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Adele on telly now


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Saw her first tour in Paris, 19 is a phenomenal album. I remember Laura Marling's first album came out at the same time and thinking, this is just a new conveyor belt of artists. Sadly it was just those two and neither of them have re-created the quality of their first albums. I would stand up all day and defend Adele as a singer. She's very good.


Completely forgot about Laura marling, absolutely adore her stuff, was nice to see the last album recieve a bit of commercial and critical attention as well!

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I think her voice isn't that great like. Just fucking belts everything out.

It's shit and she's shit. Sings like she needs some lockets. The words to feel me love are canny like, if she's written it.
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There are bigger musical villains to worry about.



Does anyone want to try and explain what was going on at the start of that clip? Proper lecherous uncle/unattended schoolboy stuff.

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I think her voice isn't that great like. Just fucking belts everything out.

It's shit and she's shit. Sings like she needs some lockets. The words to feel me love are canny like, if she's written it.


Nah Bob Dylan.


Don't get the argument that she can't sing like.

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It's not that she can't sing, but her songwriting is woeful. Perhaps I'm a bad person to judge (given that I listen to a lot of music), but her songs are ordinary at best, and have had the massive unrelenting exposure that comes with major label marketing. It's that feeling of being hit over the head repeatedly every time you change channel, "AM ROLLIN IN THE DEEEEEEEE-EEEEEEPPPPP" that is so irritating. Adele and Jessie J went to the same music academy and their compositions are of that standard. Nothing much of musical interest in there; the best pop music takes elements from other musical styles and incorporates it into the arrrangements. Their stuff is just bland. Jessie J has started to really over do it with the vocal inflections too.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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She has one great song but the rest fall well short.


The album tracks are painfully dull and just lumber on without really doing anything.


The fact is she's taken one single moment in her life and managed to string it out over two albums, which leads to all the songs failing to stand out. Seriously, you got dumped - get over it.

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I think a lot of her success is down to Amy Winehouse coming from nowhere to make millions for her record company. There's subsequently been a whole load of females being marketed to other females for their ability to do the old "ooo I've just been dumped boohoo" routine first patented for modern generations by Dido. She's ok, am not offended by her voice but I think that females with big voices have always been around since the start of popular music and bellowing away about lost love like a pre menstural elk is nothing new really, its just its difficult to make money out of music nowadays and the market for Adele and Amy Winehouse is still willing to buy CDs in huge numbers. I think that's why it seems every time you turn the radio on you hear some Doris or other weeping into a mic. And lets face it, as men, all that is really fuckin boring after a while.


Anyone who wants to hear proper boohoo stuff should try Dusty Springfield or,my particular favourite, Shara Nelsons solo stuff.

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Guest CabayeAye

It's not that she can't sing, but her songwriting is woeful. Perhaps I'm a bad person to judge (given that I listen to a lot of music), but her songs are ordinary at best, and have had the massive unrelenting exposure that comes with major label marketing. It's that feeling of being hit over the head repeatedly every time you change channel, "AM ROLLIN IN THE DEEEEEEEE-EEEEEEPPPPP" that is so irritating. Adele and Jessie J went to the same music academy and their compositions are of that standard. Nothing much of musical interest in there; the best pop music takes elements from other musical styles and incorporates it into the arrrangements. Their stuff is just bland. Jessie J has started to really over do it with the vocal inflections too.

That vocal inflection shite has been going on for a few years now. It's as though they are compensation for their lack of talent by adding a few notes into the mix. I hate it personally. If you can't hold a note, don't even try and fuck off back to Burger King to flip some whoppers.


Jessie J is another one who boils my piss. Can't sing, rubbish songs, massive chav. Another example of concentrated marketing doing it's work. She's even getting her minging face all over the telly on that shit Voice programme with that other úber cunt, Will-I-Am.


Some brilliant stuff in this thread. I'm glad everyone (bar one known retard) agrees that Adele and other female 'new big voice' singers are shite,

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Unless you're a vocalist or an expert on singing, the majority opinion rules on the aesthetics of voice. I dont know how people can claim she's a shit singer when her voice is judged to be beautiful by the majority and as we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Her songwriting might not be up to much, the composition a bit boring etc but a good voice is a good voice. You dont get to argue against that tbf.

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Unless you're a vocalist or an expert on singing, the majority opinion rules on the aesthetics of voice. I dont know how people can claim she's a shit singer when her voice is judged to be beautiful by the majority and as we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Her songwriting might not be up to much, the composition a bit boring etc but a good voice is a good voice. You dont get to argue against that tbf.


no. It goes completely beyond that. There's no denying that she can hit a pitch perfect note, but there is equally no denying that she (or whoever is writing it) cannot write lyric for shit. There is absolutely no though that goes through it from the basic sentiment to the phonetic rhythm. The acoustics of the words themselves are awful.. fair enough, she is alright comparatively speaking (as someone noted, to Jessie J), but to actually investigate it as a piece of art is futile. Her apparent vehemence is admirable, however, its like owning an Aston Martin Vanquish without having a driving license - what is the point?

Edited by ADP
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I love Price Tag by Jessie J, thats some quality pop music. You have to be quite pissed to reply to a post saying someone's songwriting isnt great with 'you're wrong cos her lyrics are shit' and then express an opinion that the 'acoustics' are 'awful' when the point being made was that the majority is the only way to separate such basic opinion.


I have no idea what that last sentence even means either.

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I love Price Tag by Jessie J, thats some quality pop music. You have to be quite pissed to reply to a post saying someone's songwriting isnt great with 'you're wrong cos her lyrics are shit' and then express an opinion that the 'acoustics' are 'awful' when the point being made was that the majority is the only way to separate such basic opinion.


I have no idea what that last sentence even means either.





I meant that she can sing very well but what she sings about is dross. From the sentiment to the rhythm of it as a collection of words. I'm not disputing the 'general opinion rules' principle that you suggest. What I am suggesting is that she shouldn't be judged solely on this, because I believe her songs are severely lacking elsewhere.


aye I'm mortal, though not peeved enough to concede that Adele is owt special.

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She's incredibly popular though, which instantly means she's shit, to some.

Like HF i was into her when she was playing in front of about 200 people, so that makes it alright ;)


I was talking about Neko Case btw. She's still only playing to 200 people. B)


Never had much time for Adele myself. My Mrs likes her though. Can't see why it would anger anyone.


....we've got coldplay tickets too :o

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