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There are some lovely people in this country

Kevin S. Assilleekunt

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I know it does, you just seen to particularly like pointing it out when it's aimed at whites.

Lol, I think you're over-reading in to it a little there Ewank, you're not ashamed of your race are you? We're all flesh and bones under the rest of the bollocks.
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Lol, I think you're over-reading in to it a little there Ewank, you're not ashamed of your race are you? We're all flesh and bones under the rest of the bollocks.


From the Beeb



She should be booted out, can you imagine the uproar if a white MP had said something like "Black folk love fried chicken"? What's good for the goose.


I don't see a problem with what the judge did, it's obvious these girls behaved out of character due to being under the influence of alcohol. The 'white slag' deserved it for provoking these innocent Muslim girls with her 'whiteness'.


Sad really, I just dislike the way the media/society feel the need to make so much of a black youth getting murdered by a white gang whereas they tend to be far less bothered if a white youth gets murdered by a black/ethnic gang. No wonder there's so much hatred going around both ways, it gets stirred up so badly.

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Err... so because I've pointed out that racism can happen regardless of race I'm racist? Okaaay... You're just looking to start arguements.To be honest I don't really care what race people are, if they're scum they're scum.

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Err... so because I've pointed out that racism can happen regardless of race I'm racist? Okaaay... You're just looking to start arguements.To be honest I don't really care what race people are, if they're scum they're scum.


I'm simply illustrating that it always seems to be you who points out the ethnic on white racism. People can draw their own conclusions or not.

Edited by ewerk
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I was walking do a less than stellar street in East ‘ULL when a dog stopped to defecate on the street. Now the dog was on a lead and the owner had his bag out to scoop the poop so all was good.


However at the same time a mother and toddler were walking past and the girl said


“That do is having a shit.”


Now instead of the mother berating the child for using a naughty word and saying we don’t use that word in our house etc… she laughed and repeated what the little girl had said.


I could have slapped her myself!

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She could be mentally ill, but she's CLEARLY off her face on speed, e or toot. Amazing that no one else has mentioned this. There are thousands like her in London as someone who has spent a large portion of my life there I know. I've been racially abused myself in Lewisham, very easy to do when you have three of your mates with you and a Staffy. I hope she gets the same 22 week jail sentence this woman got.....


Edited by McFaul
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  • 1 year later...

She could be mentally ill, but she's CLEARLY off her face on speed, e or toot. Amazing that no one else has mentioned this. There are thousands like her in London as someone who has spent a large portion of my life there I know. I've been racially abused myself in Lewisham, very easy to do when you have three of your mates with you and a Staffy. I hope she gets the same 22 week jail sentence this woman got.....



Perfect position for the stretch/accidental elbow. :lol:

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In Germany people get asked where they're originally from even at posh dinner parties cause they 'really need to know'...:lol: I pointed out on Sat night to one woman that it was actually quite rude to press people about their ethnicity in Eng....:lol:

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Just on that last video, I had a great uncle who was a teenager during WWII so too young to go but old enough to know what was going on. He had brothers who went and the aftermath of it was that he hated, and I mean hated, the Japanese. He was a lovely bloke, a favourite great uncle of mine in fact, hard working and a good laugh and never said a bad word about anyone. But someone, I'm sure one of his brothers, had come back from the war having been tortured by the Japanese and that was it, he was programmed to hate them all his life. Tis a strange thing.

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