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Your Wishes / Hopes for 2012

Christmas Tree

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Woman (one will do not greedy ;))



not be in the same position i have been for the last few years pretty much


Change is often in front of you...Just need to recognise it and grab it fella. :)

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1) Get a full-time job and move into my own place.

2) Finish writing my novel.

3) Spend some time perhaps traveling in Italy. Some day I'd like to do a stint in an Italian restaurant so am learning the language!


Love to read and extract of that. :)

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CT - shedding 3 stone is as unhealthy a goal as it is unrealistic. Happy to offer the same advice you ignored last year about healthy living and cutting body fat, not dropping wright. You are living proof that crash diets and fad dieting like weight watchers don't work.


My hopes and dreams for this year:

My son to continue healthy development

Newcastle to win the FA Cup and qualify for the champions league

Mike Ashley to sell club to Carlos Slim or Warren Buffet

England to win euro 2012


My goals for this year:

Cut 4 per cent body fat needed to see abs again

Promotion and pay rise at work

Fit new kitchen with corien work top, integrated appliances and sort out garden in new house

Get away for at least one holiday it he sun with the family and two boys' weekend, in including a jolly at a test match against South Africa


Have no problem with any advice as long as it is sensible for a 46 year old and nor simply bashing the gym to oblivion.


a gym membership would be a good place to start (knowing the direct debit is coming out of the bank every month is motivation enough for me). it's not for everyone but it's not the only way to get results. a good clean diet combined with some training at home or down the park can be just as effective. depends on what your goals are though. if you want to cut fat and improve body composition then i can recommend some simple lifestyle changes that will definitely get results. if your goals are to drop 3 stone via a fad diet that isn't sustainable or healthy then i can't help you.


if the gym scares you, you'll be amazed by how much can be achieved with a clean diet. by that i mean cooking proper whole food, not buying weight watchers ready meals.


first thing to do is cut out the junk food, takeaways and processed foods that claim to be healthy or fat free - low calorie, shop-bought prepared food is usually loaded with transfats - the absolute worst thing you can put in your body with no nutritional value at all.


replace the starchy refined carbs in your diet that you get from the likes of white bread, white pasta, refined cereals with added sugar etc and replace them with plenty of vegetables. you can get all the carbs your body needs from fresh vegetables but you might want to supplement those with wholemeal bread or wholegrain rice or potatos if you're training to keep your energy levels up. eat all of these in moderation though - and preferable earlier on he day - as they will spike your blood sugars and go straight to your waistline if you don't leave time in the day to burn it off.


another top tip is eat little portions but frequently. graze throughout the day and avoid the temptation to starve yourself then over eat in three big meals a day - a clasic rookie error. i eat 6 small meals a day. don't fear fat. healthy fats you get in foods like olive oil, avocados, oily fish etc are great sources of energy that your body will burn off more quickly than refined carbs.


finally, don't kill yourself with it. life has to be fun. i'm quite strict with myself during the week. i work, i train and i eat well. at the weekends, i let myself go, eat out and enjoy a drink. that doesn't mean stuffing yourself with pies and burgers and drinking 8 pints of lager every time you go to the match.


if you don't want to find yourself weighing up another fad diet this time next year; if you're really interested in making a lifestyle choice that you can maintain in the long term then i can give you more advice regarding a training plan. i do remember saying all of this last ear too though. it fell on deaf ears then. depends on how much you want it really.

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Cheers Dr G, just going to start slow by cutting out the junk and ready foods.


Also on the wholemeal stuff, trying to get a routine going on the treadmill and exercise bike.


The problem with a big family is getting others to buy in so that we are not buying preparing several meals at once.


Might take you up on some more advice once I get going.


Cheers again.

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Cheers Dr G, just going to start slow by cutting out the junk and ready foods.


Also on the wholemeal stuff, trying to get a routine going on the treadmill and exercise bike.


The problem with a big family is getting others to buy in so that we are not buying preparing several meals at once.


Might take you up on some more advice once I get going.


Cheers again.


Tell me more about this wholemeal treadmill routine.


As for the family - tell them they eat what gets cooked.

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Gloom, I'm getting an exercise bike to couple with running and drumming to shift some weight and generally stay healthier and trimmer so wouldn't mind any assistance with exercise plans or even diet tips. Looking to cook more food over next year but have no idea where to start besides "not eating a load of shit"

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Yeah, interval training is the bOllocks for dropping fat. Mix it up with some total body free weight excercises using compound lifts, deadlifts, squats, row, pullup, shoulder press etc to maintain muscle mass. Too much cardio and you'll burn muscle as well as fat - not a good look. Happy to post more detailed training plans later if needed.

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