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Hangover avoidance

Dr Kenneth Noisewater

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right now take a cuppa tea at the moment and a glass of apple juice to bed.


in the morning a glass of ice cold apple juice and a sausage/bacon sandwich will fix you right up

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I know of what I speak


if the Doctor was in Leeds I would recommend either a bacon butty from Michel's baklers in Hyde Park, or a BBQ chicken and Bacon Baguette from the Hyde Park pub.


alas he will have to suffer through home grown stuff or perhaps a local concoction of inferior caliber

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I had a plan for later on this morning (fuck, it's after half 3 already) of half a Subway sandwich. but the 24 hour place down from walkabout wasn't open so I'm cramming junk food down my gullet with the faint hope that what id left will bring me round. Not overly impressed or confident!

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whey I've been scavenging me mothers corned beef pie, her coronation chicken mix, the pringles and sausage rolls.



now I face the daunting task of a quarter of a cheesecake, a little bit of apple pie and a fucking EVEREST of chocolate digestives....

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I always sleep with the window open and the arse facing the eastern coast my man.


it's my way of contributin to the scandinavian wind farms.

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I always sleep with the window open and the arse facing the eastern coast my man.


it's my way of contributin to the scandinavian wind farms.




I'm far too at home with this kind of humour. In my element!

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huh huh huh




like cos wind is like an element... like fire eart and water... huh huh huh





















I am so bored.

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Bananas are evil and need to die.





LOL but very good for you! I go through stages of liking bananas.



I went through a stage of liking bananas.. I think it lasted from the top to the bottom of the banana tbh. Wasn't fussed after that. ;)

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Bacardi I love you, I really do. :P


Got home around 5 after arseing god knows how much of the clear nectar and drank a pint of water before hitting the sack.


Feel great now. Or should that be GREAT! ??


Anyways, Happppppppppy New Year to one and all ;):rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Large glass of pure orange juice

1 banana


Never fails!!


(we lose potassium when we drink alot of alcohol, that makes us feel ill, the banana puts it back)



Wouldn't have anything to do with dehydration would it? ;)


2 paracetamol, glass of juice, and as much water as you can drink. Failing that (as I usually can't be arsed when I'm in the cups) this does the trick for me every time when hungover. Massive amounts of sugar and caffeine has me bouncing off walls, but the headache is history.

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I havent got a bad hangover I can just taste vodka, and have loads of flem in my throat, but I know it will progressivly get worse as the day goes on. I've just got up so it feels like morning for me!

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Just goy out me pit in readiness for another night on the lash only to be told by "him indoors" that we are stayin in !!!! Might just go back to bed with whats left off the vodka.... ;)

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When you get in: Pint of water , brush your teeth and use some mouthwash.


Take some cocodemol and a glass of water to bed with you.


When you get up: Have a good filling breakfast, some fruit juice and some Lucozade.

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