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Rangers enter Administration

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Immaturity? Look in the mirror. Despite accusing others of it, it is clearly you who has the agenda here to go back over the same old shite you have thousands of times before. You simply can't help yourself, you're a lost cause.

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I'd like to know a single instance of when you have admitted you were wrong as well.


you show me where I have been wrong ? If I am wrong about Rangers and they cease to exist, I'll admit it. People accused me of saying I was "pleased" when West brom scored against Newcastle - you, I believe ? - but couldn't find the thread, in fact IIRC Happy Face and Stevie searched the entire thread and didn't find a post from me at all about that. Is it possible you could apologise for that ? Don't worry though, I don't give a toss ..... and I'm not going to hound you about it.


On the contrary, the only person "walking on eggshells" is me, because anybody can say anything they like to me and I'm not crying for people to be banned just for having different views, which are proved correct.


Have you looked to see who the instigator of this, today, is yet ? Yes or no ?

Edited by LeazesMag
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you show me where I have been wrong ? If I am wrong about Rangers and they cease to admit it, I'll admit that. People accused me of saying I was "pleased" when West brom scored against Newcastle - you, I believe ? - but couldn't find the thread, in fact IIRC Happy Face and Stevie searched the entire thread and didn't find a post from me at all about that. Is it possible you could apologise for that ? Don't worry though, I don't give a toss ..... and I'm not going to hound you about it.


On the contrary, the only person "walking on eggshells" is me, because anybody can say anything they like to me and I'm not crying for people to be banned just for having different views, which are proved correct.


Have you looked to see who the instigator of this, today, is yet ? Yes or no ?


Are you sure that was me? Or did I something like I bet you were pleased? Genuinely can't remember but if it's the latter case I feel no need for apology considering your abysmal support for the team in the last few years and your obvious lack of enjoyment last season however much you protest now.


You really think your opinions are infallible, don't you? What about us qualifying for Europe, admitted you were WRONG yet or too busy shifting the goal posts?

Edited by Renton
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Are you sure that was me? Or did I something like I bet you were pleased? Genuinely can't remember but if it's the latter case I feel no need for apology considering your abysmal support for the team in the last few years and your obvious lack of enjoyment last season however much you protest now.


You really think your opinions are infallible, don't you? What about us qualifying for Europe, admitted you were WRONG yet or too busy shifting the goal posts?


abysmal support, pleased ? :lol: how many games did you see last season, and the season before, and over the past 40 years ?


Europe - did ANYBODY expect us to finish 5th, apart from CT ? Which doesn't make the longer term view either wrong or right by the way. See my sig, if you want a brief reminder of what I've been saying for years. There is support, and blind support ie stupidity, and those 2 are very different.

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Leazes types his posts out wearing his white Masonic gloves.


They transform his digits into FACT FINGERS.





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The funny thing is your underlying reason for arguing that threatening adminsitration is a meaningless scare tactic is to have a go at Ashley when as I've said the biggest user regarding Newcastle is Hall.

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The funny thing is your underlying reason for arguing that threatening adminsitration is a meaningless scare tactic is to have a go at Ashley when as I've said the biggest user regarding Newcastle is Hall.


this is supposed to be about Rangers........maybe you are right, but the situation in 1991 was vastly different to what came about afterwards. I think - and only think - that NUFC could well have gone into administration in the early 1990's, and if you understand the situation of the club you would have to say that long term apathy was driving the club downwards and it was difficult to see how McKeag/Seymour/Forbes etc could possibly have had the drive or the imagination to change that, as they had run the club for years prior to that with only the brief spell of relative success in the early to mid 80's that was sold away in the form of Gazza, Waddle and Beardsley.


However, if the club HAD gone down that road, then it would not have disappeared would it ? It's just too big mate, the city of Newcastle will always have the football club. Always.

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"Rangers" didn't do anything. It is a name a non cognitive entity. Men did all of this and everyone knows who they are. And not one of them has been punished so far.


that's a fair point. Punish the men, definitely, but why punish the football club and the supporters ?

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Why punish the club? Because they won things by cheating ffs. If ManU had been fielding illegal players in 96, wouldn't you have wanted their title to have been given to us retrospectively?


Tbh Leazes I think your constant use of your match going to suggest you are a better supporter than others is a bit pathetic. I went to more games last year than you btw. And I actually enjoyed them.

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Why punish the club? Because they won things by cheating ffs. If ManU had been fielding illegal players in 96, wouldn't you have wanted their title to have been given to us retrospectively?


Tbh Leazes I think your constant use of your match going to suggest you are a better supporter than others is a bit pathetic. I went to more games last year than you btw. And I actually enjoyed them.


Then that should be the punishment for that. This whole wanting to punitively punish the club is about a hatred of what "Rangers" supposedly stands for and is purely sour grapes.

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Why punish the club? Because they won things by cheating ffs. If ManU had been fielding illegal players in 96, wouldn't you have wanted their title to have been given to us retrospectively?


Tbh Leazes I think your constant use of your match going to suggest you are a better supporter than others is a bit pathetic. I went to more games last year than you btw. And I actually enjoyed them.


I think your presumption that insinuate I'm a "better supporter than others" or that I "don't enjoy" going to games, on the basis that I'm not stupid enough to be brainwashed by Ashley and Llambias like you, and/or one good season, and one good transfer window, is pathetic Renton.


Whatever happens to Rangers, they will not cease to exist, and have their land or ground bought by another entity, whatever your claims to the contrary. They will be back challenging Celtic in a few years again. If you don't "like" that view because it isn't what you want to hear, then it's really your problem not mine.


Have you looked to see who the instigator was yet ? Apology accepted.


Actually, what would be the point of retrospectively handing us that title now, it is 16 years ago. The moment has gone, the chance to build on it has gone [and we would have had a vastly different club to what we have now if we had won that title]. It can't be changed. It's pointless, it would only make losing the title feel a million times worse.

Edited by LeazesMag
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Then that should be the punishment for that. This whole wanting to punitively punish the club is about a hatred of what "Rangers" supposedly stands for and is purely sour grapes.



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Stripping them of 20 years worth of trophies and making them start again is the correct punishment imo, if the case against them is proven. And let the record books reflect this.

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Stripping them of 20 years worth of trophies and making them start again is the correct punishment imo, if the case against them is proven. And let the record books reflect this.


Start again where?? and Why??. DId the fans cheat? did the current players cheat? did the current owners cheat? The answer to all of these questions is No.

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Ridiculously naive to say that they should punish the men and not the club. The men were acting on behalf of the club ffs.


I think you will find the men were acting on behalf of the men. I say again the club is an entity it did nothing and is a sum of parts job. The men who did this are just one ever changing part.

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Ah right well then they should have no bother then, if their lawyers can prove that utterly fucking nonsensical comment. Perhaps they can invoke Sour vs. Grapes to prove that everyone's just being a meanie to Rangers too.


What a load of shite

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Then that should be the punishment for that. This whole wanting to punitively punish the club is about a hatred of what "Rangers" supposedly stands for and is purely sour grapes.


This isn't the case of one maverick taking over the club for a few years and running it into the ground. This is a result of how Rangers have been institutionally run for over a decade. It's the club that is guilty of illegally paying players it could not afford in tax-free bonuses, and the club that enjoyed the success and revenue that this brought with it. Rangers finished 2nd ahead of Motherwell this season (and pocketed the prize money rather than putting it in the creditors pot) by not getting rid of any of their players (why did they feel they had to keep a reserve keeper who was on £14k a week?) and still withholding tax. They deserve everything that's coming to them.

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Start again where?? and Why??. DId the fans cheat? did the current players cheat? did the current owners cheat? The answer to all of these questions is No.


The club doesn't technically exist any more. The new club has to start from the bottom, as stated in the rules, and as with many precedents. Why should Rangers be excepted?

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