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5 Time Travelling Changes

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If you could use your time machine to change 5 things, what would they be?


For the sake of a depressing thread these should non personal things.


Ie: you can go and let the water out of Whitneys bath but you can't stop Grandad Jim walking in front of the bus.

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If you could use your time machine to change 5 things, what would they be? For the sake of a depressing thread these should non personal things. Ie: you can go and let the water out of Whitneys bath but you can't stop Grandad Jim walking in front of the bus.

A good thread idea but saying you can't change personal things? :lol:


You've just invalidated your own thread.

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If you could use your time machine to change 5 things, what would they be? For the sake of a depressing thread these should non personal things. Ie: you can go and let the water out of Whitneys bath but you can't stop Grandad Jim walking in front of the bus.

A good thread idea but saying you can't change personal things? :lol:


You've just invalidated your own thread.


Sort of, but if you dont rule out personal shit like one more day with Grandad then it quickly becomes very depressing :lol:

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I would launch a rocket with Bruce Willis on board and divert the meteorite that killed off the dinosaurs. Would spice things up a tad.


I would nip religion in the bud.


I would dazzle the Stoke goal keeper with a laser pen so that Shanes mazy run resulted in the goal it so deserved.


I would transport a few Gremlins back to the bushes just behind where those two mackems unveiled their banner.


I would have a few words in Keegans ear on the way to negotiate his contract with Mike Ashley.

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If you could use your time machine to change 5 things, what would they be? For the sake of a depressing thread these should non personal things. Ie: you can go and let the water out of Whitneys bath but you can't stop Grandad Jim walking in front of the bus.

A good thread idea but saying you can't change personal things? :lol:


You've just invalidated your own thread.


Sort of, but if you dont rule out personal shit like one more day with Grandad then it quickly becomes very depressing :lol:


I'd love to have had one day at all with either of my Grandads, you heartless bastard.









Also being at the 1974 Eurovision would be good.

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Have you not watch Red Dwarf?!


Say I kill Hitler when he's a kid, who's to say the march towards nuclear proliferation isn't more rapid, who's to say the communists don't find expansion more easy without the pesky fascists in the way?


That said I'd knack Cantona and more importantly Schmeichel in 1995.

I'd have stopped Heath Ledger's OD (I want to see his Joker in at least one more film)

I'd have convinced someone to stump up the cash to buy the rights to Star Wars while it was still cool and before Lucas realised that it's a cash cow

I'd have sat with Jesus Christ and have him write down the real meaning of his preaching so that in 2000 yrs we aren't having people take parables, analogies and rhetoric as gospel ;)

I'd have intervened in the meeting that permitted the first wave of Cowell-fuelled "talent"-shows and firebombed the building

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I'd go back to the early 60s, form a band, and "write" all of the Beatles back catalogue, taking sole songwriting credit. In the process saving John Lennon's now anonymous life, and saving McCartney from an unpleasant few years with Heather Mills. Obviously whilst depriving both of hundreds of millions of pounds in the process.

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1. Take Gavrilo Princip to the pub on 28 June 1914.

2. Take Ian Woan to the pub on 2 May 1996.

3. Take John Bonham anywhere but the pub/rehersals on 24 September 1980.

4. Take my dad to watch Dylan play the Odeon theatre Newcastle on 21 May 1966

5. Take Biff Tannen to the pub on November 12, 1955.

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