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Newcastle United Finances Ending 30th June 2011

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"Every 1% that it (wage ratio) drops should increase operating profits by £20m to £25m."


Surely that's hyperbole? As we've gone from wages accounting for 90% of turnover in 09/10 to, what was it? 60%?


Wouldn't that mean our operating profit was now £750m? :lol:


Or does he mean if the Premier Leagues wage/turnover ratio were to drop by a percent it would mean the leagues operating profit would increase by £20-£25m?

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"Every 1% that it (wage ratio) drops should increase operating profits by 20m to 25m."


Surely that's hyperbole? As we've gone from wages accounting for 90% of turnover in 09/10 to, what was it? 60%?


Wouldn't that mean our operating profit was now 750m? :lol:


Or does he mean if the Premier Leagues wage/turnover ratio were to drop by a percent it would mean the leagues operating profit would increase by 20-25m?


Total revenues for the Prem is 2.27bn. 1% of that is 22.7m.


That's how he's calculating it.

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Or does he mean if the Premier Leagues wage/turnover ratio were to drop by a percent it would mean the leagues operating profit would increase by £20-£25m?


That's it.


The Premier league earned £2.27bn, so 1% of that is £22.7m. He's just saying every percent of income used on wages is one percent that moves from the profit column.

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That's an odd fact to state though, when you consider the teams whose responsibility it is to reduce their wages. If Chelsea or Man City don't hack away at their behemothic wage bill it doesn't matter a jot what Southampton or Swansea etc. do, surely?

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That's an odd fact to state though, when you consider the teams whose responsibility it is to reduce their wages. If Chelsea or Man City don't hack away at their behemothic wage bill it doesn't matter a jot what Southampton or Swansea etc. do, surely?


He needs to give a soundbite tbf, he can't go through the specifics at each club.


He's right that every club reducing their wage bill by 1% will add £22m profit to the league as a whole, but there's no reason for the likes of us to worry about it because we're much better off than the 70% target. We can extend our bill by 10%+ without breaching guidelines, but like Gemmils post above suggests Man City should cut theirs by 44%.


He's basically saying it needs sorted without pickig on anyone in particular, like when you shared a room with your messy brother and your dad would berate you both and tell you to get it tidied, even though your books are lined up and your beds made already.

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