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4 minutes ago, Renton said:

Also here is a lovely bit of mackem logic. "If you ignore our multiple games where we have been shit marra, we've been brilliant " :lol: Absolutely tapped.






That has to be a Newcastle fan on the windup, surely?



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First rule of RTG now is they're not allowed to talk about us because they're apparently not bothered, so all posts have to removed to mega-compendium thread on a members only forum. So instead they have to start threads which are nothing about us, oh no, where they can talk about us. What a job afmin have in that madhouse.



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And finally for today, here's a lovely example of a mackem imagining stuff again and getting angry about it. I mean I've heard about getting your excuses in early but getting upset in advance like this about what we might say (*we definitely won't) about an imaginary event.




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6 minutes ago, Renton said:

And finally for today, here's a lovely example of a mackem imagining stuff again and getting angry about it. I mean I've heard about getting your excuses in early but getting upset in advance like this about what we might say (*we definitely won't) about an imaginary event.




They’re imagining (and then actually) getting upset about us being bothered about the stuff which means everything to them. Like having loads of fans in Trafalgar Square. Which, in point of fact is the sort of petty shit none of us are actually bothered about. Have I got that right? It seems to be the case but it’s mental even but their standards 

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11 minutes ago, Alex said:

They’re imagining (and then actually) getting upset about us being bothered about the stuff which means everything to them. Like having loads of fans in Trafalgar Square. Which, in point of fact is the sort of petty shit none of us are actually bothered about. Have I got that right? It seems to be the case but it’s mental even but their standards 


They were/are upset about Look North and poor Dawnie in particular last night 20 hours before its broadcast. As for Trafalgar square, wtf? Is this a thing with our fans or just theirs? It would never cross my mind to go to any of these places before the match. In 2000 I got to London quite early by train and went for a nice walk in Hyde park, never heard anything about gatherings at any tourist spots. It the oddest thing ever to get upset over. 

"They'll nevva tayyke Trafalgaaa Square from us marra!"

Edited by Renton
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8 minutes ago, Meenzer said:

Aye. And if we don't have many fans in Trafalgar Square (because it's not actually a thing), you can be sure they'll be crowing about having "won". Absolutely bizarre. :lol: 

Remember when the mags knew they couldn’t make as a big a tip of Covent Garden as we did, marra? So instead of drinking cans and pissing in the street there, they went in the pubs there instead? Then the the whole of America walked past on holidayah, and asked them if they’d heard of Sunderland because it’s the most famous club in the world because of Netflix 

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So that blokes evidence that they are better than most the PL is that they beat a side who weren’t good enough to be in the PL?


I’m happy for them to keep thinking this is all some huge fluke, as it’ll just make it even harder for them to deal with as we stay at this level and even kick on. It looks like we could be in the first final we’ve been in for fucking donkeys years and all they’re bothered about is Trafalgar Square and outrage at Murphy for waving at a player who committed an outrageous foul and proceeded to shove, grab and scream at our players :lol: aye Jacob Murphy was definitely the problem in that scenario. 

It’s interesting that the whole of the Premier League has suddenly become absolutely shit at football the exact time we got new owners, a new manager, and claim to have turned things around. It’s also weird that in the cups it’s all PL sides at the end of the tournament, given they are all shite and lower league sides are definitely better. I look forward to possibly being in Europe next season as I’m going to make a wild prediction that this bizarre coincidence will also be inflicted upon the top sides across Europe “Real Madrid are shite now marra, Stewie would put five past them looking at them tonight FTM marra we’d be the best team in yooorup”. They’ve lost it. 

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5 minutes ago, Howay said:

So that blokes evidence that they are better than most the PL is that they beat a side who weren’t good enough to be in the PL?


I’m happy for them to keep thinking this is all some huge fluke, as it’ll just make it even harder for them to deal with as we stay at this level and even kick on. It looks like we could be in the first final we’ve been in for fucking donkeys years and all they’re bothered about is Trafalgar Square and outrage at Murphy for waving at a player who committed an outrageous foul and proceeded to shove, grab and scream at our players :lol: aye Jacob Murphy was definitely the problem in that scenario. 

It’s interesting that the whole of the Premier League has suddenly become absolutely shit at football the exact time we got new owners, a new manager, and claim to have turned things around. It’s also weird that in the cups it’s all PL sides at the end of the tournament, given they are all shite and lower league sides are definitely better. I look forward to possibly being in Europe next season as I’m going to make a wild prediction that this bizarre coincidence will also be inflicted upon the top sides across Europe “Real Madrid are shite now marra, Stewie would put five past them looking at them tonight FTM marra we’d be the best team in yooorup”. They’ve lost it. 


If they ever get back up it'll be "Just our luck, the Premier League has been shit for ages, the minute we're back every other team is having a purple patch. Obviously raising their performances for their FA Cup final, the Sunderland games. Throwing their games against Newcastle as well because it's a conspiracy. Obviously the referees are corrupt against us as well, clearly in the Saudi pocket."

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4 hours ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

If we were to win this cup Sunderland is going to look like Jonestown 1978.


And if we don’t it’ll will look like Buenos Aires did after the World Cup.

There’ll be old men bubbling and hugging each other on the streets.

Cos theyah not bothad. Marra FTM

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29 minutes ago, Howay said:

So that blokes evidence that they are better than most the PL is that they beat a side who weren’t good enough to be in the PL?


I’m happy for them to keep thinking this is all some huge fluke, as it’ll just make it even harder for them to deal with as we stay at this level and even kick on. It looks like we could be in the first final we’ve been in for fucking donkeys years and all they’re bothered about is Trafalgar Square and outrage at Murphy for waving at a player who committed an outrageous foul and proceeded to shove, grab and scream at our players :lol: aye Jacob Murphy was definitely the problem in that scenario. 

It’s interesting that the whole of the Premier League has suddenly become absolutely shit at football the exact time we got new owners, a new manager, and claim to have turned things around. It’s also weird that in the cups it’s all PL sides at the end of the tournament, given they are all shite and lower league sides are definitely better. I look forward to possibly being in Europe next season as I’m going to make a wild prediction that this bizarre coincidence will also be inflicted upon the top sides across Europe “Real Madrid are shite now marra, Stewie would put five past them looking at them tonight FTM marra we’d be the best team in yooorup”. They’ve lost it. 


It's very odd. I've said this before but honestly, hand on heart, I am perfectly happy to objectively consider them on their merits. They've done better than I thought they would. They are very unlikely to get relegated and have an outside chance of reaching the play offs (although to me it looks like more established teams will pip them to it). They played well against Boro, although I would note that imo they were lucky for the penalty which Stewart dived for, and their second goal was well taken by a ManU player (I think?). But that team did not play more attractive football than us, and they would be embarassed by us if we played them.


That's clearly the state of play at this moment in time, forgetting about ownership. But do they give us any credit at all? No, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, we're just a team of flukey hoofers. Despite out goal diffeerence (showing we also score goals), despite returning frequently to goal of the month, despite now having one of the best defences in premiership history, they are so bitter they can't give credit where its due. And then that fucking moron of an admin on their Keith states some bollocks how Newcastle fans no nowt about football, despite him having said (lied) he's only watched us in one match this season. We "play awful" football is their latest crutch and its demonstrably bollocks. 


The thing is, as you say, this just makes it funnier. We're not haqving a purple patch which is going to end like with Pardew, our trajectory is in one direction only, its just happening much faster than I ever dared believe possible. I'm pretty confident we will reach the LC final and I will be more confident of winning it when we are than I was in 97 or 98. They still bang on about Felling criciket club (!) having a blue manchester day when they got to the final. I would put my mortgage on the house the whole of Weirdside will be like a mental asylum on final day if we get there, I mean even more than normal. Suck it up, marras. 

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12 minutes ago, Dougle said:


And if we don’t it’ll will look like Buenos Aires did after the World Cup.


There’ll be old men bubbling and hugging each other on the streets.


Cos theyah not bothad. Marra FTM



"Best dayah af mee lyyaff marra"

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Landmark day, they have hit 70,000 posts about Sportswashing (since October 21) strangely the post count in respect of Man City (from 2018) and the World Cup remain at 4 and 21 respectively.


What can it mean ????????????

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45 minutes ago, Renton said:


It's very odd. I've said this before but honestly, hand on heart, I am perfectly happy to objectively consider them on their merits. They've done better than I thought they would. They are very unlikely to get relegated and have an outside chance of reaching the play offs (although to me it looks like more established teams will pip them to it). They played well against Boro, although I would note that imo they were lucky for the penalty which Stewart dived for, and their second goal was well taken by a ManU player (I think?). But that team did not play more attractive football than us, and they would be embarassed by us if we played them.


That's clearly the state of play at this moment in time, forgetting about ownership. But do they give us any credit at all? No, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, we're just a team of flukey hoofers. Despite out goal diffeerence (showing we also score goals), despite returning frequently to goal of the month, despite now having one of the best defences in premiership history, they are so bitter they can't give credit where its due. And then that fucking moron of an admin on their Keith states some bollocks how Newcastle fans no nowt about football, despite him having said (lied) he's only watched us in one match this season. We "play awful" football is their latest crutch and its demonstrably bollocks. 


The thing is, as you say, this just makes it funnier. We're not haqving a purple patch which is going to end like with Pardew, our trajectory is in one direction only, its just happening much faster than I ever dared believe possible. I'm pretty confident we will reach the LC final and I will be more confident of winning it when we are than I was in 97 or 98. They still bang on about Felling criciket club (!) having a blue manchester day when they got to the final. I would put my mortgage on the house the whole of Weirdside will be like a mental asylum on final day if we get there, I mean even more than normal. Suck it up, marras. 

Odd because Felling lies within the historic ceremonial county of Durham. Which belongs entirely to Sunderland 

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