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Everyone having a good Easter Sunday?

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Wife is taking kids to in laws so Im off to the gym (thats open till two). Then Ill be off there to meet her and the rabble. Telling myself, its just 1 hr, you can be there for 1 hour surely? (teeth gritted)

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Must be warmer in Boldon than it is in Newcastle been to the gym in me shorts and Tesco's (which I didn't fucking know was closed grrr) and it's freezing.

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Just cleared out my garden shed which I hadn't entered for about 10 years. There are a couple of bowls filled with a sludge which I'm sure contain brand new lifeforms.


Couple of trips to the dump planned for later.

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Couple of trips to the dump planned for later.


Misread that. :lol:


Back at my parents'. Watching last night's motd on the sofa, gonna pick up my grandad then big roast dinner, probably watch some football then out with some friends.


Happy Chocolate Zombie Jew Day one and all!

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I've been at work since 6:30, my hangover didn't agree that this would be a good idea and so has been punishing me throughout.

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Cracking thanks CT.


Was racing in Catterick today so up at 6am so been a long one so far. Course was on MOD property so a bit of a reality check when you're racing passed spent bullet casings and spengt smoke grenades!


Was a good race, good weather apart from the wind.


Now feet up, rest the body and have a nice bite to eat :)

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Lovely day at my parents house with proper Sunday dinner and footy all afternoon. Despite all of the toys the bairn has, he's latched on to 2 carriages of a battered old toy train that belonged to my brother 30yrs ago. We've had to bring it home cos he won't give it back. It's currently in the bath with him. Anyone know where I can buy Matchbox trains??



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Had a 'family' day with all of my lot and her lot congregating around here.


What a load of fucking tosh.


I ended up taking the dog for a massive walk just to get some peace and quiet.

Edited by Jonny2J
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Had a 'family' day with all of my lot and her lot congregating around here.


What a load of fucking tosh.


I ended up taking the dog for a massive walk just to get some peace and quiet.


:lol: Sounds like me on a good day :lol:

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Anyone interested in the weird and wonderful Gunther von Hagens - there's a documentary on at 10pm on channel 4. He's the bloke who exhibits dead bodies in an anatomical stylee..

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Anyone interested in the weird and wonderful Gunther von Hagens - there's a documentary on at 10pm on channel 4. He's the bloke who exhibits dead bodies in an anatomical stylee..


Ah that was the crucifixion thing wasnt it Cat? Any good?

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Had a cracking Easter Sunday. Dinner round my mam's then escaped to the pub to watch the football and have a few drinks over the course of the night. Great stuff.

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Anyone interested in the weird and wonderful Gunther von Hagens - there's a documentary on at 10pm on channel 4. He's the bloke who exhibits dead bodies in an anatomical stylee..


My lass is doing a PhD on meat matter in art, cheers for the shout else we'd have missed it. Hasn't he got another exhibition on animal anatomy soon?

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Anyone interested in the weird and wonderful Gunther von Hagens - there's a documentary on at 10pm on channel 4. He's the bloke who exhibits dead bodies in an anatomical stylee..


My lass is doing a PhD on meat matter in art, cheers for the shout else we'd have missed it. Hasn't he got another exhibition on animal anatomy soon?


Are you fucking serious? :lol:

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Anyone interested in the weird and wonderful Gunther von Hagens - there's a documentary on at 10pm on channel 4. He's the bloke who exhibits dead bodies in an anatomical stylee..


My lass is doing a PhD on meat matter in art, cheers for the shout else we'd have missed it. Hasn't he got another exhibition on animal anatomy soon?


Are you fucking serious? :lol:


Sirius Black as fuck mate

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