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Blur v Oasis

Dr Gloom

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Stevie you seem to take your mentality as a football supporter and apply it to music.


For you, Oasis = The toon, Jimmy Nail = Toon under Joe Harvey, etc. Beatles = The Wall Pushers, The Smiths = Sunderland.


Music doesn't really work like that. There's a reason why it's popular to like the Beatles nearly 50 years after the fact, that's because they made some great records. Abbey Road, Revolver, Rubber Soul, The White Album, they were fantastic and hugely influential records and they remain so. If you could name some of these bands from the 60s who were better than the Beatles we could compare their records. Somehow I don't think they'll stand up to the Beatle's output.


Personally I'd say "Something Else" "Face To Face" Village Green" and "Arthur" by The Kinks are a better 4 albums than the ones you mentioned. I do appreciate the Beatles were great though, I just think the Kinks have the edge on them myself. Liked how you didn't mention Sergeant Pepper, most overrated Beatles album by far imo.


Sgt. Peppers is the one I listen to the least, although there are still some great songs on there. It is rated so highly because of the impact it had at the time, but for people like me, I just judge the albums as stand-alone records. The Beatles' main strength was that they had prolific songwriters in the group who were capable of producing truly great songs. They also got partnered with George Martin who contributed a lot as a producer and has done some cracking work with other artists, notably Jeff Beck for me because I'm a guitar nut.


I've not actually listened to any of the Kinks records and have only heard their big singles. Might have a delve in.


With regard to popularity vs greatness I'd put it like this. There is music which is very popular that has little to no musical value: The Black Eyed Peas and various pop tarts would be a good example. Then there is music that is very popular and is actually good, sometimes great. One way you can tell the difference is that in 50 years nobody will be listening to the Black Eyed Peas, and if they are I will do a Rauol Moat, whereas many will still be banging on about the Beatles and Pink Floyd. Then there is great music that has never been and never will be popular--tired of these honkys pushin down the black man--but that's another story.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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