Lake Bells tits 1 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Oh dear. http://www.readytogo...9&postcount=348 When has anyone with any allegiance to the club whatsoever called us the "Barcelona of the North"? But we are, Pardiola & friends Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45732 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 It's fairly hilarious that they're so upset that a statue is being erected for a fine man. The work that he did in the final few years of his life, in my eyes anyway, makes him deserving of a statue. That it's erected outside a place he loved from the first time he went there with his dad to his final breath is apt. We're not so naive as to think Ashley and his cronies aren't doing this to buy PR points, but we're not going to disrespect the great man's memory by complaining about it. Some people calling for a Joe Harvey statue and that's right and proper but it's not like we're only allowed one or the other and if it were me, I'd have a promenade of greats for our past. Milburn, Hughie Gallacher, Joe Harvey, Keegan, Phillipe Albert That they're accusing us of hypocrisy is frankly bizarre and I see they're trotting out the "class" lines as well. So it's classy to deride the decision to recognise the work of a great man. Fucking Hell, even if it's acknowledging the work he's done helping the diagnosis and treatment of cancer at the Freeman, or at Newcastle Uni does it matter that it's outside St James'? He loved it there, every other weekend tens of thousands of fans will pass him and remember him. The mackems saying he won nowt, but is that only measure worthy of celebration? I wouldn't mind explaining to my nephew that the man there was a true gentleman and a glorious ambassador for the sport I love, a beloved son of the North East who was respected by the great and the good in life and revered in death. Sir Bobby Robson deserves a statue for being what every man should aspire to be and he should have that statue in the place he loved most. Fuck them and their bitterness. Well said Fish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 37009 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Oh dear. http://www.readytogo...9&postcount=348 When has anyone with any allegiance to the club whatsoever called us the "Barcelona of the North"? Posts like that Mackem has managed to drag out of the morass of his mind do make me feel like some kind of superior alien life form observing a primitive species. They are so fucking desperate to lump us in with Liverpool as a club/support who have a 'look at me, I'm grieving' attitude. You can just imagine half of these utter whoppers talking to oppo fans in a bar before a game and coming out with all their 'Mag facts' (sic) in a clinging hope they'll take it in and have a new found respect for SAFC and take notice of their club. It's funny as I've worked with the occasional Mackem who are decent enough lads until the Newcastle/Sunderland subject comes up and then they morph into the bitter, (and at the end of the day, bitterness is at the heart of their attitude and laughable 'facts') supporters they undoubtedly are. Our club have put up a statue of a former respected Manager. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less, most clubs have done this (with the occasional bollock dropped by the sculptor) and nobody bats an eyelid. They are quite honestly pathetic when they go on like this. Sports direct Arena, gregg's pasties and stuff like this is just piss taking banter but stuff like the post highlighted borders on mass paranoia of a club and a support who have a massive inferiority complex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADP 0 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 It's funny as I've worked with the occasional Mackem who are decent enough lads until the Newcastle/Sunderland subject comes up and then they morph into the bitter, (and at the end of the day, bitterness is at the heart of their attitude and laughable 'facts') supporters they undoubtedly are. You're so right. One of my mates is a mackem who has lived in the toon for about 6 years now and he is a sound as fuck lad. Proper spot on, mint crack on a night out, great laugh. But as soon as any banter comes up with sunderland/newcastle, you can see him getting twitchy and antsy. Last month he came out with 'Tiote.... don't like him. He's a cheating little cunt, can tell theres something dirty about him, nasty player.' I asked him what he was basing his assumption on, and after we dispelled the red card incident in the derby as being an understandable reaction, he was still persistent as fuck that Tiote was this animal who will cheat and dive his way to victories and that he is scum. He isn't that bad until the derby comes round, in fact, he's been proper buzzing with how the toon are doing this year for the city he lives in. But, in terms of toon/mackem banter he's as stubborn and foolish as the rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
citizenerased 0 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 (edited) Oh dear. http://www.readytogo...9&postcount=348 When has anyone with any allegiance to the club whatsoever called us the "Barcelona of the North"? John Hall apparently said it, but even then, he was referring to having a team that is made up of local talent and uniting all the local sports teams (like the Newcastle Falcons and the Basketball team) under the one Umbrella. Mackems have warped it and used it out of context. It's no different then Saint Martin saying he wanted Sunderland to play like Barcelona, Hall just meant it in an organisational sense rather then a on the pitch sense. Edited April 27, 2012 by citizenerased Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyshinton 59 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 It's fairly hilarious that they're so upset that a statue is being erected for a fine man. The work that he did in the final few years of his life, in my eyes anyway, makes him deserving of a statue. That it's erected outside a place he loved from the first time he went there with his dad to his final breath is apt. We're not so naive as to think Ashley and his cronies aren't doing this to buy PR points, but we're not going to disrespect the great man's memory by complaining about it. Some people calling for a Joe Harvey statue and that's right and proper but it's not like we're only allowed one or the other and if it were me, I'd have a promenade of greats for our past. Milburn, Hughie Gallacher, Joe Harvey, Keegan, Phillipe Albert That they're accusing us of hypocrisy is frankly bizarre and I see they're trotting out the "class" lines as well. So it's classy to deride the decision to recognise the work of a great man. Fucking Hell, even if it's acknowledging the work he's done helping the diagnosis and treatment of cancer at the Freeman, or at Newcastle Uni does it matter that it's outside St James'? He loved it there, every other weekend tens of thousands of fans will pass him and remember him. The mackems saying he won nowt, but is that only measure worthy of celebration? I wouldn't mind explaining to my nephew that the man there was a true gentleman and a glorious ambassador for the sport I love, a beloved son of the North East who was respected by the great and the good in life and revered in death. Sir Bobby Robson deserves a statue for being what every man should aspire to be and he should have that statue in the place he loved most. Fuck them and their bitterness. ditto good post mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayatollah Hermione 14773 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Posts like that Mackem has managed to drag out of the morass of his mind do make me feel like some kind of superior alien life form observing a primitive species. They are so fucking desperate to lump us in with Liverpool as a club/support who have a 'look at me, I'm grieving' attitude. You can just imagine half of these utter whoppers talking to oppo fans in a bar before a game and coming out with all their 'Mag facts' (sic) in a clinging hope they'll take it in and have a new found respect for SAFC and take notice of their club. It's funny as I've worked with the occasional Mackem who are decent enough lads until the Newcastle/Sunderland subject comes up and then they morph into the bitter, (and at the end of the day, bitterness is at the heart of their attitude and laughable 'facts') supporters they undoubtedly are. Our club have put up a statue of a former respected Manager. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less, most clubs have done this (with the occasional bollock dropped by the sculptor) and nobody bats an eyelid. They are quite honestly pathetic when they go on like this. Sports direct Arena, gregg's pasties and stuff like this is just piss taking banter but stuff like the post highlighted borders on mass paranoia of a club and a support who have a massive inferiority complex. The longer they go without beating us and if our club keeps its progress going, it'll only get worse. Did you ever read Gene_Clark's blog post about the rivalry as it stands? I'll try and dig the link out if not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 37009 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 The longer they go without beating us and if our club keeps its progress going, it'll only get worse. Did you ever read Gene_Clark's blog post about the rivalry as it stands? I'll try and dig the link out if not. I did and it was a cracking read if a little bit overladen with gloom. The gist of it was on the money though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chronic the Drug Wasp 6 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 "This is a FACT" aye made up by your lot they must be the only fan base about that make up facts then get pissed off about them later on. Bang on. They definitely seem to get proper angry over stuff they've made up themselves. Collectively they're a strange fucking bunch man. In one breath they're slating us over how Bobby apparently said he was disappointed at being spat at by 'one of his own' over not picking KK for England, the next they're saying he was a Sunderland fan. In one breath they're just as good as us on paper man for man, the next we'll be selling all our players this summer when we receive mega-bids for them. It always goes into over-drive when we're doing well anaall. I genuinely think some of them become that bitter they're mentally ill when it comes to all things us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howay 12496 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Bang on. They definitely seem to get proper angry over stuff they've made up themselves. Collectively they're a strange fucking bunch man. In one breath they're slating us over how Bobby apparently said he was disappointed at being spat at by 'one of his own' over not picking KK for England, the next they're saying he was a Sunderland fan. In one breath they're just as good as us on paper man for man, the next we'll be selling all our players this summer when we receive mega-bids for them. It always goes into over-drive when we're doing well anaall. I genuinely think some of them become that bitter they're mentally ill when it comes to all things us. They call us deluded then talk of how they're top 6 next season as the top teams look weaker than ever. You're 100% about the bit where they talk of how they're better and howl laughing if we say otherwise, they actually had a thread where they were discussing who was better Cabaye+Tiote or Colback+Vaughn but now they're pissing themselves laughing as our two are definitely going to mega bucks. They were all going on about how Ba was gone in January "dont worry marra he's off in January 100%" despite having no proof, they're now saying the same about Cisse and Ben Arfa they should be more concerned about Sessegnon tbh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NYD 0 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 This is a very funny thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luckyluke 2 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 I don't know what's happened to The Fish but he's posted some really well thought out stuff recently, without the pomposity, contrived metaphors, similes and over elaborate vocabulary that were a hallmark of any posts longer than a couple of lines. Maybe he's growing up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fish 11333 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 I don't know what's happened to The Fish but he's posted some really well thought out stuff recently, without the pomposity, contrived metaphors, similes and over elaborate vocabulary that were a hallmark of any posts longer than a couple of lines. Maybe he's growing up. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 37009 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 I just caught the tail end of an excitable Mackem phoning up BBC Radio Newcastle Sunderland and he was stating that Sunderland have had the best season since something like 1947 as they WOULD have had over 60 points had the Apostle, Saint Martin of O'Neill BA HONS, FTM, MFI, SCS have been in charge all season. The way he spoke it was FACT they'd have hoovered up the points and been right up there but he was very much looking forward to next season and gave Aston Villa as an example of what happens to a club when the Omnipotent One with the Irish Whisper and serious looking face departs a club. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chronic the Drug Wasp 6 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 They've finished 7th twice in my lifetime so don't know what the fuck he's on about there. O'Neill's alright, although an annoying cunt. He'll be steady and I wouldn't be surprised to see them push for a top 8 finish next season, but you'd think he was Fergie or Brian Clough the way they gan on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 37009 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Apart from being better than Fergie and Clough at football management he also got the Birmingham four released single handedly as he proved they were not IRA bombers as the evidence was flawed before flying to Rome so the Pope could have an audience with Martin 'Spirit of Che Guevara' O'Neill himself. Pound for pound not even a Cricket can leap as high as the anointed one when his sides score one of their many winning goals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 50909 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Have you ever listened to an interview with O'Neill? Not like a post match one, but the sort they'll do on local radio to play as a feature pre match. He's so fucking boring! It's unreal how dull the man is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitman 2398 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 I remember seeing O'Neill as a world cup pundit a few years back and thinking he was mentally unstable. I suspect he might be as mad as a box of frogs. FWIW I think he did a terrible job at Villa given the money he spent, and is partly responsible for their current predicament. I'm looking forward to seeing his new signings (if he gets any money to spend that is). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45732 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 I remember seeing O'Neill as a world cup pundit a few years back and thinking he was mentally unstable. I suspect he might be as mad as a box of frogs. FWIW I think he did a terrible job at Villa given the money he spent, and is partly responsible for their current predicament. I'm looking forward to seeing his new signings (if he gets any money to spend that is). France 98 wasn't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitman 2398 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 yeah, some of his comments on the matches were bizarre iirc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howay 12496 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Aye he come across the type of bloke that would scream at rant at squirrels in the world cup punditry. I'm really unsure why they're so confident he's an Irish Mourinho as they've failed to score in what like 5 games in a row now? and have won 2 in their last 11 or something abysmal, I'm not sure but I can't imagine Bruce had a goalless run as long as they've had recently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45732 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 (edited) Aye, but wee Martin is their new messiah, because he has an safc tattoo on his arse. FACT. SMB 5-1 etc etc. *posted RTG stylee* Edited April 27, 2012 by Monkeys Fist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monroe Transfer 0 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 I'm really unsure why they're so confident he's an Irish Mourinho as they've failed to score in what like 5 games in a row now? and have won 2 in their last 11 or something abysmal, I'm not sure but I can't imagine Bruce had a goalless run as long as they've had recently. Yeah yeah but that's only because these are Brucey's players... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lake Bells tits 1 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 What they fail to realise when they constantly refer to his 3 back-to-back top6 finishes with Villa is to what degree these finishes were due to being bankrolled. How would it have looked if he had substantially less each window? I doubt Sunderland are gonna let him go wild the same way. He is a mid-table manager without the checkbook... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howay 12496 Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Yeah yeah but that's only because these are Brucey's players... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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