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When bad stuff happens

Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Wife got a phone call Wednesday from Chilminder to go pick boy up (Daughter was at her Gran's for the day). Had to be her or me Grandparent was a no go.


Wife was crapping herself I was being all calm and supportive.


Childminder's husband had been arrested and charged with downloading indecent pictures of children.


This guy retired last year and had been helping his wife look after kids.


Spoke to local plod and Child protection Unit and they don't think our kids have been affected at all but fuck me I felt like I had got kicked square in the balls.


Before this I may have hummed and Harred (sp) about this new internet law but now I am fuck it check everyones usage.

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Fucking hell that must have been a fright. Weird spot for you and the wife. Guess you just have to take the coppers word for it and go about your business. Lucky escape.


Bloody too right. Kids are fine no probs and show no signs of mental anguish (except the little fella when you take whatever he is battering the table with off him) but I now feel for all those parents who were not so lucky. And his family as well his wife has lost her income and his kids will be stigmatised for years the poor buggers.

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I got charged with downloading indecent images of Chezgiven, had to go round and tell everyone in my street. They were relatively understanding.


They probably assumed you were doing Pete Townsend style "research" for an article you were writing on big cocks?

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Jesus, glad your family has escaped unscathed but I feel for the other kids.


Fucking choice of words! :lol:


In all seriousness though, I have two bairns and shit like this makes me sick in the stomach. Wor lass only lets her mother watch them, though we moved to Durham so dont have any family close by and just wouldnt let a stranger watch them. I can imaging your situation though, natural instinct says find the bloke and whack him in the bollocks with a sledgehammer.


Like said, glad your kids weren't involved but I'd hate more than anything to be a parent of kids who were.

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Jeez KCG, I can't imagine how you must have felt :( As JawD says - I'd be sick to my stomach too and wouldn't know what to do. The bairn goes to a private nursery 2 days a week and it's never been anything but brilliant, but whenever there's any story about nursery workers being arrested on the news I question myself over and over about whether he should be there. They are fully transparent, I have to sign paperwork even for him to have his photo taken and all the staff are fully CRB'd but I still feel guilty for working instead of being home full time.

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