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35 minutes ago, trophyshy said:


Well I for one am shocked to my very core. I truly expected this legitimate businessman (who is definitely not an orc) to go ahead and make Reading a true powerhouse of world football.

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On 28/10/2023 at 12:28, Howay said:

:lol: Imagine being just this generally angry due to jealousy that you post this years after it happened, on a day NUFC is doing absolutely nothing. That’s without going into how blatantly racist the post is btw. 

Adam Johnson likes "women babies".

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21 hours ago, Dazzler said:

Well I for one am shocked to my very core. I truly expected this legitimate businessman (who is definitely not an orc) to go ahead and make Reading a true powerhouse of world football.

I hadn’t looked at Storey’s Twitter for a while. He lists himself as ‘founder’ of both Wolf Data Systems and Rich Energy. The reason being, after a quick look at Companies House, is that he’s got fuck all to do with either company anymore. Unless he’s now just an employee, which seems unlikely. He is, however referring to himself as the MD of Wolf Jerky :lol: 
I wonder how that company is doing.


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20 minutes ago, Alex said:

I hadn’t looked at Storey’s Twitter for a while. He lists himself as ‘founder’ of both Wolf Data Systems and Rich Energy. The reason being, after a quick look at Companies House, is that he’s got fuck all to do with either company anymore. Unless he’s now just an employee, which seems unlikely. He is, however referring to himself as the MD of Wolf Jerky :lol: 
I wonder how that company is doing.



I was interested in maybe having a punt on wolf jerky but after some due diligence and discussion with my accountant and investors, (wor lass), I decided not to proceed. I wish wolf jerky and it's loyal punters all the best of luck and hope they don't end up with an investor like Storey again. 

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1 hour ago, Dr Gloom said:

Wolf Jerky :lol: 

What would be the ideal snack to have with a glass of non-existent energy drink? 

Mmmm, some non-existent dried meat strips. 



This bloke is a walking, talking acid-fried maniac. 

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The SMB has gone full on authoritarian McCarthyism witch hunt mode. You are not allowed to question sportswashing, the mod team will remove any post which challenge issues with potential hypocrisy on this point ("warrabootery"). Any dissent will not be tolerated. If you support NUFC in the eyes of the SMB you are murderous scum, full stop. Here's an example. This lad, "Roker Magic" has tried to make some measured posts pointing out that people from the NE have a shared heritage and it is unlikely if the situations were reversed the mackems would boycott their club, in fact, the opposite is likely. He's now been interrogated about his SAFC loyalties and has to scan in his old ticket stubs or face a ban (can't say I kept mine btw). Then this ultra agressive cunt, "Prideofhylton", who revels in stories of football violence, claims that they're different because apparently the vast majority of people from Newcastle hate people from Sunderland. On a board where their vitriol and bitterness against Newcastle the club, city, and people permeates through many, many threds, not just this one. A board which literally had thousands of posts of hate about Sam Fender ffs. :lol:

Personally, I have known many people from Sunderland, some lovely, some utter arseholes, just like anywhere else. The SMB posters on this thread clearly belonging to the latter. I enjoy laughing at the misfortunes of their club but in particualr the absurdities of that particular football board. That is the sole purpose of this thread, and long may it continue. But hate? Naah, I don't think so, we can leave that over there. 



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1 minute ago, Renton said:

The SMB has gone full on authoritarian McCarthyism witch hunt mode. You are not allowed to question sportswashing, the mod team will remove any post which challenge issues with potential hypocrisy on this point ("warrabootery"). Any dissent will not be tolerated. If you support NUFC in the eyes of the SMB you are murderous scum, full stop. Here's an example. This lad, "Roker Magic" has tried to make some measured posts pointing out that people from the NE have a shared heritage and it is unlikely if the situations were reversed the mackems would boycott their club, in fact, the opposite is likely. He's now been interrogated about his SAFC loyalties and has to scan in his old ticket stubs or face a ban (can't say I kept mine btw). Then this ultra agressive cunt, "Prideofhylton", who revels in stories of football violence, claims that they're different because apparently the vast majority of people from Newcastle hate people from Sunderland. On a board where their vitriol and bitterness against Newcastle the club, city, and people permeates through many, many threds, not just this one. A board which literally had thousands of posts of hate about Sam Fender ffs. :lol:

Personally, I have known many people from Sunderland, some lovely, some utter arseholes, just like anywhere else. The SMB posters on this thread clearly belonging to the latter. I enjoy laughing at the misfortunes of their club but in particualr the absurdities of that particular football board. That is the sole purpose of this thread, and long may it continue. But hate? Naah, I don't think so, we can leave that over there. 



Mad Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

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8 minutes ago, Renton said:

The SMB has gone full on authoritarian McCarthyism witch hunt mode. You are not allowed to question sportswashing, the mod team will remove any post which challenge issues with potential hypocrisy on this point ("warrabootery"). Any dissent will not be tolerated. If you support NUFC in the eyes of the SMB you are murderous scum, full stop. Here's an example. This lad, "Roker Magic" has tried to make some measured posts pointing out that people from the NE have a shared heritage and it is unlikely if the situations were reversed the mackems would boycott their club, in fact, the opposite is likely. He's now been interrogated about his SAFC loyalties and has to scan in his old ticket stubs or face a ban (can't say I kept mine btw). Then this ultra agressive cunt, "Prideofhylton", who revels in stories of football violence, claims that they're different because apparently the vast majority of people from Newcastle hate people from Sunderland. On a board where their vitriol and bitterness against Newcastle the club, city, and people permeates through many, many threds, not just this one. A board which literally had thousands of posts of hate about Sam Fender ffs. :lol:

Personally, I have known many people from Sunderland, some lovely, some utter arseholes, just like anywhere else. The SMB posters on this thread clearly belonging to the latter. I enjoy laughing at the misfortunes of their club but in particualr the absurdities of that particular football board. That is the sole purpose of this thread, and long may it continue. But hate? Naah, I don't think so, we can leave that over there. 




If this bloke is bigger than 2 inches rock hard I'll be shocked. 


Ron Burgundy I am not even mad or That's amazing (Anchorman) meme

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2 minutes ago, Meenzer said:

I can't begin to imagine why people from a superior place would have a superiority complex, marra


See, Newcastle is clearly superior to Sunderland in every metric save olympic sized swimming pools, artificial ski slopes, theatres with large back stages, and crumbling glass museums. But I'm honest enough to know the city currently has large problems and isn't some kind of land of milk and honey. It's all relative. 

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The fine people of RTG seem to think that the streets of Newcastle flow with oil and the blood of the LGBTQ community, Jewish, and women when in reality they flow with the salty tears of Sunderland fans who head a few miles north and realise how much better it is here.

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their alnmouth mackems thread is still going strong I noticed. obviously these red and whites are to be revered, along with those in amble, cramlington, anywhere in northumberland really for having made the right choice in their footballing allegiance.

obviously this logic doesn't apply to newcastle supporters in co. durham, who are scum, soft as shite and frequently windmilled.

when a mackem such as captain red below points out the bizarre hypocrisy in this he's roundly jumped on and labelled a mag, although not one of the fuckers will actually answer his inoffensive enough question.

they really are most profoundly stupid cunts ever to draw breath.



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2 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:

their alnmouth mackems thread is still going strong I noticed. obviously these red and whites are to be revered, along with those in amble, cramlington, anywhere in northumberland really for having made the right choice in their footballing allegiance.

obviously this logic doesn't apply to newcastle supporters in co. durham, who are scum, soft as shite and frequently windmilled.

when a mackem such as captain red below points out the bizarre hypocrisy in this he's roundly jumped on and labelled a mag, although not one of the fuckers will actually answer his inoffensive enough question.

they really are most profoundly stupid cunts ever to draw breath.




Captain Red is too sensible for that website. Everyone knows RTG is solely for those who wear velcro Lonsdales because shoe laces are too dangerous/complicated.

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10 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:

their alnmouth mackems thread is still going strong I noticed. obviously these red and whites are to be revered, along with those in amble, cramlington, anywhere in northumberland really for having made the right choice in their footballing allegiance.

obviously this logic doesn't apply to newcastle supporters in co. durham, who are scum, soft as shite and frequently windmilled.

when a mackem such as captain red below points out the bizarre hypocrisy in this he's roundly jumped on and labelled a mag, although not one of the fuckers will actually answer his inoffensive enough question.

they really are most profoundly stupid cunts ever to draw breath.




CaptianRed needs to get his ticket stubs checked. 

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1 minute ago, Renton said:


CaptianRed needs to get his ticket stubs checked. 


"Screeeyn shot you bank staytment, marra. Wey want to see the muneey to Sunderland leeyving you account. FTM"

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10 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:

Needs to prove he’s a MLF by sending a carrier pigeon with his season ticket wrapped around its foot to RTG headquarters in the darkest depths of Pallion

Risky sending a bird. You know what they're like.

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