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The most ridiculous thing I've seen recently is jeans with elasticated ankles. I mean what the fuck is that all about. I cannot imagine going out to get some jeans and thinking "Ah these ones are smart. I'll look like fucking Aladdin on his dress down day."

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One thing I will say is that I think the Toon was at the vanguard of this, quite strangely. Definitely noticed more of those massively angular hairstyles in Newcastle than other cities to start with. Lots of people looking gay, while actually still being one of the more homophobic cities of the country. Quite an odd discrepancy really. Other places have caught up now but I definitely noticed the gay hairstyle/t shirt combo prevalent on a large scale amongst hetero NE lads first.


Just like to add that I've not noticed one instance of it amongst people I've met off here. *disclaimer*


That rules The Fish out of who it could be then.




Your hair has been borderline at times by the way, but mercifully you never angle it upwards at the front at a peacock-esque 45 degrees. The warning signs are flashing white hot elsewhere though.

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I think it's unfair to label these new Justin Beebo angular hairstyles as 'gay', that does a disservice to gay people. Louis Spence could batter the shit out of a lot of these specimens. They wouldn't say boo to a goose--they're closer to asexual than gay really. There are gay men who are not wimps and who you would not like to cross, as I found when I was the victim of an attempted rape by two roughshod brutes. I survived, but a lot of my so-called peers would have perished. Even a gay man like Peter Tatchell has some balls and is willing to take a beating rather than run away from bullies and bigots. These people who follow the teenybopper fashion trends are sending out strong messages about themselves: no intellect; dull, weak personality; shit in bed. Thick girls lap it up, along with their diet of X Factor and whatever other shite is in these days, women will have no interest in them.

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How many of these men actually dress themselves?


I reckon most just get dressed by their lasses tbh


Aye, I bet its a high percentage.


Its the pants hanging around their knees that does my head in. Most of them look even stupider because they have Spongebob BASTARD Square pants on! Or Mickey Bloody Mouse!

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I know we all probably wore some bad clobber when we were younger but I never wore anything as bad as those trousers with elasticated bottoms. The skinny hipsters wearing them are bad enough but have seen a few fat fuckers (often with back spiked haircuts) in them who look even more ridiculous. They look like spinning tops.


I think we may need a cull.

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I know we all probably wore some bad clobber when we were younger but I never wore anything as bad as those trousers with elasticated bottoms. The skinny hipsters wearing them are bad enough but have seen a few fat fuckers (often with back spiked haircuts) in them who look even more ridiculous. They look like spinning tops.


I think we may need a cull.


Oh them silly bastards with them deck shoes!

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Aye, they're a reet bunch of fannies. Someone needs to tell them trendy doesn't equal stylish. My favourite worst trend is definitely those jeans that are too short with deck shoes or toms, especially if it's a big fat lad.


Went into the sales looking for clothes yesterday. Christ alive.

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Something wor lass actually pointed out to me today. Do you think that young lads (say 18~25) are more "feminine" these days? When I was a bairn if people went on (walk/dress etc) you'd have them down as homosexual. Is it that it is more acceptable so lads dont feel the need to be so "male". I pissed myself laughing when she said it as she's usually pretty "PC". But as we walked around the metro centre how damn right she was :lol: Typically it involved wearing jeans hanging around your arse and "mincing". Or am I just getting old these days? Actually reading it now I sound more like Alf Garnett... :lol:

Mentioned this a while ago. Sweet Jesus do the young'uns need to man up! What a fucking clip, even Duncan Norville would blush.

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Someone needs to tell young lads that Shredded wheat hair looks absolutely ridiculous. It's not meant to be combed forward from the back of your head and despite trying to brush it forward with spit every 5 minutes, by the end of the day it will just go back to where it's naturally meant to be.


The elasticated ankles/canvas shoes combo also makes me despair. I thought I was lucky having a son instead of a daughter growing up in an increasingly image-conscious world but I can see that I still have my work cut out. His favourite t-shirt has Rex from Toy Story on it at the moment so I might be okay...

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