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53 minutes ago, Renton said:

They really are mental like, beieving they are "inherently decent". Hired a literal fascist as manager and a knowingly played and celebrated a literal paedophile. 









The hands on the left should have a child's bum in them.

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13 hours ago, Kid Dynamite said:


More of them would rather beat us then get promoted :lol: makes a mockery of their claim we are insignificant to them 


in my nufc supporting lifetime i would guess that up until their 6 in a row i'd seen more newcastle derby victories than losses, probably comfortably so, i cant be arsed to trawl through nufc.com's archives to confirm this. their 6 in a row evening things out for me personally pretty much ties in with as it is for the fixture historically, it's neck and neck. i'd imagine that's pretty much par for the course in most derbies, although again i cant be arsed to research how many times norwich have beaten ipswich and vice versa.

the 6 in a row was shite, no doubt about it, however it doesn't consume my life in the way them stupid cunts like to think it does, much like the 1-9 over a half a century before i was born it's confined to history now, i'm most definitely over it. and for what it's worth, again on a personal note, their wins came at a time when i was feeling as detached from the club i've supported since a child as its possible to be. for fuck's sake we were owned by a repulsive, fat, vindictive cunt who very likely had a hard on over the fact the supporters of the club he owned were getting beat by their local rivals.

as for this cup tie, i want us to win, i hope we humiliate the cunts. if however they pull off a giant killing but it's sandwiched between a win at anfield and a home victory over the current treble winners i'd be happy enough with the first couple of weeks of 2024.



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2 hours ago, Renton said:

Mackem's are going to have massive banners telling the World what scum we are apparently.


I want to see this one most:



Have they forgotten what happened the last two times they tried to organise themselves in to copying us? 

The first, at their hovel, was some bits of coloured foil handed out, meant to spell out some fucker’s initials that just ended up looking like the recycling bin after Christmas, 

And then, for their Wembley appearance at the Papa Joe’s Two For One on Wednesday Trophy or whatever the fuck it was, they cancelled it at the last minute because they hadn’t used flame-retardant fabric :lol:


They’re a fucking shambles from top to bottom. 

If there’s more than three bedsheets with some illiterate scrawl on it from Unkal Mick and the Micks they’ll be doing well. :lol:

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5 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:

gonna be a quiet day on rtg this coming sunday, they'll all be off to the minster being inherently decent....




Posted 12 days ago. Since then it's had three likes and eight shares.

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52 minutes ago, Renton said:

Just realised I'm in Centre Parcs for this. Might have to do my duty and windmill the mackem cunts there in the Sports bar. 


Center Parca is a middle class caravan park. There will be no mackems there.

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My lads are getting bang into football. My little one (4) asked me last week


"Do dirty mackems smell?"

"Yes son, yes they do"


He also knows the full "Dirty Mackems, dirty monkey mackems" song - which surprised me and delighted me in equal measures.


Edit: I also went to his first parents evening ever a couple of weeks ago. The teacher was asking if listens to the White Stripes as he is always singing on the way into school. I didn't have the heart to tell her he was singing "ohhhhhhhhh Anthony Gordonnnnnnnnnn"

Edited by Holden McGroin
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2 hours ago, Alex said:

I think all the social media NUFC gobshites are on the payroll. By that I mean Spaniel’s lugs, Pearson and the ones who are the go to ‘fan spokespersons’. It’s always the same ones who turn up on Football Focus or whatever. Even if not directly being paid then via getting access and tickets they wouldn’t normally get. All part of a public relations / social media offensive by the club’s owners.  


spot on mate. i mean it's probably not the thread for it but it all self perpetuates too. spaniel lugs gets voted on to the board of n.u.s.t. by virtue of her social media profile, i'm sure should he wish to do so pearson would too.

the reality is i've heard infinitely more sense talked by newcastle supporters ten pints in out the back of the percy than these useless twats.

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That thread about the banners, man. Starts off with people talking about running stuff past the club, ensuring it’s factually correct and donations to Amnesty International. 23 pages in and it’s just pure racism :lol: 

RTG and its famous lack of self awareness strikes again 

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They've a 6 page thread on Nick Pope's injury. Apparently we're begging for De Gea to join, or we're getting an emergency loan even though we've got 4 senior 'keepers on the books. We'll probably get someone from the Saudi league. 


Peppered throughout that thread are hopes and prayers for career ending injuries for not just Pope but for any of our players. 


Inherently classy

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3 hours ago, Tom said:






Amnesty International have gone rogue

Fucking hell, the maddest part is they won’t even realize how fucking racist that tweet is :lol: that’s without pointing out mocking a woman’s symptoms of her illness. They legitimately call Saudi Arabian people “camel humpers” and “rag heads” in threads they’re all stating how classy they are, the lack of fucking awareness is unreal. 

The hatred of Staveley is psychopathic behavior mind, I’ve honestly never felt any urge to have that kind of vitriol towards an owner of SAFC - why have that much hatred for someone that’s legitimately done nothing to you? :lol: 

Edited by Howay
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It’s honestly why I’ve been so happy the derby hasn’t happened for yonks, it should be piss taking and having a laugh, vying for bragging rights but unfortunately there’s a (not particularly small) section of their support who make it this bizzare, horrible, threatening shite. They’re pathetic. 

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They’ve done this 7-10 days too early for a new manager bounce.  Whoever is in charge will have had time to realise how desperate things are and be professionally unable to mask it, as they’ll be shit anyway. 

Merry Christmas Mackems. 

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