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Annoying posters...


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Just thinking of it. What happened to Papa Lazaru? Got he kidnapped by Sepp Blatter or stabbed by Uriah Rennie?


And when it comes to annoying posters you can hardly beat that Rehhagel guy...




I think he's gone undercover in Iran to get ready for the great uprising in favour of the USA next week.......................

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Stick me neck in before someone chucks me name up  :)  Anyway, what about Toonraider?  not the new one, the original one.  But aye, I cant seem to think much further back than Medina & kierondyerfanclub.  :gay:




Aye, he was a bit of a prat like, but lets not get into that... ;)



What about this L3inz charactor! Nah, seriously all thou I have had my run-ins with one or two its just mainly youngens I can't be arsed with. I don't really have a dislike for anyone. :razz:

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Was it GeordieBoyo the chaver who kept advertising his pyramid schemes?



Nah that was geordio.. Boyo is a legend :gay:




Aye, you tell em' John! :razz:



You know, I can never remember the name of that little midget with the beard who sometimes attends our board pre-match pissups.... :)




You've known me on here too long to make that mistake, Bluestar. :razz:



Oh come on, Geordie-somethingorother, chaver tendancies, easy mistake :icon_lol:




I'm thinking of a name change, maybe just Boyo as I'm now known as on N-O, when I can log in that is...! But nah, Geordie Boyo, too legendary to change, man. ;)






















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Stick me neck in before someone chucks me name up  :)  Anyway, what about Toonraider?  not the new one, the original one.  But aye, I cant seem to think much further back than Medina & kierondyerfanclub.  :gay:



Glad you didnt mean me :razz:


though im hardly new.... ;)

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Stick me neck in before someone chucks me name up  :)   Anyway, what about Toonraider?  not the new one, the original one.  But aye, I cant seem to think much further back than Medina & kierondyerfanclub.   :razz:




Aye, he was a bit of a prat like, but lets not get into that... :razz:



What about this L3inz charactor! Nah, seriously all thou I have had my run-ins with one or two its just mainly youngens I can't be arsed with. I don't really have a dislike for anyone. :gay:




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Stick me neck in before someone chucks me name up  :)   Anyway, what about Toonraider?  not the new one, the original one.  But aye, I cant seem to think much further back than Medina & kierondyerfanclub.   :razz:




Aye, he was a bit of a prat like, but lets not get into that... :gay:



What about this L3inz charactor! Nah, seriously all thou I have had my run-ins with one or two its just mainly youngens I can't be arsed with. I don't really have a dislike for anyone. :razz:







I really meant charvers, tbh




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Stick me neck in before someone chucks me name up  :)   Anyway, what about Toonraider?  not the new one, the original one.  But aye, I cant seem to think much further back than Medina & kierondyerfanclub.   :icon_lol:




Aye, he was a bit of a prat like, but lets not get into that... :gay:



What about this L3inz charactor! Nah, seriously all thou I have had my run-ins with one or two its just mainly youngens I can't be arsed with. I don't really have a dislike for anyone. :razz:







I really meant charvers, tbh






Ah okies :razz:

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you think that rescues you Brock?





speaking of which I've never talked to a chav who actually admitted to it.


I guess it's like alcoholsim in that way, just without the social grace or acceptance.

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Steve lurved Mandy like.



Oi, leave my name out of this bloody thread! I hardly post anymore cus of people being nasty to me. Yet you still have to drag me in. FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME BE!!




























Besides I aint annoying enough to be in this thread!

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you think that rescues you Brock?





speaking of which I've never talked to a chav who actually admitted to it.


I guess it's like alcoholsim in that way, just without the social grace or acceptance.



Says the one leaching off the taxpayers' money :)

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ahhh but Brocky my boy, I've worked for three years prior to my educational stint in the Univeristy of Leeds, therefore I've contributed more to society financially than yourself


I also like to think my opinions and conversation adds much to society as a whole.


You however, are still waiti9ng for that horrific moment when you get your first real pay cheque to see that the taxboys have ripped you off big time.



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