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New Year's Eve

Monkeys Fist

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So far, plans are a meal in with Mrs. F.


King Prawn and Parma Ham wrapped Scallop kebabs


Fillet Rossini with Pommes Dauphinoise , caramelised carrots and steamed tender-stem broccoli.


Chocolate Fondant with Grand Marnier Cream.



Considered Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, but fuck that :lol:




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King Prawn and Parma Ham wrapped Scallop kebabs


Fillet Rossini with Pommes Dauphinoise , caramelised carrots and steamed tender-stem broccoli.


Chocolate Fondant with Grand Marnier Cream.



La di da

Pleb version;

Seafood sticks

Steak and cheesy mash

Chocolate cake.


Put that in your pipe and share it ;)

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I shall be doing what Ive done for the last 4 years.


During the day out on the bike, with the decent weather Ill get a decent 120km in, then on the night a good takeaway and the feet up watching a film.


NYE isnt my bag. Too many wankers out and I dont need to add to them ;)

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In all my years, NYE always ended up the biggest anti-climax of the year. Over priced clubs, over priced beer and wankers that don't normally go clubbing or whatever on the lash.


No, I'll be at home likely going through a bottle of wine and munching cheese n crackers as I have for a few years now :lol:


Genuinely dont miss going out on NYE like ;)

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Going to a small gathering round a friends house. Certainly won't be a late one.


New Year's Day however I'm going to Circo Loco at Proud2 (used to be Matter) in London. Could get messy. :aye:

I am meant to be having the exact same, dinner and booze in Barnes on NYE and then just the lads off to Matter the next day to do these bennies from the dam whilst the women folk stay home and look after the children. Our lass won't buy that so who knows but my mate who is back from NZ reckons thats the plan and he intends to persuade the wives to let us all go. I might be allowed to pop along and have a shandy or two.

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Good lad (if you actually get to go). Just to warn you though, I think I read that Circo Loco tickets had sold out and that there are going to be very limited tickets being sold very early on the night on the door, so you may want to check into that before committing to anything, or at least have a plan B in the works just in case!

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Especially those who aren't bothering , just sitting in and chilling eh?





JawD's right like, the number of part-time drinkers who roll out and ruin it for the rest of the normal populace is staggering. Hate having to pay for the privilege of getting in pubs that normally don't even have bouncers on the door, but now suddenly it's a fiver to get in, a premium on the beers and some twat in the corner with a Tomy My-First-DJ-Booth playing Now 95 (or wherever we're up to) and trying to gee up the crowd.


The best New Years have always been round at someone's house, be it a 40 strong house party that rolls on into the following night, or just a dozen of you getting merrily pissed the party ending about an hour after someone first suggests getting a board game out.

Edited by The Fish
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I'm working.


That's right; working... again.


I have contempt for you all.


Even I'M not working NYE this year, you loser ;)


Yeah, but you'll be looking after a small child, whereas I'm not allowed to, ever since... the incident.

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