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Holocaust Memorial Day


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Part of the problem Holocaust Memorial Day suffers from is the ridiculous political bickering around it.

The MCB have boycotted/supported/boycotted it off and on since it's inception over Palestine, Gay holocaust victims, Armenia etc etc.


All dilutes the point of it, which no same person can really dispute.

Edited by Monkeys Fist
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His point is a good one though. The poppy is becoming an excuse for far right dickheads to have a pop at immigrants in the UK. They don't get the irony that the Nazi's also had a hatred for all people not born and bred in Germany.

So the nazi's hated Hitler too? He wasn't born in Germany. Absolute bollocks anyway. Hitler respected Britain massively. He was shagging a lass from Bognor Regis even after the war started ffs, if you knew your history.


The poppy has become a symbol of the far right??!?!?!?! Fucking hell this is your worst post ever, and that's saying something after your Tottenham crack yesterday.

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FWIW no film had an effect on me like Schindlers List did, I was like Gazza in Turin for half an hour after the first time I saw it. Hitler's hatred was borne out of jealousy, and that jealousy of jews exists today. Yes they're bullies, there's 13m of them worldwide, and they control an unbelievable amount of the power and wealth in the world, but so what at least they're intelligent enough to do it. Hitler was jealous of their wealth, and money and wealth remain the core reasons evil prospers even to this day. Having said all that they should fuck off out of Palestine and give the muslims more land though the cunts.

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