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mackem messageboard gold


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Just to let you all know, on this day in 1934 we beat Liverpool 9-2 just in case anyone feels like going on their message boards and bragging about it or putting it in their sigs or anything like that?








Only joking, which sad bastards would do something like that?



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Yeeeahh... some of the comments on that thread are pretty disgusting. But with that said, the thread itself is admirable, I suppose. Except that it has sadly highlighted a large number of racists.

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"Ahve alwas loved Kazakhstan, me like, that Borat was fucking mint and ahve heard he hates the Mags."


The 2 mackems on there that have roped in a few foreigners that don't know better stick out a mile

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Aye .imagine being so obsessed you checkout what's being said on a makem messageboard

There's a stark difference between casual interest and obsession, old bean.

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