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Fabio Capello has resigned

Ayatollah Hermione

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If I were on the FA I'd offer it to Alex Ferguson, personally.


and he'd laugh and tell you to sod off


all they can do is offer it to him. If he doesn't want it it's his prerorgative.

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If I were on the FA I'd offer it to Alex Ferguson, personally.


and he'd laugh and tell you to sod off


all they can do is offer it to him. If he doesn't want it it's his prerorgative.


These things leak easily, it would lead to the FA looking like a laughing stock and also alerting any other potential candidate to the fact that they're, at best, second choice.

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And Ferguson wouldn't touch it with yours tbh. Althought I agree about Pearce being shit (can't see him having it for more than one match though).

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And Ferguson wouldn't touch it with yours tbh. Althought I agree about Pearce being shit (can't see him having it for more than one match though).


maybe not. I wouldn't really be concerned about the public [laughing], these things tend to get overstated anyway, for everybody who laughed there would be someone who thought they had at least asked the best candidate. Besides, people aren't in football to be popular,or shouldn't be, they are in it to win and if you win then you make yourself popular.


Next best is Mourinho, or Arsene Wenger, both being longer term options.

Edited by LeazesMag
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Besides, people aren't in football to be popular,or shouldn't be, they are in it to win and if you win then you make yourself popular.


Next best is Mourinho, or Arsene Wenger, both being longer term options.


and youve the nerve to mock others naivety.

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Apologies if this has already been posted but there's more to this business than meets the eye;



















indeed there is.

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Besides, people aren't in football to be popular,or shouldn't be, they are in it to win and if you win then you make yourself popular.


Next best is Mourinho, or Arsene Wenger, both being longer term options.


and youve the nerve to mock others naivety.


read the next 3 words man :razz:

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And Ferguson wouldn't touch it with yours tbh. Althought I agree about Pearce being shit (can't see him having it for more than one match though).


maybe not. I wouldn't really be concerned about the public [laughing], these things tend to get overstated anyway, for everybody who laughed there would be someone who thought they had at least asked the best candidate. Besides, people aren't in football to be popular,or shouldn't be, they are in it to win and if you win then you make yourself popular.


Next best is Mourinho, or Arsene Wenger, both being longer term options.


Don't think Mourinho would take an international job at this stage in his career and Wenger has stated that the only country he would manage is France as he believes nations should be managed by people born in that country.


Redknapp would do ok I'd reckon. Hiddink wouldn't be a bad call either.

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I reckon had we competed in the first three world cups instead of being utter fannies and leaving FIFA over pay disputes to amateur players we may have had more than one win. However apart from that I think over the past 40 odd years or so there's been a multitude of reasons why England haven't done so well.


Pre-Premier league money teams other than England seemed to have more talent and better ideas & the football culture is different and always has been, I don't think as a nation - we are open to different ideas at all - you've probably even seen England just booting it up these past couple of days so it's technique & tactics but a lot of it is football education & general lifestyle.


You wouldn't catch an Italian player going on the lash or eating badly because everything is about the game to the extent of taking performance enhancing drugs.


After getting knocked out of 66 by one of the Koreas - I forget which - the Italians banned foreign players from Serie a - despite having only a few - the foreigners were allowed to return in 1980 but the Italians won the World Cup in '82. That 14 year break from foreigners clearly had an effect and if you look at all the major leagues in Europe you'll clearly see more foreigners in England & more English youth starved of opportunity. Despite being corrupt as fuck & probably having worse teams at times - they seem to have a knack we don't.


I doubt you would catch many Dutch purveyors of kick & rush because they have been ingrained in Total Football for so long - like the majority of the current great Barcelona team is made of Spaniards the greatest Dutch Club sides (arguably Ajax 70's/95) was made up of great Dutch players - 95 beat a great Milan side made up of mainly Italian's so the loyalty to home grown talent has long since been there all across europe. English players aren't going to get the chance to be great when the transfer market offers many ready made & probably cheaper, less twattish players.


Spain's new game has been a long time coming but again it's down to ideas and not fluke. In England players don't get pulled out of school, in Spain the School and the training ground are the same place - some clubs & the Spanish F.A literally run schools - which again concerns the Dutch & Cruyff's influence at Barcelona, playing tiki-taka/total football from a young age & playing nine a side rather than eleven a side up to a certain age - which is something Gareth Southgate is talking about introducing in England just now!


The Germans took note when they went through bad times & now the talent is coming through & if it's not all coming through - like the French - they merely adopt. Their football league is totally class & the best teams are made up of Germans, the tickets are cheap , they have safe standing & you can drink on the terrace - this filters into a belief & synergy most England fans would die for.


These countries seem to have more belief and drive, you look at a player - any German player or Spanish, Italian whatever & they look like they would do anything to succeed for their national team, you just don't get that impression with England.


From Wayne Rooney criticising the fans in front of the camera to Ashley Cole calling them all cunts to his mates it seems as if our players find comfort outside of it. Possibly in money or being pampered by their clubs but there's a certain drive missing.


As soon as a decent player comes along they're talked about and paid like they've already done it all & they almost become infallible - then the press smash the sandcastle they built by snooping around for imperfections to create an enemy, they villanise the team for failure & invade the personal lives of players who they secretly knew weren't good enough in the first place.


It doesn't matter who they are - the sainthood is built up swiftly & removed equally as swiftly as the entire country and it's press find someone to blame.


Half the time it's no wonder they players don't give a fuck, unless they achieve the almost impossible, they will be the enemy to the press post tournament and by that same token they'll be heroes for the clubs that pay them more than handsomely & after doing it in the domestic competitions the good press returns and it's like the England nightmare never happened till they can get caught in the dream of the next tournament the next time qualifiers pop up.


It's understandable why we are shite but out problem is that so many things make us shite & will continue to make us shite until there's a wholesale change in our games culture.


Additional to this - who actually likes the England team?


That's the one. We are winning fuck all, they are tossers, other teams are better etc etc.


We aren't good enough & won't be till there are changes, everything else inbetween is a circus.


Good post.

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The one thing I'd say to those who say that England simply don't have the players to do well, they could still do a lot better with what they have. If Greece, Korea, Turkey, Croatia etc can make the semis of major competitions then so can this England team. The current England team is obviously a long way off Spain but other than that, player for player, the likes of Germany and Holland are really not that far ahead and in some areas they are weaker.


There's been a total failure to organise the current crop into a cohesive team that plays as a unit like Germany have done. I also think the fact that some of England's better players are absolute bellends of the highest order doesn't help.

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The one thing I'd say to those who say that England simply don't have the players to do well, they could still do a lot better with what they have. If Greece, Korea, Turkey, Croatia etc can make the semis of major competitions then so can this England team. The current England team is obviously a long way off Spain but other than that, player for player, the likes of Germany and Holland are really not that far ahead and in some areas they are weaker.


There's been a total failure to organise the current crop into a cohesive team that plays as a unit like Germany have done. I also think the fact that some of England's better players are absolute bellends of the highest order doesn't help.

With that in mind I wonder if they'd buy into the sort of work ethic Hiddink (hypothetically speaking) managed to get with sides like Australia and South Korea or if it would bruise their egos too much by not being allowed to 'express themselves'. The fuckers kicked off because they were bored at the last World Cup since all they could do in their spare time was play golf and there were no Louis Vuitton boutiques near the training ground.

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The one thing I'd say to those who say that England simply don't have the players to do well, they could still do a lot better with what they have. If Greece, Korea, Turkey, Croatia etc can make the semis of major competitions then so can this England team. The current England team is obviously a long way off Spain but other than that, player for player, the likes of Germany and Holland are really not that far ahead and in some areas they are weaker.


There's been a total failure to organise the current crop into a cohesive team that plays as a unit like Germany have done. I also think the fact that some of England's better players are absolute bellends of the highest order doesn't help.

With that in mind I wonder if they'd buy into the sort of work ethic Hiddink (hypothetically speaking) managed to get with sides like Australia and South Korea or if it would bruise their egos too much by not being allowed to 'express themselves'. The fuckers kicked off because they were bored at the last World Cup since all they could do in their spare time was play golf and there were no Louis Vuitton boutiques near the training ground.


That said it all for me like. Moaning on cos they haven't got a daily entertainment schedule when they're representing their country at a World Cup ffs. And it's why I couldn't give a shite who they get in as the next boss, as long as they don't pinch ours (I think the jury will still be out on Pardew at the FA tbh).

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Besides, people aren't in football to be popular, or shouldn't be, they are in it to win and if you win then you make yourself popular.


Next best is Mourinho, or Arsene Wenger, both being longer term options.


and youve the nerve to mock others naivety.


read the next 3 words man :razz:


aren't and shouldn't but they all are really.


did brooking say anything? man whose insight into the game wasn't good enough to be a pundit sits on the board of the FA

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and youve the nerve to mock others naivety.


read the next 3 words man :razz:


aren't and shouldn't but they all are really.


did brooking say anything? man whose insight into the game wasn't good enough to be a pundit sits on the board of the FA


another West Ham man, in a position courtesy of the Fleet Street hacks. If not for him, the cockney arseholes would have been relegated instead of Sheff Utd.

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