, I was agreeing with you!

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Watched 10 mins and switched it off.


I probably go to 100 care homes a year as part of my job and at no point did any of what I saw reflect any real life issues, the character was ridiculous and completely inappropriate, and as a comedy it failed to make me even so much as raise a smile let alone laugh.


Gervais is a prick and thinks he can just pull a stupid face and act a bit mentally challenged and it's comedy / tv gold. Sadly he's mistaken!

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He looks like he is trying to break new ground by taking his cringe-comedy into the dwarfism and mentally ill now.


The Office and Extras was good. I stopped watching Life is Too Short. It was just boring. The only watchable parts were when the celebrities got involved but that rarely had anything to do with Warwick Davies.

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