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Shadow Health Minister Diane Abbott apologises for twitter comment


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Does anyone white here really find what she's said offensive? Really? Honestly?

Or is just that she's said the word 'white' and it's given you an excuse to backlash at 'PC gone mad' agenda? Telling that armchair penis (often one of the few to back Leazes lunatic ramblings) has picked this out.


She's commenting on one of the ways that black people have historically been oppressed. Yes she wasn't that specific and it was ill advised but it's clear to me she wasn't demonising all White people. I find White people (especially the fucking Tories, for whom 'divide and rule' has been their MO for as long as they've existed) accusing a black woman of racism in this context frankly disgusting.

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Does anyone white here really find what she's said offensive? Really? Honestly?

Or is just that she's said the word 'white' and it's given you an excuse to backlash at 'PC gone mad' agenda? Telling that armchair penis (often one of the few to back Leazes lunatic ramblings) has picked this out.


She's commenting on one of the ways that black people have historically been oppressed. Yes she wasn't that specific and it was ill advised but it's clear to me she wasn't demonising all White people. I find White people (especially the fucking Tories, for whom 'divide and rule' has been their MO for as long as they've existed) accusing a black woman of racism in this context frankly disgusting.


True - but as CT says she is prone to idiotic remarks.


There's a piece in The Gaurdian about the over-hyped offence industry which basically says that people ahould be allowed to say stupid things (eg Clarkson etc) without a witch hunt every time which I agreed with. When you consider it took weeks for Fox to resign when he had a corrupt bum-chum I think calls for her to be sacked are fucking ridiculous.

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Dave and Gideon never considered resigning over their relationship with Coulson. It was all getting a bit much and then they bought a pair of hoodies from TJ Hughes and instigated some riots in Tottenham to deflect the media's attention. They have previous from their Bullingdon days, it starts with flinging a flowerpot through a pane glass window and ends with burning buildings and broken Britain.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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There's a piece in The Gaurdian about the over-hyped offence industry which basically says that people ahould be allowed to say stupid things (eg Clarkson etc) without a witch hunt every time which I agreed with.


There shouldn't even need to be a debate about this sort of thing really. Taking such offence to people saying things is abnormal behaviour. The outrage at Clarkson's comment in particular is just fucking stupid as he was clearly joking, albeit a shit joke. My dad has a book full of his articles that I happened to come across yesterday and I could feel myself becoming more stupid with every one I read--I could only manage two. He's a terrible writer, his humour involves making stupid statements in an attempt to be outrageous, and he is quite willing to write about subjects of which he has little to no knowldege (music, for instance). Despite this each of his books have sold over a million copies, and he is paid large amounts for his column as far as I know. Just goes to show, if you can build a dedicated following--in his case a following comprised of boring lower-middle class bastards--and get them to buy things, the world's your oyster.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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heh me prime minister hah fat chance although i would be fair id hit the fucking rich hard like


And yet you want the tories in power. You haven't thought this through, have you.


well yea i have in away labour cheated to us lied to us but conservatives have got to proof they are been fair

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Does anyone white here really find what she's said offensive? Really? Honestly?

Or is just that she's said the word 'white' and it's given you an excuse to backlash at 'PC gone mad' agenda? Telling that armchair penis (often one of the few to back Leazes lunatic ramblings) has picked this out.


She's commenting on one of the ways that black people have historically been oppressed. Yes she wasn't that specific and it was ill advised but it's clear to me she wasn't demonising all White people. I find White people (especially the fucking Tories, for whom 'divide and rule' has been their MO for as long as they've existed) accusing a black woman of racism in this context frankly disgusting.

You must support Muslims who heckle our troops.

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@ NJS - she has and I'm not defending her, just saying that I didn't find her twitter comments racist or offensive. I find conservatives and white people who clearly have an agenda queuing up to acuse a black woman of racism offensive though..

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@ NJS - she has and I'm not defending her, just saying that I didn't find her twitter comments racist or offensive. I find conservatives and white people who clearly have an agenda queuing up to acuse a black woman of racism offensive though..


It's similar to the Suarez incident actually.


Was it a racist comment? Yes.


Does it prove that she is a racist? No.


Though I'm not quite sure why you're getting offended.

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She didn't specify Tories, she didn't specify that she was referring to the past. She made a mass-generalisation of white people.


I'm not offended myself because it doesn't affect me but she does deserve both barrels for the stupidity of her choice of words.

Edited by ewerk
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If you go deep into the thrust of her argument about the colonial past then I'm sure there's an element of truth in the way European powers used tribal infighting to their advantage during conquest. However I think that's being generous in "excusing" her words which were probably ill-thought out - and relating that past to modern politics especially is OTT. Then again in my lifetime "the establishment" in this country hasn't been afraid to set Asians against West Indians for example when its suited them. Of course equating the establishment with being "white" isn't really a race thing - its just how it is.


If she'd made a point about the ruling classes in the UK using divide and rule to keep the plebs in line completely free of race/colour then she'd have an excellent point. Unfortunately I think her only focus on politics is from a race pov rather than from a (true) Labour pov which is why I don't like her.

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heh me prime minister hah fat chance although i would be fair id hit the fucking rich hard like


And yet you want the tories in power. You haven't thought this through, have you.


well yea i have in away labour cheated to us lied to us but conservatives have got to proof they are been fair


Ah yes i see, you have thought it through :lol:

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