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It’d be fucking hilarious if Elton rocked up in his Watford shirt exclaiming “you lot could only dream of being where we are…..” :D

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I hope he does a special version of this for them…

” On a river …

where …they …

*quick breath



…used to build the boats“

They’d flood the place with manky jizz. 

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3 hours ago, Howay said:

It’s weird that they claim to be classy, moral, and upstanding yet their forum, in between moral outrage for everything related to NUFC (inc. Sam Fender, Look North, and BBC Radio Newcastle) is littered with threads like the below:


:lol: Genuinely like stepping back in time, good old dangermows stepping in with science to confirm that women simply are disadvantaged by poor judgement of distance. Presumably he thinks women shouldn’t bother with schooling as it might give them a headache from the learning, better to leave it to the men. Thick cunts. 

They’re  also still patting themselves on the back that Sam Fender definitely isn’t a Geordie, presumably because he’s from North Shields (unless they’re still adamant he’s from South Shields) I guess being born 10 miles from St James’ park means he’s not a Geordie, and therefore ineligible to support NUFC - Fwiw I’m from North Shields and if asked would say I’m a Geordie, but if I was to be told by some Uber Geordie like Stevie that I wasn’t one I don’t see how it would impact my support of NUFC :lol:. Glad they got to the bottom of that though. They can all get back to making more sweeping generalizations of groups of people that aren’t them now. 


I don't think you can get much more NUFC than coming from North Shields. You're right though, this is another weird thing about them, obsessing with where fans are from and who they should support. Then there's the strange obsession that attractions in Gateshead, literally metres away from Newcastle, have nothing to do with the city. Even the millennium bridge! They call Newcastle Airport "Ponteland" airport, even though its within the boundaries of the city. Oh, and now this strange belief they are inherently superior to us, which is bizarre.


Thing is, cards on the table, like most people from the area I know and have known a lot of mackems. Honestly, many of them have been quite canny, really down to Earth. But on the flip side, some of them have been appalling people, just worse than anyone I've known from Tyneside. People of all classes and stations of life as well. I don't talk to mackems as a rule about football, full stop. But these wankers have literally started frothing at the mouth on their hatred of NUFC, completely unprovoked. Some have got violent with me if drink was involved. Embarrassing.


So I dunno what my point is really. I guess I don't really want anything from Sunderland as a city, it's not a destination I'd ever go to unless the empire was showing something not at Newcastle. I am loving the respective positions of the clubs at the moment, and hope the gap increases every year. Because as tragic as it is for them, it's fucking hilarious for us. 


Oh, and remember when Bowie said "Good Evening Newcastle" at Roker Park? Then went on to perform a shit gig too. :thumbup:


David Bowie No GIF

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1 hour ago, Monkeys Fist said:

I hope he does a special version of this for them…

” On a river …

where …they …

*quick breath



…used to build the boats“

They’d flood the place with manky jizz. 


"like a candle in the bins"

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7 hours ago, Renton said:


I don't think you can get much more NUFC than coming from North Shields. You're right though, this is another weird thing about them, obsessing with where fans are from and who they should support. Then there's the strange obsession that attractions in Gateshead, literally metres away from Newcastle, have nothing to do with the city. Even the millennium bridge! They call Newcastle Airport "Ponteland" airport, even though its within the boundaries of the city. Oh, and now this strange belief they are inherently superior to us, which is bizarre.


Thing is, cards on the table, like most people from the area I know and have known a lot of mackems. Honestly, many of them have been quite canny, really down to Earth. But on the flip side, some of them have been appalling people, just worse than anyone I've known from Tyneside. People of all classes and stations of life as well. I don't talk to mackems as a rule about football, full stop. But these wankers have literally started frothing at the mouth on their hatred of NUFC, completely unprovoked. Some have got violent with me if drink was involved. Embarrassing.


So I dunno what my point is really. I guess I don't really want anything from Sunderland as a city, it's not a destination I'd ever go to unless the empire was showing something not at Newcastle. I am loving the respective positions of the clubs at the moment, and hope the gap increases every year. Because as tragic as it is for them, it's fucking hilarious for us. 


Oh, and remember when Bowie said "Good Evening Newcastle" at Roker Park? Then went on to perform a shit gig too. :thumbup:


David Bowie No GIF

They also seem to think that everything in Co. Durham belongs to them. Despite places like Chester-le-Street being about 50% black and white. 

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27 minutes ago, Alex said:

They also seem to think that everything in Co. Durham belongs to them. Despite places like Chester-le-Street being about 50% black and white. 

Do they still claim Bobby Robson was a secret MLF? Or is mocking his cancer still their default position like it was in 2008? 

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48 minutes ago, Alex said:

They also seem to think that everything in Co. Durham belongs to them. Despite places like Chester-le-Street being about 50% black and white. 

Aye, I grew up right on the county border - less than half a mile away from my front door. Despite having an NE post code it was technically in Co. Durham. Apparently I was a traitor for choosing black and white.

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49 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:

Do they still claim Bobby Robson was a secret MLF? Or is mocking his cancer still their default position like it was in 2008? 

The quote about pride in your city couldn’t possibly apply to Sunderland so probably the latter 

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Their common trope on Bobby is to repeat the one about him being spat on by Newcastle fans - an incident which refers to when he was England manager but of course why let facts get in the way. 


See also "hounded out". 

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1 minute ago, NJS said:

See also "hounded out". 


I never felt comfortable about the way he left, but I place that completely on Shepherd and players like Jenas, Bellamy & Dyer - certainly NOT the fans. They'll all infer the atmosphere after the final game of the season a few months before he left v Wolves when apparently we booed him and the players. IIRC his comments were about the fans leaving before the lap of honour, not at all about booing.

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20 minutes ago, NJS said:

Their common trope on Bobby is to repeat the one about him being spat on by Newcastle fans - an incident which refers to when he was England manager but of course why let facts get in the way. 


See also "hounded out". 

Yeah, imagine the kind of scum that spits on their own manager, eh? 

They truly are the gift that keeps on giving. 

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Aside from the Elton John bit, the guy who kicked all of this off with his original response isn't even responding to the main jibe Trippier makes. He's saying they're a shit fanbase who don't make anywhere near the noise that NUFC fans do.


On recent evidence, he's right. Nothing to do with Sam Fender or Elton John. He's just saying their fans are crap. Interesting that this isn't the line they're challenging.

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6 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Yeah, imagine the kind of scum that spits on their own manager, eh? 

They truly are the gift that keeps on giving. 

Or hounds managers out for that matter. 

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10 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

I hope he does a special version of this for them…

” On a river …

where …they …

*quick breath



…used to build the boats“

They’d flood the place with manky jizz. 

Landfill © of Light, June 2022


Elton John: "....🎵and losing everything, is like the sun going down on me......🎶 


Ladies and gentlemen......Mr Sam Fender......


[Comes out in 1996 NUFC granda shirt]


Fender: "......🎶Cos this is a mighty tooown! Built upon a solid ground......Toon! Toon!......and everything they tried so hard to kill, we will rebuild.....🎵......We took the bus to Blaydon, t'was on the ninth of June......."



















atomic bomb explosion GIF

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2 hours ago, Alex said:

They also seem to think that everything in Co. Durham belongs to them. Despite places like Chester-le-Street being about 50% black and white. 


Aye, and Gateshead used to be in County Durham. That's why technically speaking the Sage is in Sunderland marra. And Gosforth used to be in Northumberland. That's why Sunderland is a bigger city than Newcastle marra. 

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:lol: It’s just absurd that it’s their go to. The moment anyone that a Newcastle fan says anything about Sunderland, there’s posts across RTG and twitter about how that person is not a Newcastle fan. If someone is a Sunderland fan and has a pop at Newcastle I don’t think anyone has any urge to try and claim that person doesn’t support Sunderland. 

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Benidorm, summer holidays.....


Cockney wanker: "Orwight, Geordie! Noocarsuhl fan are ya?"


MLF: "Amma fuck! Sunlin till I die, marra!"


CW: "Sorry squire, never too sure."


MLF: "We hate the Mags, marra. Do you hate them anarl? Delusional fan base."


CW: "I'm more into music to be honest, chief. Love that Sam Fender from up your way. The boy's got some talent."


MLF: "Ee's hated in the north east, marra. Not popular at all. Used to be a massive lads fan from South Shields but moved to North Shields and claimed to be a Mag. Plays to the Mag gallery, you see? Ee's hated, marra. Just like his new oil money tee'um."


CW: "Oh err, looks like er'indoors is looking for me, err, lahve to chat but err, got things to do."

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