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Noisy Neighbours.


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We had a couple of lads live a few doors away who used to make a right racket till the early hours of the morning. Luckily we could only hear them from our bathroom so it didn't affect us too much. The point is, the noise did stop as living other side of them was a rather large and hard looking bastard who brayed on their door one night and told them very calmly but very clearly that if it continued he would kick seven shades of shit out of them. What I'm trying to say is, does she have any hard neighbours in the street?

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Still pissing myself at "Where's the fucking toothpaste?" :lol:


Another funny incident. About a week before we got them arrested for trespassing. I was leaning out the window in the lounge having a smoke shortly after the neighbour's four kids and some visiting fellow bogans had all had their hair cut with the clipper's no.1 sized attachment. I presume this was undertaken for matters of hygeine. Anyway, it was quite cold and they were starting an open fire in the backyard, as is the done thing for their type.


I told the missus, 'They're starting a fire again'. Not much reaction. Then one of them brought out a wooden bedhead. The eldest son starting chopping it up with a miniature axe while the midget husband supervised. The one toothed wife, who we called, 'Wanita', think about it, meanwhile was having what I would teniously describe as a discussion with the mother of the visiting children. As an aside, the visiting children's mother couldn't count, we knew this as, previously we had stood behind her at the local store while the shopkeep counted out the money she owed for her purchase from the mound of coins she had liberally dumped on the counter in a desperate attempt to make payment.


The preparations for the fire continued. The bedhead was all chopped up.


'They're throwing a bed head on the fire'.

'No way'.

'They fucking are, look!'


So there we are, the missus and myself hanging out the window killing ourselves laughing at the midget, his one toothed wife, their numerically challenged friend and about half a dozen skinheaded children all standing around a roaring fire. A scene that would have remained completely ridiculous even without the three pieces of roughly chopped up bedhead piled on top of these miscreants inferno.

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In our previous flat a few years ago, our upstairs neighbour was a nightmare. It was a bloke in about his 50s, don't think he worked and would have friends round at like 2-3am and play music. If we knocked to complain they'd jump up and down so our ceiling would shake. Got the police round once who managed to shut them up. Through the day he'd be nice and apologetic and promise to move his speakers/turn the volume down so it wouldn't be a problem but then sure enough a few days later it would start up again. Thankfully our tenancy was just about up and we were looking to move anyway so it didn't go any further than that.


Just got some new neighbours who've moved in below us as well who have a habit of playing their music/TV loudly but hoping to have a quiet word when passing in case they just haven't realised how much other people can hear - if we'd not had so many problems previously I wouldn't be anywhere near as conscious of keeping the volume low as I am now. I don't mind so much when they play decent music but in the early hours one day before Christmas someone found a Christmas album and I was seething.


Hope you can get it sorted, it's awful feeling so annoyed and frustrated in your own home.


It's better to shoot them and slip them into a chest freezer. Make ashtrays from the records.

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Yeah been through shit like this myself, especially the stupidly over the top sex screams. What can the council do about that? Confiscate her minge? I get really, really annoyed about this sort of thing though and start acting irrationally. I do often check the in memory section of the local paper so I can dance on one old neighbours grave when they do pass (I will do it).


Boxer uses graveyard for nightime training romps with the dead!!!

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There was something on the beeb about a couple getting an asbo for making disturbing loud sex noises.


Bah, jinxed myself, I was woken up by my flatmate coming home from his date last Monday. Although I managed to fall asleep again(they weren't particularly loud) I woke up later on just in time to hear him come. A memory I will carry with me to the grave.

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I used to live below some students a couple of years ago. Apart from the fact they were completely inconsiderate it was made worse that the building was quite old so walls and flooring was thin. Used to be guaranteed 2 bad nights sleep a week. The letting agency did f**k all to help us as it was their own fault for putting a professional flat beneath 3 student ones. Got as far with the council as being told to keep a diary of the noise by which time I had luckily come to the end of my tenancy. Feel sorry for people without the option of just upping sticks, really is frustrating.

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